Saturday 31 January 2015

Fun with IBM BPM iFixes - To ZIP or not to ZIP

I had an interesting experience this evening, whilst trying to install a set of iFixes for IBM BPM Advanced 8.5.5.

The iFixes - - come as a single ZIP file: -

-rw-r--r--  1 hayd  staff  2597328  3 Jan 02:06

which, as far as I can establish, is NOT actually a ZIP file :-(

When I try and unpack it, I get this: -

unzip ~/Downloads/BPM855/

Archive:  /Users/hayd/Downloads/BPM855/
  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
  the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of /Users/hayd/Downloads/BPM855/ or
        /Users/hayd/Downloads/BPM855/, and cannot find /Users/hayd/Downloads/BPM855/, period.

on Mac OS X, and the same: -

unzip ~/ 

Archive:  /home/wasadmin/
  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
  the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of /home/wasadmin/ or
        /home/wasadmin/, and cannot find /home/wasadmin/, period.

on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

I Google'd for this: -

End-of-central-directory signature not found.

and got this: -

which said, in part: -

Your file has a .zip name, but is not in zip format. Renaming a file doesn't change its content, and in particular doesn't magically transform it into a different format.

(Alternatively, the same error could happen with an incomplete zip file — but since that Archive Utility worked, this isn't the case.)

Run file to see what type of file this is. It's presumably some other type of archive that Archive Utility understands.

Taking this advice, I checked the file: -

file RAR archive data, v1d, os: Win32

on Mac OS X and: -

file ~/ 

/home/wasadmin/ RAR archive data, v1d, os: Win32

on RHEL.

Working on the assumption that I had a RAR file, I downloaded a copy of unrar for Linux - unrar-4.2.4-1.el5.x86_64.rpm - and extracted the file: -

unrar x ~/ 

UNRAR 4.20 freeware      Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Alexander Roshal

Extracting from /home/wasadmin/

Creating  OK
Creating  OK
Extracting  OK 

Extracting  OK 
Extracting  OK 
Extracting  OK 
All OK

which is nice.

I will, of course, be feeding this back to IBM Support, but thought it may be worth sharing ....

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Enabling SSH on AIX 7.1

As part of my current project, I need to validate the process for installing DB2 10.5 and WebSphere MQ 8.0 on an AIX server.

We have an excellent virtual loaner programme within my team, so I was able to quickly borrow an AIX box, located in the US, and get hooked up via VPN.

First thing I had to do was grow the available disk, as I didn't have much free space with which to play: -

df -g

Filesystem    GB blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4           0.25      0.06   78%     9932    42% /
/dev/hd2           2.12      0.24   89%    43368    42% /usr
/dev/hd9var        0.50      0.25   51%     4109     7% /var
/dev/hd3           0.12      0.12    3%       37     1% /tmp
/dev/hd1           0.12      0.12    1%        5     1% /home
/dev/hd11admin      0.12      0.12    1%        5     1% /admin
/proc                 -         -    -         -     -  /proc
/dev/hd10opt       0.38      0.19   51%     7036    14% /opt
/dev/livedump      0.25      0.25    1%        4     1% /var/adm/ras/livedump

My AIX contact in the US confirmed that I had 100 GB available, so I merely needed to "grow" one of my file-systems.

I chose to grow /opt as that's where my software is mainly going to "live" : -

chfs -a size=50G /opt

Next hurdle was to get SSH enabled, as I really don't get along with telnet after all these years.

I chose to use the OpenSSH version of the SSH components, available from IBM below: -

Specifically, I needed to download: -

OpenSSH Version  6.0 
OpenSSL Version  1.0.1.x 

which resulted in: -

-rw-r--r--    1 root     system      6786805 Jan 28 11:46 OpenSSH_6.0.0.6200.tar.Z
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system     20852282 Jan 28 11:55 openssl-

I'd previously downloaded bash and tar from the AIX Toolbox: -

so I expanded the two .tar.Z files, resulting in: -

drwxrwxr-x    2 435159   781431         4096 Jan 28 11:48 OpenSSH_6.0.0.6200
drwx------    2 435159   781431          256 Jan 28 11:56 openssl-

which I then installed: -

cd ./openssl-
installp -ac -Y -d . openssl.base

cd ./OpenSSH_6.0.0.6200
installp -ac -Y -d . openssh.base openssh.license

This did all that I needed, and I merely needed to log out and then connect to the AIX box via ssh which is nice.

Friday 23 January 2015

Using openLDAP on Mac OS X as a user registry with WebSphere Application Server

I had a requirement to quickly add an LDAP into an IBM BPM Advanced 8.5.5 environment, hosted on WebSphere Application Server, and thought .. hey, why don't I use openLDAP ?

Given that I'm running my servers on a pair of Macs, I wondered whether I could also host my LDAP server natively, rather than needing to build out another VM.

Lo and behold, OS X includes openLDAP, with which I have some experience.

This document was of immense use: -

from which I did the following: -

Configure SLAPD configuration file


include         /private/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include         /private/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include         /private/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema

pidfile         /private/var/db/openldap/run/
argsfile        /private/var/db/openldap/run/slapd.args

database        bdb
suffix          "dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com" 
rootdn          "cn=root,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com"
# password is 'root'
rootpw          {SSHA}ih08rDcGRC+S5ol888SZG5YUjOX1oVVK
# The database directory MUST exist prior to running slapd AND
# should only be accessible by the slapd and slap tools.
# Mode 700 recommended.
directory       /private/var/db/openldap/openldap-data
# Indices to maintain
index   objectClass     eq

Create an LDIF file in order to provision groups and users


version: 1
dn: dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organization
dc: uk
o: Some Org
description: A sample domain

dn: ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: people

dn: cn=WebSphereAdmin,ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: WebSphereAdmin
sn: Admin
givenname: WebSphere
uid: WebSphereAdmin
# the userpassword is set to the SHA1 of 'root'
userPassword: {SSHA}ih08rDcGRC+S5ol888SZG5YUjOX1oVVK
description: WebSphere Admin

dn: cn=BPMAdmin,ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: BPMAdmin
sn: Admin
givenname: BPM
uid: BPMAdmin
# the userpassword is set to the SHA1 of 'root'
userPassword: {SSHA}ih08rDcGRC+S5ol888SZG5YUjOX1oVVK
description: BPM Admin

Start LDAP

sudo /usr/libexec/slapd -d 127

Add entries via LDIF

ldapadd -x -D cn=root,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com -w root -f ~/sample.ldif 

