Wednesday, 2 January 2013

More on 404 errors accessing WCM content through the POC Servlet (/wps/mypoc/…)

A year or so back, I'd posted an article: -

making reference to a solution that one of my correspondents, Cody Burleson, had come up with to a problem that he'd seen with IBM Web Content Manager.

Well, more recently, I had an email from another US-based correspondent who was experiencing the same problem.

Sadly, Cody's original post has disappeared from his blog - I guess he's been doing some house-keeping.

Happily, however, my new correspondent ( Tim ) wrote back to me to say that he'd fixed the problem.

Here's his solution: -

guess our issue was more related to the web server. After finding this in the log while tracing...

[Wed Dec 19 14:58:23 2012] [info] [client] found %2f (encoded '/') in URI (decoded='<URI removed to protect privacy>'), returning 404 was determined that we needed to set "AllowEncodedSlashes On" in the httpd.conf file. 

I've never needed that before but the way the "poc" servlet was being called (with the %2f) it is required in this case.


This is a new one on me as I've never seen a requirement to use this parameter - AllowEncodedSlashes - but it's a useful thing to remember, in case I ever need it.

Hope this helps someone else out there ….

1 comment:

Dave Hay said...

An update - Cody kindly located, and reposted, his original problem / solution here.

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