Friday, 14 November 2014

Think big! Scale your business rules solutions up to the world of big data

This is from my ISSW colleague, Nigel Crowther, and is definitely worth a read: -

Traditional business rule applications process records of a few megabytes of data at a time. Records are usually processed as client server requests or in a batch, one record at a time. As solutions move to the cloud, and applications apply rules to terabytes of data, these traditional approaches cannot keep up. To scale business rules solutions up to the world of big data, consider using the Business Rules and the IBM® Analytics for Hadoop services in IBM Bluemix™.

This tutorial describes a generic application called RulesAdaptor that uses services in IBM Bluemix to integrate the business rules of IBM Operational Decision Manager and the big data capabilities of Apache™ Hadoop®. This application opens up the possibility for data scientists to analyze big data with business rules.

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