Validate by querying LDAP

ldapsearch -x -h -p 389 -b dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com -D cn=root,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com -w root "(ObjectClass=inetOrgPerson)"

# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com> with scope subtree
# filter: (ObjectClass=inetOrgPerson)
# requesting: ALL

# WebSphereAdmin, people,
dn: cn=WebSphereAdmin,ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: WebSphereAdmin
sn: Admin
givenName: WebSphere
uid: WebSphereAdmin
userPassword:: e1NTSEF9aWgwOHJEY0dSQytTNW9sODg4U1pHNVlVak9YMW9WVks=
description: WebSphere Admin

# BPMAdmin, people,
dn: cn=BPMAdmin,ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: BPMAdmin
sn: Admin
givenName: BPM
uid: BPMAdmin
userPassword:: e1NTSEF9aWgwOHJEY0dSQytTNW9sODg4U1pHNVlVak9YMW9WVks=
description: BPM Admin

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 4
# numEntries: 3

ldapsearch -x -h -p 389 -b dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com -D cn=root,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com -w root "(ObjectClass=organizationalUnit)"

# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com> with scope subtree
# filter: (ObjectClass=organizationalUnit)
# requesting: ALL

# people,
dn: ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: people

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1

WAS Configuration

Start WAS admin client

/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin/ -host `hostname` -port 8879 -lang jython -user wasadmin -password passw0rd

Create LDAP Repository

AdminTask.createIdMgrLDAPRepository('[-default true -id -adapterClassName -ldapServerType CUSTOM -sslConfiguration -certificateMapMode exactdn -supportChangeLog none -certificateFilter -loginProperties uid]')

Add LDAP Server

AdminTask.addIdMgrLDAPServer('[-id -host -bindDN cn=root,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com -bindPassword root -referal ignore -sslEnabled false -ldapServerType CUSTOM -sslConfiguration -certificateMapMode exactdn -certificateFilter -authentication simple -port 389]')

Add Base Entry

AdminTask.addIdMgrRepositoryBaseEntry('[-id -name ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com -nameInRepository ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com]')

Add Realm Base Entry

AdminTask.addIdMgrRealmBaseEntry('[-name defaultWIMFileBasedRealm -baseEntry ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com]')

Add User Object Classes and Search Base

AdminTask.addIdMgrLDAPEntityType('[-id -name PersonAccount -objectClasses inetOrgPerson;person -searchBases ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com -searchFilter (ObjectClass=inetOrgPerson)]')

Add Group Object Class and Search Base

AdminTask.addIdMgrLDAPEntityType('[-id -name Group -objectClasses organizationalUnit -searchBases ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com -searchFilter (ObjectClass=organizationalUnit)]')

Enable Allow Operation If Repository Down

AdminTask.updateIdMgrRealm('[-name defaultWIMFileBasedRealm -allowOperationIfReposDown true]')

Save and Sync

Once WAS has been restarted, the users in the Federated Repository can be validated: -

print AdminTask.listRegistryUsers(['-securityRealmName', 'defaultWIMFileBasedRealm', '-displayAccessIds', 'true'])

[[accessId user:defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/uid=wasadmin,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm] [name wasadmin@defaultWIMFileBasedRealm] ]
[[accessId user:defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/uid=deAdmin,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm] [name deAdmin@defaultWIMFileBasedRealm] ]
[[accessId user:defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/cn=BPMAdmin,ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com] [name BPMAdmin@defaultWIMFileBasedRealm] ]
[[accessId user:defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/cn=WebSphereAdmin,ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com] [name WebSphereAdmin@defaultWIMFileBasedRealm] ]

print AdminTask.listRegistryUsers(['-securityRealmName', 'defaultWIMFileBasedRealm'])


WebSphere Application Server - Listing users in a WIM registry

A few months back, I was asked how to create users and groups in WAS, using Jython scripts. This is the post from that time: -

Subsequently, I wanted to run a query against WIM to see what users existed, following an openLDAP integration.

Having determined the available Jython commands: -

which drew me to this: -


By default, this is what I get: -

print AdminTask.listRegistryUsers()


The Knowledge Centre provided more input: -


The listRegistryUsers command displays the users in the user registry for a specific security realm, resource name, or domain name.

Target object


Optional parameters


Specifies the name of the security domain of interest. The securityDomainName, resourceName, and securityRealmName parameters are mutually exclusive. Do not specify more than one of these parameters. If you do not specify the securityDomainName, resourceName, or securityRealmName parameter, the system uses the active user registry from the global security configuration. (String)


Specifies the name of the resource of interest. The securityDomainName, resourceName, and securityRealmName parameters are mutually exclusive. Do not specify more than one of these parameters. If you do not specify the securityDomainName, resourceName, or securityRealmName parameter, the system uses the active user registry from the global security configuration. (String)


Specifies the name of the security realm of interest. The securityDomainName, resourceName, and securityRealmName parameters are mutually exclusive. Do not specify more than one of these parameters. If you do not specify the securityDomainName, resourceName, or securityRealmName parameter, the system uses the active user registry from the global security configuration. (String)


Specifies whether to display the access IDs for each group. Specify true to display the access ID and group name for each group that the command returns. (Boolean)


Specifies the filter that the command uses to query for users. For example, specify test* to display each user name that starts with the test string. By default, the command returns all users. (String)


Specifies the number of users to return. The default number of groups that the command displays is 20. (Integer)

Using this as input, this is what I get: -

print AdminTask.listRegistryUsers(['-securityRealmName', 'defaultWIMFileBasedRealm', '-displayAccessIds', 'true'])

[[accessId user:defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/uid=wasadmin,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm] [name wasadmin@defaultWIMFileBasedRealm] ]
[[accessId user:defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/uid=deAdmin,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm] [name deAdmin@defaultWIMFileBasedRealm] ]
[[accessId user:defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/cn=BPMAdmin,ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com] [name BPMAdmin@defaultWIMFileBasedRealm] ]
[[accessId user:defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/cn=ldapbind,ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com] [name ldapbind@defaultWIMFileBasedRealm] ]
[[accessId user:defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/cn=WebSphereAdmin,ou=people,dc=uk,dc=ibm,dc=com] [name WebSphereAdmin@defaultWIMFileBasedRealm] ]

print AdminTask.listRegistryUsers(['-securityRealmName', 'defaultWIMFileBasedRealm'])


which is nice.

