Thursday, 21 January 2010

Losing, and then finding, File Type Associations with Lotus Symphony on Mac OSX

Somehow, during a recent clean-up session with Onyx, I managed to lose the associations between files such as .DOC, .XLS, .ODS etc. and Lotus Symphony 1.3, which is embedded within Lotus Notes 8.5.1.

Rather than needing to reinstall the application, or ( quelle horeure ) install ANOTHER productivity tool, I found this Notes preference: -

  • Choose Lotus Notes -> Preferences
  • Navigate to IBM Lotus Symphony
  • Choose File Type Associations
  • Choose the appropriate file types e.g. All, Open Document Format, Microsoft Office 2007 etc.

Once done, I was able to double-click on a file from within Finder, and have it open up in Symphony within the Notes client as I'd expect.

If it helps, I'm using Lotus Notes 8.5.1 FP1 on Mac OSX 10.6.2.

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