Wednesday, 5 June 2019

MainframerZ meetup at Mediaocean in London - Thursday 20 June 2019

Just a reminder that we're only three weeks away from the next MainframerZ Meetup ....

Here's the deets: _

MainframerZ meetup at Mediaocean

and here's the current agenda: -

  • Dave Hay - The flexibility of the Cloud, the popularity of Linux, PLUS the security of the Mainframe - A brief exploration of Hyper Protect Services
  • Andrew Schofield /Kate Stanley - Unlocking messages from MQ on z/OS into Apache Kafka without freaking out the Sys Admin
  • Melvyn Maltz - Mainframe development, some Assembler required
  • Mark Wilson - Mainframe pentesting war stories
  • Stuart Ashby - TLA all the way

We'd love to see you there ....

Just go here: -

MainframerZ meetup at Mediaocean

and register.

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