WebSphere Application Server 8.5.54 and IBM BPM Advanced - Available commands

Here's a subset of the wsadmin commands available for WAS, with BPM Advanced installed: -


WASX8004I: Available admin commands: 

BPMActivate - This command activates a process application snapshot on a Process Center server or a Process Server.
BPMArtifactIndexFullReindex - This command will reindex the artifact search index.
BPMArtifactIndexUpdate - This command will update the artifact search index.
BPMCheckOrphanTokens - Command for generating a policy file. The policy file manages the orphaned tokens that may be generated when a process instance of a source snapshot is migrated to a target snapshot.
BPMCreateOfflinePackage - This command creates an installation package for a process application snapshot that can be extracted and deployed to an offline Process Center server instance.
BPMCreateTrack - Command for creating a track for a process application on a Process Center Server.
BPMDatabaseCheck - Command to check the database schema, data and privileges.
BPMDeactivate - This command deactivates a running process application snapshot on a Process Server.  All in-flight requests will run through completion. New requests will not be processed.
BPMDeleteDurableMessages - Command to delete messages that are stored if durable subscriptions for intermediate message events are enabled.
BPMDeleteSnapshot - Command for deleting process application snapshots and their dependencies on a Process Server.
BPMExport - This command exports a process application snapshot from the Process Center server.
BPMExtractOfflinePackage - This command extracts the process application snapshot installation package from the Process Center server.
BPMGroupMembershipFullUpdateTask - This command will update the group membership for all known users.
BPMGroupMembershipUpdateTask - This command will update the group membership for the users that are specified via command line.
BPMImport - This command imports a process application into a Process Center server.
BPMInstall - This command installs a process application snapshot from a Process Center server to a Process Server in a test or production environment.
BPMInstallOfflinePackage - This command installs a process application snapshot from a Process Center server to an offline Process Server that is not connected to the Process Center.
BPMInstanceIndexSearch - This command will search for tasks in the task search index.
BPMListProcessApplications - This command lists all process applications and toolkits on a Process Center server or a Process Server.
BPMListServers - This command lists all the Process Server instances that are federated into the Process Center server.
BPMProcessInstancesCleanup - Command to cleanup completed, failed or canceled process instances on a process server.
BPMReplayOnHoldEMTasks - Command to replay on hold Event Manager Tasks.
BPMSearchIndexDeleteInstance - This command will delete a process from the search index.
BPMSearchIndexUpdateInstance - This command will update a process in the search index.
BPMSecurityUnlock - Command for unlocking application cluster member's start up after a group replication failure in network deployment environment
BPMShowProcessApplication - This command shows process application data in a Process Center Server or Process Server instance.
BPMShowServer - Command for listing information for a federated Process Server instance in a Process Center server.
BPMShowSnapshot - This command lists information about a process application or a toolkit snapshot. If you are not working with a snapshot, it also lists information about the tip.
BPMSnapshotCleanup - Command to cleanup process application snapshots and their dependencies.
BPMStop - This command stops a process application snapshot that has already been deactivated on a Process Server. It is available only for snapshots that use Advanced Integration services.
BPMSyncGroupMembershipForAllGroupsTask - This command will update the group membership for the members of all groups.
BPMSyncGroupMembershipForGroupsTask - This command will update the group membership for the members of the groups that are specified via command line.
BPMTaskIndexDeleteTask - This command will delete a task from the task search index.
BPMTaskIndexFullReindex - This command will reindex the task search index.
BPMTaskIndexRemoveDeletedTasks - This command will remove deleted tasks from the task search index.
BPMTaskIndexSearchTask - This command will search for tasks in the task search index.
BPMTaskIndexUpdateTask - This command will update a task in the task search index.
BPMUndeploy - This command undeploys a process application snapshot from a server. It is available only if the snapshot uses Advanced Integration services and has a corresponding business level application (BLA) deployed on the server.
BPMUpdateSystemApp - BPMUpdateSystemApp command updates the system app with the updated contents in the repository. The snapshot of the project in the package.xml is used to update the corresponding snapshot in the database.
BPMUsersFullSyncTask - This command will synchronize all users from the configured user repository.
BPMUsersSyncTask - This command will synchronize users from the configured user repository.
V62SCAMigration - Migrate SCA modules from version 61 to version 62
WIMCheckPassword - Validates the user/pasword in the Federated repositories user registry
activateEdition - Marks the state of an edition as ACTIVE.
activateProcessApplication - ACTIVATE_PROCESS_APP_DESC
addActionToRule - Use this command to add an action to a rule.
addAdminIdToUserRegObj - Adds the adminId to the user registry object in the security.xml file
addBPMSystem - Adds an BPM (BPEL or BPD engine) system to the local BPM federated API.
addCompUnit - Add a composition unit, based on an asset or another business-level application, to a business-level application.
addConditionalTraceRuleForIntelligentManagement - Add conditional trace for Intelligent Management
addDefaultAction - Use this command to add a default action to a ruleset.
addDisabledSessionCookie - Adds a cookie configuration that applications will not be able to programmatically modify
addExternalBundleRepository - Adds an external bundle repository to the configuration.  Requires a repository name and a URL.
addFeaturesToServer - Add feature pack or stack product features to existing server 
addFileRegistryAccount - Adds an account to the file registry.
addForeignServersToDynamicCluster - Add foreign servers to dynamic cluster
addGroupToBusConnectorRole - Give a group permission to connect to the bus specified.
addGroupToDefaultRole - Grants a group default access to all local destinations on the bus for the specified role.
addGroupToDestinationRole - Grants a group access to a destination for the specified destination role.
addGroupToForeignBusRole - Grants a group access to a foreign bus from the local bus specified for the specified destination role.
addGroupToTopicRole - Gives a group permission to access the topic for the specified role.
addGroupToTopicSpaceRootRole - Gives a group permission to access the topic space for the specified role.
addICMSystem - Adds an ICM system to the local BPM federated API.
addIdMgrLDAPAttr - Adds an LDAP attribute configuration to the LDAP repository configuration.
addIdMgrLDAPAttrNotSupported - Adds a configuration for a virtual member manager property not supported by a specific LDAP repository.
addIdMgrLDAPBackupServer - Sets up a backup LDAP server.
addIdMgrLDAPEntityType - Adds an LDAP entity type definition to the LDAP repository configuration.
addIdMgrLDAPEntityTypeRDNAttr - Adds RDN attribute configuration to an LDAP entity type configuration.
