Friday, 27 September 2013

IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) and IBM Application Performance Management (APM) - Made To Go Together

One of my IBM UK colleagues gave us an excellent overview of IBM's Application Performance Management (APM) solution, particularly in the context of IBM BPM.

Application Performance Management (APM) provides enhanced visibility specifically into application performance.

With Application Performance Management, you can:

• Detect performance problems quickly enough to minimize, or preclude business impact via integrated capabilities.
• Simplify operations management to cost effectively manage the complete IT and network infrastructure.
• Monitor end-user experience to identify and remediate problems before users are impacted.

As I say, we were specifically interested in APM in the context of BPM, as illustrated by this excellent developerWorks article: -

IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) optimizes critical business processes - you cannot afford for those critical processes to go down or perform poorly. With increasingly complex, dynamic IT infrastructures, ensuring continuous availability and peak performance is increasingly difficult. IBM has the tools you need to ensure the optimized performance of your BPM solution and its underlying IT infrastructure.
The IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) and IBM SmartCloud Application Performance Management (SmartCloud APM) teams have delivered a new BPM monitoring solution that is available now in both SmartCloud APM v7.6 and ITCAM for Applications v7.2.

BPM performance problems or process failures can be the result of business level problems or IT resource problems. An existing BPM monitoring solution - IBM Business Monitor - provides monitoring related to the business efficiency and effectiveness of the process itself. It focuses on giving real time visibility into the results of the business processes.

The new SmartCloud APM 7.6 monitoring solution extends IBM's BPM monitoring support by focusing on the IT infrastructure that is supporting these business processes. If a problem is identified, you have the information that you need to identify the change you need to make to the infrastructure to ensure the availability and performance of business processes.

My colleague, Stephen, also made reference to this rather lovely APM demo site: -

Go on, have a play.

Let me know if you need to know more.

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