Friday, 16 September 2011

IBM WebSphere Portal and Web Content Manager Support - They're on Facebook :-)

Along with the rest of the world, IBM is now on Facebook, as per this recent newsletter: -

The IBM Lotus Support page is your Facebook connection to Lotus Support where you can keep up on new technical information, electronic support tools, Open Mic events, training or education materials, articles, mailings, and new white papers.

This is actually quite a useful conglomeration ( what a lovely word ) of support information for WP/WCM customers, and includes: -

New updates for WebSphere Portal and Web Content Manager
PM44212 Combined WP & WCM CF007
PM45036 V6.1.5.0, V6.1.5.1, V6.1.5.2 WCM CF51
PM45034 V6.1.0.3, V6.1.0.4, V6.1.0.5 WCM CF51
PM43623 V6.1.0.5 / V6.1.5.2 WP CF15
PM43618 V6.1.0.4 / V6.1.5.1 WP CF15
PM43611 V6.1.0.3 / V6.1.5.0 WP CF15

and included a link to this: -

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