addIdMgrLDAPExternalIdAttr - Adds a configuration for an LDAP attribute used as an external ID.
addIdMgrLDAPGroupDynamicMemberAttr - Adds a dynamic member attribute configuration to an LDAP group configuration.
addIdMgrLDAPGroupMemberAttr - Adds a member attribute configuration to the LDAP group configuration.
addIdMgrLDAPServer - Adds an LDAP server to the LDAP repository configuration.
addIdMgrPropertyToEntityTypes - Adds a property to one or more entity types either into repositories or into the property extension repository.
addIdMgrRealmBaseEntry - Adds a base entry to a specified realm configuration.
addIdMgrRepositoryBaseEntry - Adds a base entry to the specified repository. 
addLocalRepositoryBundle - Adds a bundle to the internal bundle repository.
addMemberToGroup - Adds a member (user or group) to a group.
addMemberToManagedNodeGroup - This command is used to add members to a group of managed nodes. (deprecated)
addMemberToTargetGroup - This command is used to add members to a target group.
addMiddlewareAppWebModule - Use this command to add a web module to a middleware application.
addMiddlewareTarget - Use this command to add a deployment target to a middleware application.
addNodeGroupMember - add node to the node group
addOSGiExtension - Adds an extension to the composition unit.
addOSGiExtensions - Adds multiple extensions to the composition unit.
addPluginPropertyForIntelligentManagement - Add plug-in property for Intelligent Management
addPolicyType - The addPolicyType command creates a policy type with default values for the specified policy set. You may indicate whether to enable or disable the added policy type.
addProductInfo - Add feature pack or stack product information to product info.
addRALClientConfiguration - Add RAL client configuration at cell level.
addRESTEndpoint - Adds a REST Endpoint to the configuration
addRESTWebModule - Adds a REST Web Module to the REST configuration
addRemoteCellToIntelligentManagement - Command to add remote cell connectors to Intelligent Management
addResourceToAuthorizationGroup - Add resources to an existing authorization group.
addRoutingPolicyRoutingRule - Use this command to add a routing rule to an existing workclass
addRoutingRule - Use this command to add a routing policy rule.
addRuleToRuleset - Use this command to add a rule to a ruleset.
addSAMLTAISSO - This command adds the SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) service provider (SP) to the security configuration SAML TAI.
addSCMConnectivityProvider - Adds a Service Connectivity Management (SCM) connectivity provider. A connectivity provider is a logical partition of the ESB that is exposed via the SCM Protocol. It defines the target (server or cluster) to which proxy gateway modules will be deployed when a group proxy is created on that connectivity provider. It also defines properties that will be used for proxy targets created on those group proxies.
addSIBBootstrapMember - Nominates a server or cluster for use as a bootstrap server.
addSIBPermittedChain - Adds the specified chain to the list of permitted chains for the specified bus.
addSIBWSInboundPort - Add an inbound port to an inbound service.
addSIBWSOutboundPort - Add an outbound port to an outbound service.
addSIBusMember - Add a member to a bus.
addSTSProperty - Add a configuration property under a configuration group.
addServicePolicyRoutingRule - Use this command to add a routing rule to an existing workclass
addServiceRule - Use this command to add a service policy rule.
addSignerCertificate - Add a signer certificates from a certificate file to a keystore.
addSpnegoFilter - This command adds SPNEGO Web authentication filter in the security configuration.
addSpnegoTAIProperties - This command adds SPNEGO TAI properties in the security configuration.
addToAdminAuthz - Adds the input administrative user to admin-authz.xml.
addToPolicySetAttachment - The addToPolicySetAttachment command adds additional resources that apply to a policy set attachment.
addTrustedRealms - Adds a realm or list of realms to the list of trusted realms in a security domain or in global security.
addUserToBusConnectorRole - Give a user permission to connect to the bus specified.
addUserToDefaultRole - Grants a user default access to all local destinations on the bus for the specified role.
addUserToDestinationRole - Grants a user access to a destination for the specified destination role.
addUserToForeignBusRole - Grants a user access to a foreign bus from the local bus specified for the specified destination role.
addUserToTopicRole - Gives a user permission to access the topic for the specified role.
addUserToTopicSpaceRootRole - Gives a user permission to access the topic space for the specified role.
addWSGWTargetService - addWSGWTargetService.description
applyConfigProperties - Apply configuration as specified in properties file
applyProfileSecuritySettings - Applies the security settings selected during install or profile creation time.
applyWizardSettings - Applies current Security Wizard settings from the workspace.
assignSTSEndpointTokenType - Assign a token type to be issued for the client to access a given endpoint. Endpoints must be unique. If the local name parameter is omitted, the default token type is assumed.
attachServiceMap - Use the "attachServiceMap" command to attach a service map to a local mapping service.
autogenLTPA - Auto-generates an LTPA password and updates the LTPA object in the security.xml.
autogenServerId - Auto-generates a server Id and updates the internalServerId field in the security.xml.
backupJobManager - Backs up the job manager database to a specified location.
binaryAuditLogReader - Binary Audit Log Reader Command
bspaceDataMigrationService - Migrate Data of Business Space v6.x to Business Space v7.5 service
bspaceMashupsDataMigrationService - Migrate Data of Business Space v7 to Business Space v75 service
canNodeJoinNodeGroup - Check if a specified node can be added to a specified node group.
cancelValidation - Cancels the validation mode of an edition.
changeClusterShortName - A command that can be used to change the cluster's short name. 
changeFileRegistryAccountPassword - Change the password of an account in the file registry.
changeHostName - Change the host name of a node
changeKeyStorePassword - Change the password of a keystore. This will automatically save the new password to the configuration.
changeMultipleKeyStorePasswords - Change all the passwords for the keystores that use the password provided, which automatically saves the new passwords to the configuration.
changeMyPassword - Changes the password of this logged-in user.
changeRoutingDefaultRulesAction - Use this command to change a rules routing policy default action.
changeRoutingRuleAction - Use this command to change a routing policy action for a rule.
changeRoutingRuleExpression - Use this command to change a routing policy rule expression.
changeRoutingRulePriority - Use this command to change a routing policy rule priority.
changeRuleExpression - Use this command to change a rule expression.
changeRulePriority - Use this command to change a rule prioritiy.
changeServerGenericShortName - A command that can be used to change the server generic short name. 
changeServerSpecificShortName - A command that can be used to change the server specific short name. 
changeServiceDefaultRulesAction - Use this command to change a rules service policy default action.
changeServiceRuleAction - Use this command to change a service policy action for a rule.
changeServiceRuleExpression - Use this command to change a service policy rule expression.
