Tuesday 29 November 2022

YIL - Where does Apple keep its podcasts on macOS ?

I wanted to grab a copy of a bunch of podcasts that I'd downloaded via the Apple Podcasts app ( I usually listen to them on my iPhone, but they're also replicated on my MacBook ).

A quick Google led me here: -

/Users/hayd/Library/Group Containers/243LU875E5.groups.com.apple.podcasts/Library/Cache

which is, I think you'll agree, a memorable file path ... 😁

Also, who doesn't love spaces in paths ? Microsoft Windows and C:\Program Files, I'm looking at you.

Anyway, having added double quotes to the path to protect myself ...

cd "/Users/hayd/Library/Group Containers/243LU875E5.groups.com.apple.podcasts/Library/Cache"

ls -al

total 281064
drwxr-xr-x@  15 hayd  staff       480 28 Nov 15:15 .
drwx------    8 hayd  staff       256 28 Nov 13:58 ..
-rw-------@   1 hayd  staff  14405359 28 Nov 13:57 12039B90-D8F4-4E7C-A72F-B12FD9446AD0.mp3
-rw-------@   1 hayd  staff  14480550 28 Nov 13:57 3A3F9C52-29D5-4078-A8DD-D72709ED8570.mp3
-rw-------@   1 hayd  staff  14177014 28 Nov 13:57 5F2546E2-38B6-4943-91AA-1B1F629F1DEF.mp3
-rw-------@   1 hayd  staff  14692089 28 Nov 14:07 6A29D77B-CAA8-4973-A401-71E766C50FFD.mp3
-rw-------@   1 hayd  staff   1303411 28 Nov 13:57 7F3A1811-C194-4EEA-9952-86BF3C7262CA.mp3
-rw-------@   1 hayd  staff  14174282 28 Nov 14:13 A3C5E109-4E10-4A89-97A1-393C40D7159B.mp3
-rw-------@   1 hayd  staff  14146202 14 Nov 18:13 D031B8D2-D555-4EB5-9256-AA4E7BE625C7.mp3
-rw-------@   1 hayd  staff  14000627 28 Nov 13:57 DDD7F857-DAEE-42DD-9979-C7661E4DDA1E.mp3
-rw-------@   1 hayd  staff  14253164 28 Nov 14:13 EAC34548-0661-449E-8772-26FCBB59AAE2.mp3
-rw-------@   1 hayd  staff  13801565 28 Nov 13:58 EE5E9ECD-B637-46D0-8078-CE191E73304C.mp3
-rw-------@   1 hayd  staff  14449933 28 Nov 14:01 EED252F0-3A26-4490-AA6B-06419DFA4A62.mp3
drwxr-xr-x@ 202 hayd  staff      6464 28 Nov 15:14 IMImageStore-Default
drwxr-xr-x@   3 hayd  staff        96 28 Nov 15:30 JSStoreDataProvider


PS YIL == Yesterday I Learned ( 'cos it was yesterday, when I learned this 🤣)

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Note to self - use kubectl to query images in a pod or deployment

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