Friday 27 June 2008

Lotus Notes 8.0.2 - like 8.0.1 but soooo much faster

Am running this on Ubuntu ( Hardy ) having converted the RPMs to DEBs using Alien. The startup time is considerably improved - 8.0.1 averaged 11.75 seconds to the password prompt, whereas 8.0.2 takes 2.5 seconds to reach the same point, and I have my mail file open within the 11.75 seconds ( if I type my password fast enough ).

Another nice feature - Sametime now automatically logs in, which never seem to happen on 8.0.1.

And widget work without needing to use that nice Mr Davies' tip.

All in all, I'm that much closer to staying on Ubuntu for ever - just need to get suspend/resume working, and also figure out why wireless broke after a kernel update :-(

Quickr Wiki ... Quickr Wiki ... Quickr Wiki - Try saying that quickr-ly ....

It's here and it's excellent

Useful Notes training materials -

Found this site whilst helping a colleague ... including some FREE Notes/Domino/Sametime guides.

Nice work, folks

Wednesday 25 June 2008

Tuesday 24 June 2008

It's (almost) here, I can hear it slowly walking up the drive ............

IBM WebSphere Portal V6.1 leverages Web 2.0 to provide exceptional user experiences

At a glance

WebSphere Portal V6.1 provides an exceptional user experience, facilitates reuse of Web assets and existing IT assets, and improves ease of deployment. It enables organizations to quickly implement new business designs that are engaging, flexible, and high performance.

Enhanced Web 2.0 capabilities enable desktop-like responsiveness and much more intuitive and participatory composite business applications that leverage both Web and corporate information sources.

New installation options, customization tools, site deployment wizard, and out-of-the-box jumpstart templates all contribute to less effort, less cost, and faster time to value.

Support for WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and enhancements for site layout and management, security configuration, portlet deployment and management — all lead to greater reliability, manageability, and performance.

IBM continues its leadership role in development and implementation of the most recent portal open standards, such as JSR286 and WSRP 2.0.

Roll on June 30th, that's what I say ...............

The full announcement is here, with the PDF version here.

Sorry, your platform is not supported.

Now I remember why I don't use Twhirl ... it don't run on *nix 'cos it's
based on AIR.

So Linux is free, but AIR isn't :-)

Monday 23 June 2008

WebSphere Portal 6.1 Beta Documentation

Following a question from a friend, here ye go: -

WebSphere Portal Express 6.1 Beta Information Center documentation
WebSphere Portal Express documentation - Preview 6.1
Integrating the Lotus Domino servers and portlets
Domino-WebSphere Portal Express Integration wizard overview
Configuring the WebSphere Portal Express server to recognize Lotus Domino and the Collaborative Services
Checklist of tasks: LDAP server for Lotus Collaborative Services

Sunday 22 June 2008

Ubuntu, the fun continues ...

Following on John's most excellent series of articles on Hardy and the T60p here, I've continued to play with Hardy on my own dear Stinkpad.

John's hints re Envy-NG were very useful, although I'm still seeing intermittent XServer crashes - they manifest as a black screen, followed by the login prompt, meaning that apps. such as Firefox, Notes etc. simply curl up and die. Not too sure why .............

I'd tried to get VMware Player / Server / Workstation going before, but with little or no luck - I did get the infamous looping symptom ( as per John's post ) in the past, so had kinda given up.

I've just taken the plunge again, but this time used the beta of VMware Workstation 6.5 aka e.x.p build-91182.

Just about to give my first VM a whirl .............

WebSphere Portal and OpenLDAP

Spent a few days relearning how to get WP6 and OpenLDAP to play nicely together.

It's been a wee while since I wrote this document, and things have changed somewhat.

I'll make an effort to update the document in the next few days but, in the meantime, please let me know if you're trying ( and perhaps struggling ) to make it work.


*UPDATE 31/3/2010*

Here's two documents which are no longer available on the LotusChannel site: - - WebSphere Portal 6 and OpenLDAP Together.pdf up OpenLDAP for use with WebSphere Portal 6.pdf

Friday 20 June 2008

Now I did not know that ..... ( and I'm clever )

Out with the old ...

WebFacing Deployment Tool with HATS Technology (WDHT) has been replaced with Rational Host Access Transformation Services for 5250 Applications (HATS for 5250) starting with V7.1. Please see the new Rational HATS page for updated information.

WebFacing Deployment Tool with HATS Technology (WDHT) V7.0 is removed from Market as of April 2, 2008.

and in with the new ...

Rational Host Access Transformation Services

So WF and HATS became WDHT, but they've now become RHATS ( phonetically, that sounds like RATS ).

Confused ?? Me neither

Friday 13 June 2008

Darn, now I need to buy an iPhone :-)

W00t, Lotus Connections 2.0 is available for download ....

Read all about it here.

IBM Lotus Forms Designer 3.1 Technical Preview

This preview version of IBM Lotus Forms Designer 3.1 provides an early look at some of the new features and capabilities that will enable all levels of users to quickly design electronic forms when the next version of Lotus Forms becomes available later in 2008. The new version of Lotus Forms Designer will make it easier than ever to get started creating forms with Lotus Forms from scratch. You can even import existing PDF forms or FileNet eForms.

Download from here.

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Some songs just get in your veins and drive you kinda crazy

and today - it's this one -> The Ting Tings - That's Not My Name

I keep hearing it in adverts and on the radio.

Mid-life crisis approaching ? Chest wig and red Ferrari on order, or shall I just stick with the MINI Cooper Convertible with leather seats ?


Did I blog this already ? GIR2007 - good tunes, and the videos aren't too bad either

Not sure how I found this a while back, but it made the BBC news site in 2007 and 2008, as per this.

Like pancakes, sheep or gardening ? If so, go check it out ....

DEP - darned DEP

Thanks to Rob E for pointing this out - Data Execution Prevention causes problems with Lotus Quickr 8.1 and WebSphere Portal 6.1 installations on Windows 2003 Server.

Rob is going to share the precise symptoms, but the problem occurs when DB2 UDB restarts - eventually, the Portal / Quickr installation barfs because DB2 isn't ready to rock n' rumble.

Rob used this to disable DEP.

Easy as Pie

Downloaded the beta yesterday AM, and installed on Hardy in about 5 minutes this AM. This is my non-production environment, so I merely uninstalled Notes 8.0.1 ( installed as .DEB having converted from .RPM ) and then installed 8.5 in its place. I left my Notes data directory in situ and it just worked.

Notice that Sametime, Symphony, Widgets etc. have not yet made it into the beta.

I did get a NSD when I tried to paste in the above image from the clipboard (having opened the .PNG file in The GIMP).

Interestingly, the "NSD is running ..." window stayed on the screen and didn't seem to do anything. When I ran the NSD.SH script from a console, I get: -

/opt/ibm/lotus/notes/ line 169: s;[()]; ;g: command not found
/opt/ibm/lotus/notes/ line 169: {print substr($2,1,32);}: command not found

which loops ad infinitum. In the end, I used kill -9 against the Eclipse process.

Will check out the 8.5 beta forum - I suspect I'm missing some package on Hardy ...

Saturday 7 June 2008

Clustering WebSphere Application Server v6 - A Quick Trip Back in Time

Spent a few fun-packed hours working out how to create a cell/cluster
using WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment ( as installed
with WebSphere Portal Express ).

Have documented my steps thus far, as I continue to experiment further .....

Note to self - use kubectl to query images in a pod or deployment

In both cases, we use JSON ... For a deployment, we can do this: - kubectl get deployment foobar --namespace snafu --output jsonpath="{...