changeServiceRulePriority - Use this command to change a service policy rule priority.
checkDynamicClustersForNodeGroupRemoval - Check Node Group for XD Dynamic Clusters
checkMode - checks the maintenance mode indicator on specified server
checkRegistryRunAsUser - Checks if the provided runas user is valid.  True is return if the runas user is valid and false if it is not. 
checkRegistryUserPassword - Check if the provided user and password authenticate in the registry.
checkSecurity - check security and jvm setting of target that Lotus Mashups to install
cleanupDocumentStoreEventSubscriptions - This admin task removes unused event subscriptions from the IBM BPM document store. These may be vestige of modified or removed event subscriptions.
cleanupDocumentStoreProperties - This admin task removes unused properties from the IBM BPM document store. These may be vestige of modified or removed case and document types.
cleanupManagedNode - Cleanup a managed node that no longer exists
cleanupTarget - Cleanup a Target that no longer exists
clearAuthCache - Clears the auth cache for a security domain; if no security domain is specified, the auth cache for the admin security domain will be cleared
clearIdMgrRepositoryCache - Clears the cache of the specified repository or of all repositories.
clearIdMgrUserFromCache - Removes a specified user from the cache.
cloneDynamicCluster - Use this command to clone a dynamic cluster.
clonePreference - Command to clone a user preference
compareMultipleResourceAdapters - Compare a list of multiple resource adapters to see if they are all able to be updated with the same RAR file.
compareNodeVersion - Compares the version of a given node with the specified version.  Only the number of levels in the specified version number are compared.  For example, if "6.0" compared to a node version of "", they will compare as equal.  The possible return values are -1, 0, and 1. They are defined as follows:
-1: node version is less than the specified version
 0: node version is equal to the specified version
 1: node version is greater than the specified version
compareResourceAdapterToRAR - Compare an existing Resource Adapter to a RAR file and determine whether the RAR is compatible for updating the Resource Adapter.
configDefaultRESTEndpoints - Discovers the REST service endpoints in the system and configures them with default values
configDynaCache - config WAS dynamic cache for Lotus Mashups
configEventServiceDB2DB - The configEventServiceDB2DB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for DB2 on a server or cluster.
configEventServiceDB2ZOSDB - The configEventServiceDB2ZOSDB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for DB2 z/OS on a server or cluster.
configEventServiceDB2iSeriesDB - The configEventServiceDB2iSeriesDB command generates the DDL database scripts, creates the Event Service database for DB2 iSeries on the native platform and creates data sources on a server or cluster.
configEventServiceDerbyDB - The configEventServiceDerbyDB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for Derby on a server or cluster.
configEventServiceInformixDB - The configEventServiceInformixDB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for Informix on a server or cluster.
configEventServiceOracleDB - The configEventServiceOracleDB command creates the Event Service tables and data sources for Oracle on a server or cluster. The command does not create the database; the Oracle SID must already created.
configEventServiceSQLServerDB - The configEventServiceSQLServerDB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for SQL Server on a server or cluster.
configEventServiceSybaseDB - The configEventServiceSybaseDB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for Sybase on a server or cluster.
configMashupsDB - configure Lotus Mashups to database persistence
configSCAAsyncRetryCount - System retry count configuration
configureAdminCustomUserRegistry - Configure a custom user registry in the administrative security configuration
configureAdminLDAPUserRegistry - Configure an LDAP user registry in the administrative security configuration
configureAdminLocalOSUserRegistry - Configures a local OS user registry in the administrative security configuration.
configureAdminWIMUserRegistry - Configures a Federated repositories user registry in the administrative security configuration.
configureAppCustomUserRegistry - Configure a custom user registry in an application security domain
configureAppLDAPUserRegistry - Configures an LDAP user registry in an application security domain
configureAppLocalOSUserRegistry - Configures a local OS user registry in an application security domain.
configureAppWIMUserRegistry - Configures a Federated repositories user registry in an application security domain.
configureAuthzConfig - Configures an external authorization provider in global security or in an application security domain.
configureBusinessSpaceForMigration - BCSB2003I: Command to Configure Business Space for Migration
configureCSIInbound - Configures the CSI inbound information in the administrative security configuration or in an application security domain.
configureCSIOutbound - Configures the CSI outbound information in the administrative security configuration or in an application security domain.
configureDVIPA - configureDVIPA.desc
configureInterceptor - Configures an interceptor.
configureJAASLoginEntry - Configures a JAAS login module entry in the administrative security configuration or in an application security domain.
configureJaspi - Configure the Jaspi configuration.
configureLoginModule - Configures a login module in the administrative security configuration or in an application security domain.
configureLotusWebformServer - CWMO1030I: This command configures Business Space to use IBM Lotus Webform Server to work with Human Task Management widgets. Webform Server must be installed on the same machine where you are running this command.
configureRSATokenAuthorization - Command that modifies the role propagation authorization mechanism
configureSingleHome - configureDVIPA.desc
configureSingleSignon - Configure single signon.
configureSpnego - This command configures SPNEGO Web Authentication in the security configuration.
configureTAM - This command configures embedded Tivoli Access Manager on the WebSphere Application Server node or nodes specified.
configureTAMTAI - This command configures the embedded Tivoli Access Manager Trust Association Interceptor with classname TAMTrustAsociationInterceptorPlus.
configureTAMTAIPdjrte - This command performs the tasks necessary to fully configure the Tivoli Access Manager Runtime for Java. The specific tasks run are PDJrteCfg and SvrSslCfg.
configureTAMTAIProperties - This command adds the custom properties to the security configuration for the embedded Tivoli Access Manager Trust Association Interceptor with classname TAMTrustAsociationInterceptorPlus.
configureTrustAssociation - Configures a trust association.
configureTrustedRealms - Configures an inbound or outbound trusted realms.
connectSIBWSEndpointListener - Connect an endpoint listener to a service integration bus.
convertCertForSecurityStandard - Converts certificates used by SSL configuration and plugins so that they comply with specified FIPS level.  Also lists certificates that cannot be converted by WebSphere. 
convertFilterRefToString - Converts an audit specification reference to a string representation.
convertFilterStringToRef - Converts an audit specification event and outcome to a reference representation.
