Thursday, 13 September 2018

IBM MDM Data Stewardship Center - Connecting to IBM Business Process Manager

I was somewhat thrown during the configuration of the Data Stewardship Center ( aka Data Stewardship Governance ) capability.

This is for an IBM MDM Advanced Edition box, that I'm integrating with IBM BPM Standard CF2.

The DSG/DSC process is relatively simple: -

(1) Install the binaries onto the BPM box ( not onto the MDM box as I initially did )
(2) Update a properties file ( ) that describes the integration in terms of hosts, credentials, ports etc.
(3) Run a script

cd /opt/ibm/MDM/DSG/mdmg/install/scripts/
chmod +x
./ install_configure_governance_apps

Towards the end of its run, this asked: -

# Enter BPM Default Secure port number:

which threw me.

Given the context ( updating CSS etc. ), I took a punt and assumed that it was looking for the WC_defaulthost_secure port on the AppCluster member where the actual BPM workload resides: -

So far, so good.

Copying 1 file to /opt/ibm/MDM/DSG/mdmg/install/properties
Moving 1 file to /opt/ibm/MDM/DSG/mdmg/install/properties

Total time: 32 minutes 21 seconds


PS For the record, the BPM Deployment Environment is based upon the so-called "Golden Topology" which has THREE clusters: -


whereas the DSC/DSG integration assumes that BPM has a single cluster :-(

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