Friday, 21 June 2013

CWLLG0446I Group XXX is being checked for new updates...

When does the group table gets populated?

a) startup
b) Manual synch
c) system components requesting a JMS cache reset

Sample of Group Sync after starting of the system:

[10/29/12 11:03:24:575 PDT] 00000001 WsServerImpl A WSVR0001I: Server server1 open
[10/29/12 11:05:34:984 PDT] 00000044 wle being checked for new updates
I CWLLG0446I: Group Alsgroup is

Sample of When user log in to Portal

[10/29/12 11:05:35:078 PDT] 00000044 wle_security I CWLLG1088I: Initializing session is
done for user alwangaa

Source: BPM Security & LDAP - Concepts and Troubleshooting

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