Wednesday, 21 January 2009

"Managing Portal 6.1 Environments" Redbook release

"...The following document (wiki) discusses best practices for building and managing your WebSphere Portal v. 6.1 Environment. High level information is provided about how to
set up a Portal v. 6.1 Environment, including a development, staging and production environment. Within the context of each of these environments, we cover topics related
to how to move changes through the system and successfully manage releases of a Portal 6.1 site..."

It's available on the WebSphere Portal wiki here.

Congratulations to Fernanda Gomes, Carrie Hu,  Corinne Letilley, Ivan Portilla,  Matthew Stokes and Rahul Vyas for what looks to be a really useful and complete document.

1 comment:

Carlos said...

Hi Dave,

Tried accessing the link you provided, but it returns an error. Also tried searching for the redbook in the portal wiki, but can't find it. Did they remove it for some reason?

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