Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Getting up to speed with Quickr ( getting Quicker with Quickr ? )

Have spent a fun few hours this afternoon playing with, and customizing, Lotus Quickr ( deployed on WebSphere Portal rather than Domino ). I uploaded content using the Connectors from Office XP, Windows Explorer, Sametime and Notes 8. I also tried the "drag n' drop" jobbie.

PS Does one say Connector or Connectr ?

All I can say is "Wow, it's soo cool".

A good example of how component-based architectures work e.g. using Portal Document Manager and Web Content Management through WebSphere Portal, but in a seamless OOB fashion.

Just starting to play with the themes and skins ( standard WebSphere Portal 6 stuff, although it'd be great to see the Portal 6.1 Theme Customizer in there in the future - 8.1 ?? ).

I've just cracked the art of changing the the text on the front page from the default "IBM Lotus Quickr - The fastest way to share everyday content across connected teams" to something different.



In essence, this "splash screen" is created by a portlet called Quickr My Places Header that's deployed on page Content Root -> Home -> Home.

This portlet uses a JSP called MyPlacesHeaderPortletView.jsp which is located in: -


This JSP gets its text from a properties file called: -

which, for the English locale, translates to: -

in: -


I changed the value for the NVP quickrArrived from IBM Lotus Quickr to Welcome to my Quickr.

I also changed the text for fastestWay from The fastest way to share everyday content across connected teams to This is THE collaborative team document sharing place-to-be.

Having previous enabled JSP reloading for this particular web application: -

a) Edit ibm-web-ext.xmi in \Quickr\wp_profile\config\cells\dmht6\applications\Quickr_My_ces_Header_quyyjdy.ear\deployments\Quickr_My_ces_Header_quyyjdy\MyPlacesHeader.war\WEB-INF
b) Change reloadingEnabled="false" to reloadingEnabled="true"
c) Restart Quickr

I only need to "touch" the aforementioned MyPlacesHeaderPortletView.jsp to force the page reload. I can then see the changes dynamically by reloading the web browser.

However, you don't need to use reloading if you don't mind restarting Quickr each time you make a change.

There's probably an easier way to do this - given that Quickr is based on WCM, I'm wondering whether I could use that instead e.g. cut down the JSP and then use a WCM component.

A job for another day ................


Divya Bhatia said...

Hi all,

I wanna know how could I get the color scheme of QuickPlace Templates to QuickR

Divya Bhatia said...

Hi all,

I wanna know how could I get the color scheme of QuickPlace Templates to QuickR

Dave Hay said...

Hi Divya

Sorry I missed your comment - please can you expand on your question, as I'm not sure I fully understand it, regards, Dave

Unknown said...

Hi, This method not change the splah screen in quickr 8.1

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