Saturday, 25 July 2020

Updating my iPad - watching what's going on

I'm restoring my iPad, reverting to a backup, and am watching the lack of progress within Finder: -

I found a better way: -

while true;  do clear;  ls -lhrt ~/Library/iTunes/iPad\ Software\ Updates;  sleep 20;  done

which is WAY better.

Now I can keep an eye on the download, ready for the update/restore

Thanks to this: -

for the insight 

And an update - doing the same whilst I update an iPhone to iOS 14 ....

while true; do clear; ls -lhrt ~/Library/iTunes/iPhone\ Software\ Updates/; sleep 20; done

total 7536776
-rw-r--r--  1 hayd  staff   3.6G 21 Sep 14:50

And this - IPSW Downloads gives me an idea how big the download should be i.e. 4.34 GB

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