convertSSLConfig - Converts old style SSL configuration to new style SSL configurations.  The CONVERT_SSLCONFIGS option will look for old style SSL configuration objects and change them to look like new style SSL configuration objects.  The CONVERT_TO_DEFAULT will go through make convert the whole SSL configuration to the new centralized SSL configuration style, removing the SSL configuraiton direct referencing from the servers.
convertSelfSignedCertificatesToChained - Converts self-signed certificates to chained certificate in a keystore, all keystore, or the default keystores.  The new chained certificate will be signed with root certificate specified or the default root if one is not specified.  All keystores in the configuration will be searched for the self-signed certificate's signer certificate and it will be replaced with the signer of the default root certificate.
convertServerSecurityToSecurityDomain - Task to convert server level security configuration to a security domain configuration.
convertToSysplexNodeGroup - Converts to a sysplex node group
copyBinding - The copyBinding command creates a copy of an existing binding.
copyIdMgrFilesForDomain - Copies the files related to virtual member manager from the specified source domain to the specified destination domain.
copyPolicySet - The copyPolicySet command creates a copy of an existing policy set. The default indicator is set to false for the new policy set. You may indicate whether to transfer attachments from the existing policy set to the new policy set.
copyResourceAdapter - copy the specified J2C resource adapter to the specified scope.
copySecurityDomain - Creates a security domain by coping from another security domain.
copySecurityDomainFromGlobalSecurity - Creates a security domain by copy the global administrative security configuration.
correctSIBEnginePolicy - Ensures that a messaging engines core group policy conforms to its associated bus members messaging engine assistance policy.
createAllActivePolicy - Create a policy that automatically activates all group members.
createApacheServer - Use this command to create an Apache Server.
createApacheServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration
createApplicationServer - Command that creates a server
createApplicationServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration
createAuditEncryptionConfig - Configures audit record encryption.
createAuditEventFactory - Creates an entry in the audit.xml to reference the configuration of an audit event factory implementation of the Audit Event Factory interface.
createAuditFilter - Creates an entry in the audit.xml to reference an Audit Specification. Enables the specification by default.
createAuditKeyStore - Creates a new Key Store.
createAuditNotification - Configures an audit notification.
createAuditNotificationMonitor - Configures an audit notification monitor.
createAuditSelfSignedCertificate - Create a new self-signed certificate and store it in a key store.
createAuditSigningConfig - Configures audit record signing.
createAuthDataEntry - Create an authentication data entry in the administrative security configuration or a in a security domain.
createAuthorizationGroup - Create a new authorization group.
createBPMApiFederationDomain - Create a federation domain to federate across one or more deployment targets and add one or more targets using the addTarget step. The step can be performed more than once to add multiple deployment targets.
createBinaryEmitter - Creates an entry in the audit.xml to reference the configuration of the Binary File Emitter implementation of the Service Provider interface.
createCAClient - Creates a certificate authority (CA) client configurator object.
createCMSKeyStore - Create a CMS KeyStore with password stash file.
createCertificateRequest - Create Certificate Request
createChain - Create a new chain of transport channels based on a chain template.
createChainedCertificate - Create a new chained certificate and store it in a key store.
createCluster - Creates a new application server cluster.
createClusterMember - Creates a new member of an application server cluster.
createCoreGroup - Create a new core group
createCoreGroupAccessPoint - This command creates a default core group access point for the specified core group and adds it to the default access point group.
createDatasource - Create a new Datasource to access the backend data store.  Application components use the Datasource to access connection instances to your database. A connection pool is associated with each Datasource.
createDefaultARPWorkClass - Creates default application routing policy work classes
createDefaultASPWorkClass - Creates default application service policy work classes
createDefaultGRPWorkClass - Creates a default generic server routing policy default work class
createDefaultGSPWorkClass - Creates a default generic server service policy default work class
createDefaultSystemRPWorkClass - Creates default system application routing policy work classes
createDefaultSystemSPWorkClass - Creates default system application service policy work classes
createDescriptiveProp - Create a descriptive property under an object.
createDynamicCluster - Create a new WAS dynamic cluster
createDynamicClusterFromForeignServers - Create a new dynamic cluster from existing foreign servers
createDynamicClusterFromStaticCluster - Create a new dynamic cluster from existing static cluster
createDynamicSSLConfigSelection - Create a Dynamic SSL configuration Selection.
createElasticityAction - Command to create a elasticity action
createEmptyBLA - Create a new business-level application with no composition units.
createExtWasAppServer - Command that creates a server
createExtWasAppServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration
createForeignServer - Command that creates a server
createForeignServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration
createFullCheckpoint - Create a full named checkpoint specified by the "checkpointName"
createGenericServer - Command that creates a server
createGenericServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration
createGroup - Creates a group in the default realm.
createHealthAction - Command to create a health action
createHealthPolicy - Command to create a health policy
createIdMgrCustomRepository - Creates a custom repository configuration.
createIdMgrDBRepository - Creates a database repository configuration.
createIdMgrFileRepository - Creates a file repository configuration.
createIdMgrLDAPRepository - Creates an LDAP repository configuration object.
createIdMgrRealm - Creates a realm configuration.
createIdMgrSupportedEntityType - Creates a supported entity type configuration.
createJ2CActivationSpec - Create a J2C activation specification.
createJ2CAdminObject - Create a J2C administrative object.
createJ2CConnectionFactory - Create a J2C connection factory
createJAXWSHandler - Create a JAX-WS Handler
createJAXWSHandlerList - Create a JAX-WS Handler List
createJBossServer - Command that creates a server
createJBossServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration
createJDBCProvider - Create a new JDBC provider that is used to connect with a relational database for data access.
createJobSchedulerProperty - add a custom property for job scheduler
createKeyManager - Create a key manager.
createKeyReference - Create a Key Reference for a keySet.
createKeySet - Create a Key Set.
createKeySetGroup - Create a key set group.
createKeyStore - Creates a new keystore.
createKrbAuthMechanism - The KRB5 authentication mechanism security object field in the security configuration file is created based on the user input. 
createKrbConfigFile - This command creates a Kerberos configuration file (krb5.ini or krb5.conf).
