Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Again, Google has the answer, Google is my friend ...

Whilst installing Sametime 8.0.2 onto Domino 8.0.2 on one of my demo machines, I kept hitting this error: -
The install detected that the Domino server ID is password protected. This password is required to complete the Sametime server configuration. Enter the password, and choose Next to validate the password.
I've not seen this before - I even tried setting a password on the offending ID file ( \Lotus\Domino\data\ ) using a Notes 8.5 Basic client, but to no avail.

As always in these situations, a quick Google search brought up Dan Silva's blog post: -

which recommended setting an environment variable - STSkipDominoPasswordCheck=true - to force the installer NOT to check for a password.

I did this and restarted the ST installer and .... it worked like a dream.

It's also worth noting that I could have achieved the same objective by starting the installer with a command line switch: -

\temp\sametime\Server\setupwin32.exe -V STSkipDominoPasswordCheck=true

Perhaps I'll try this next time ...

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