Monday, 3 November 2014

IBM Business Process Manager V8.5 Performance Tuning - More good stuff

Hot on the heels of my earlier post: -

IBM Business Process Manager V8.5 Performance Tuning and Best Practices

we have this: -


IBM® Business Process Manager is a middleware suite that enables managed execution of the processes that keep your business running. It includes a graphical authoring environment that is used for modeling processes and a sophisticated runtime engine that is capable of integrating workflow for the people and automated systems that comprise your organization.

Every day IBM Business Process Manager customers use their IT infrastructure to deliver business value at a fast pace. However, as with any complex system, care must be taken to define performance objectives appropriate to the solution and to ensure that those objectives are met. The IBM Redbooks® publication IBM Business Process Manager V8.5 Performance Tuning and Best Practices, SG24-8216, provides the details necessary to ensure a high performance business process management project. This IBM Redbooks Solution Guide provides an overview of the most critical topics from that book.

For related information about this topic, refer to the following IBM Redbooks publication:
IBM Business Process Manager V8.5 Performance Tuning and Best Practices, SG24-8216-00

and this: -

Performance tuning can be a complex task. It is often time-consuming and requires different subject matter experts to work together closely. Tuning IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) systems for performance, in particular, requires knowledge of the modeled business processes all the way down to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), the database, and sometimes even the hardware layers.
The need for tuning a system can have different drivers. In a best-case scenario, tuning is part of your project plan from the start. But sometimes, issues arise in the production system due to changes to the planned workload or less-than-optimal system maintenance.

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