createLMService - Use the "createLMService" command to create a local mapping service, to which a service map can be attached.
createLMServiceEventPoint - Use the "createLMServiceEventPoint" command to create a local mapping service event point, in order to generate service mapping events.
createLibertyServer - Command that creates a server
createLibertyServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration
createLongRunningSchedulerProperty - (Deprecated) add a custom property for long-running scheduler. Use createJobSchedulerProperty.
createMOfNPolicy - Create a policy that activates the specified number of group members.
createManagedNodeGroup - This command is used to create a group of managed nodes. (deprecated)
createManagementScope - Create a management scope.
createMissingSIBEnginePolicy - Create a core group policy for a messaging engine configured for server cluster bus member with messaging engine policy assistance enabled for the "Custom" policy.
createModels - Create models for Mashups
createNoOpPolicy - Create a policy in which no group members are automatically activated.
createNodeGroup - create a node group
createNodeGroupProperty - add a custom property for a node group
createNonWASDynamicCluster - Create a new non-WAS dynamic cluster
createOAuthProvider - Create OAuth Provider
createODRDynamicCluster - Create On Demand Router dynamic cluster
createObjectCacheInstance - Create an Object Cache Instance.  An object cache instance is a location where an applications can store, distribute, and share data. 
createOnDemandRouter - Command that creates a server
createOnDemandRouterTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration
createOneOfNPolicy - Create a policy that keeps one member active at a time.
createPHPDynamicCluster - Create a new PHP dynamic cluster
createPHPServer - Use this command to create a PHP Server.
createPHPServerTemplate - Use this command to create a PHP Server template.
createPageMarkup - Create page markup for Mashups
createPolicySet - The createPolicySet command creates a new policy set. Policy types are not created with the policy set. The default indicator is set to false.
createPolicySetAttachment - The createPolicySetAttachment command creates a new policy set attachment.
createPropertiesFileTemplates - Create properties file template for create/delete objects
createProxyServer - Command that creates a server
createProxyServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration
createRoutingPolicyWorkClass - Use this command to create a Routing Policy Workclass
createRoutingRules - Use this command to create a routing policy rule list.
createRuleset - Use this command to create a ruleset.
createSIBDestination - Create bus destination.
createSIBDestinations - Create bus destinations.
createSIBEngine - Create a messaging engine.
createSIBForeignBus - Create a SIB foreign bus.
createSIBJMSActivationSpec - Create an activation specification in the SIB JMS resource adapter.
createSIBJMSConnectionFactory - Create a SIB JMS connection factory at the scope identified by the target object.
createSIBJMSQueue - Create a SIB JMS queue at the scope identified by the target object.
createSIBJMSTopic - Create a SIB JMS topic at the scope identified by the target object.
createSIBLink - Create a new SIB link.
createSIBMQLink - Create a new WebSphere MQ link.
createSIBMediation - Create a mediation.
createSIBWMQServer - Create a new WebSphere MQ server.
createSIBWSEndpointListener - Creates an endpoint listener configuration.This command is supported only in the connected mode.
createSIBWSInboundService - Create an inbound service.
createSIBWSOutboundService - Create an outbound service.
createSIBus - Create a bus.
createSMFEmitter - Creates an entry in the audit.xml to reference the configuration of an SMF Emitter implementation of the Service Provider interface.
createSSLConfig - Create a SSL Configuration.
createSSLConfigGroup - Create a SSL Configuration Group.
createSSLConfigProperty - Create a SSLConfig Property.
createSecurityDomain - Creates an empty security domain object.
createSelfSignedCertificate - Create a new self-signed certificate and store it in a keystore.
createServerType - Create a new Server Type e.g. (APPLICATION_SERVER)
createServicePolicyWorkClass - Use these commands to configure Service Policy Workclasses
createServiceRules - Use this command to create a service policy rule list.
createServletCacheInstance - Create a Servlet Cache Instance.  A servlet cache instance is a location where the dynamic cache can store, distribute, and share data.
createStaticPolicy - Create a policy that activates group members on all of the servers in the list.
createSysplexNodeGroup - create sysplex node group
createSystemRoutingPolicyWorkClass - Use this command to create a Routing Policy Workclass
createSystemServicePolicyWorkClass - Use this command to create a Routing Policy Workclass
createTCPEndPoint - Create a new NamedEndPoint that can be associated with a TCPInboundChannel
createTargetGroup - This command is used to create a group of targets.
createTemplateFromTemplate - Create a server template from an existing server template
createThirdPartyEmitter - Creates an entry in the audit.xml to reference the configuration of a Third Party Emitter implementation of the Service Provider interface.
createTomCatServer - Command that creates a server
createTomCatServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration
createTrustManager - Create a trust Manager.
createUDPEndPoint - Create a new NamedEndPoint endpoint to associate with a UDPInboundChannel
createUnmanagedNode - Use this command to create an unmanaged node in a cell.
createUser - Creates a PersonAccount in the default realm.
createVersionedSCAModule - Creates a new archive by renaming the SCA module and its dependent parts. The archive that is identified by the archiveAbsolutePath parameter must contain a versioned SCA module. The SCA module is renamed using the version value of the module and the optional unique cell ID.
createWMQActivationSpec - Creates a WebSphere MQ Activation Specification at the scope provided to the command.
createWMQConnectionFactory - Creates a WebSphere MQ Connection Factory at the scope provided to the command.
createWMQQueue - Creates a WebSphere MQ Queue at the scope provided to the command.
createWMQTopic - Creates a WebSphere MQ Topic at the scope provided to the command.
createWSCertExpMonitor - Create a certificate expiration monitor.
createWSGWGatewayService - createWSGWGatewayService.description
createWSGWProxyService - createWSGWProxyService.description
createWSNAdministeredSubscriber - Add an administered subscriber to a WS-Notification service point
createWSNService - Create a WS-Notification service
createWSNServicePoint - Create a WS-Notification service point
createWSNTopicDocument - Add an instance document to a WS-Notification topic namespace
createWSNTopicNamespace - Create a WS-Notification topic namespace
createWSNotifier - Create a notifier.
createWSRRDefinition - Create a WSRR definition
createWSSchedule - Create a schedule.
createWXSDefinition - Create a WebSphere eXtreme Scale definition
createWasCEServer - Use this command to create an WebSphere Community Edition Server.
createWasCEServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration
createWebLogicServer - Command that creates a server
createWebLogicServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration
createWebModuleProxyConfig - Create a proxy configuration for a Web module
createWebServer - Command that creates a server
createWebServerByHostName - Create Web server definition using hostname.
createWebServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration
createXSDomain - Registers a new eXtremeScale domain service.
deactivateEdition - Marks the state of an edition as INACTIVE.
deactivateProcessApplication - DEACTIVATE_PROCESS_APP_DESC
defineJaspiProvider - Define a new authentication provider.
deleteAsset - Delete an asset which was imported into the product configuration repository.
deleteAttachmentsForPolicySet - The deleteAttachmentsForPolicySet command removes all attachments for a specific policy set.
deleteAuditCertificate - Delete the personal certificate used for audit encryption from the keystore identified as the audit encryption keystore
deleteAuditEmitterByName - Deletes an audit emitter implementation object by unique name.
deleteAuditEmitterByRef - Deletes an audit emitter implementation object by reference id.
deleteAuditEncryptionConfig - Deletes the audit record encryption configuration.
deleteAuditEventFactoryByName - Deletes the audit event factory specified by the unique name.
deleteAuditEventFactoryByRef - Deletes the audit event factory specified by the reference id.
deleteAuditFilter - Deletes an audit specification entry in the audit.xml that matches the event and outcome.
deleteAuditFilterByRef - Deletes an audit specification entry in the audit.xml that matches the reference Id.
deleteAuditKeyStore - Deletes an existing Key Store.
deleteAuditNotification - Deletes an audit notification.
deleteAuditNotificationMonitorByName - Deletes an audit notification monitor specified by the unique name.
deleteAuditNotificationMonitorByRef - Deletes an audit notification monitor specified by the reference id.
deleteAuditSigningConfig - Unconfigures audit record signing.
deleteAuthDataEntry - Delete an authentication data entry from the administrative security configuration or a in a security domain.
deleteAuthorizationGroup - Delete an existing authorization group
deleteBLA - Delete a specified business-level application.
deleteBPMApiFederationDomain - Delete a federation domain, including the targets that it contains.
deleteBPMProperty - Delete a BPM custom property from the configuration repository.
deleteCAClient - Deletes a certificate authority (CA) client configurator object.
deleteCertificate - Delete a personal certificate from a keystore.
deleteCertificateRequest - Delete an existing certificate request from a keystore.
deleteChain - Delete an existing chain and, optionally, the transport channels in the chain.
deleteCheckpoint - Delete the named checkpoint specified by the "checkpointName"
deleteCluster - Delete the configuration of an application server cluster.
deleteClusterMember - Deletes a member from an application server cluster.
deleteCompUnit - Delete a composition unit from a business-level application.
deleteConfigProperties - Delete configuration specified in properties file
deleteCoreGroup - Delete an existing core group. The core group must contain no servers.
deleteCoreGroupAccessPoints - Delete all the core group access points associated with a specified core group.
deleteDatasource - Delete a Datasource used to access a relational database.
deleteDescriptiveProp - Delete a descriptive property under an object.
deleteDynamicCluster - Delete a dynamic cluster from the configuration repository.
deleteDynamicSSLConfigSelection - Delete an existing Dynamic SSL configuration Selection.
deleteElasticityAction - Command to delete a elasticity action
deleteGroup - Deletes a group from the default realm.
deleteHealthAction - Command to delete a health action
deleteHealthPolicy - Command to delete a health policy
deleteIdMgrDBTables - Deletes the tables of the database in virtual member manager.
deleteIdMgrEntryMappingRepositoryTables - Deletes the tables of the entry mapping database in virtual member manager.
deleteIdMgrLDAPAttr - Deletes a LDAP attribute configuration data for a specified entity type for a specific LDAP repository. Use the name of either the LDAP attribute or virtual member manager property.
deleteIdMgrLDAPAttrNotSupported - Deletes the configuration for a virtual member manager property not supported by a specific LDAP repository.
deleteIdMgrLDAPEntityType - Deletes a LDAP entity type configuration data for a specified entity type for a specific LDAP repository.
deleteIdMgrLDAPEntityTypeRDNAttr - Deletes RDN attribute configuration from an LDAP entity type configuration.
deleteIdMgrLDAPExternalIdAttr - Deletes the configuration for an LDAP attribute used as an external ID.
deleteIdMgrLDAPGroupConfig - Deletes the entire LDAP group configuration.
deleteIdMgrLDAPGroupDynamicMemberAttr - Deletes the dynamic member attribute configuration from the LDAP group configuration.
deleteIdMgrLDAPGroupMemberAttr - Deletes the member attribute configuration from the LDAP group configuration.
deleteIdMgrLDAPServer - Deletes the primary LDAP server and configured backup servers.
deleteIdMgrPropertyExtensionEntityData - Deletes the property data from the property extension repository. It also deletes any entity IDs with which there is no property data associated, from the property extension repository in virtual member manager.
deleteIdMgrPropertyExtensionRepositoryTables - Deletes the tables of the property extension database in virtual member manager.
deleteIdMgrRealm - Deletes the specified realm configuration.
deleteIdMgrRealmBaseEntry - Deletes a base entry from a specified realm configuration.
deleteIdMgrRealmDefaultParent - Deletes the default parent of an entity type for a realm. If * is specified as entityTypeName, default parent mapping for all entity types is deleted. If the realm name is not specified, default realm is used. 
deleteIdMgrRepository - Deletes the configuration of the specified repository.
deleteIdMgrRepositoryBaseEntry - Deletes a base entry from the specified repository. 
deleteIdMgrSupportedEntityType - Deletes a supported entity type configuration.
deleteJAXWSHandler - Delete a JAX-WS Handler
deleteJAXWSHandlerList - Delete a JAX-WS Handler List
deleteJDBCProvider - Delete a JDBC provider that is used to connect to a relational database for data access.
deleteJob - Deletes a previously submitted job.
deleteKeyManager - Delete a key manager.
deleteKeyReference - Delete an existing Key Reference from a keySet.
deleteKeySet - Delete a key set.
deleteKeySetGroup - Delete a key set group.
deleteKeyStore - Deletes an existing keystore.
deleteKrbAuthMechanism - The KRB5 authentication mechanism security object field in the security configuration file is deleted. 
deleteLMService - Use the "deleteLMService" command to delete an existing local mapping service.
deleteLMServiceEventPoint - Use the "deleteLMServiceEventPoint" command to delete a local mapping service event point.
deleteManagedNodeGroup - This command is used to delete a group of managed nodes. (deprecated)
deleteManagementScope - Delete an existing management scope.
deleteMemberFromManagedNodeGroup - This command is used to delete members from a group of managed nodes. (deprecated)
deleteMemberFromTargetGroup - This command is used to delete members from a target group.
deleteOAuthProvider - Delete OAuth Provider
deletePolicy - Delete a policy that matches the provided policy name.
deletePolicySet - The deletePolicySet command deletes the specified policy set. If attachments exist for the policy set, the command returns a failure message.
deletePolicySetAttachment - The deletePolicySetAttachment command removes a policy set attachment.
deletePolicyType - The deletePolicyType command deletes a policy type from a policy set.
deleteRemoteCellFromIntelligentManagement - deleteRemoteCellFromIntellMgmtDesc
deleteRoutingPolicyWorkClass - Use this command to delete a Routing Policy Workclass
deleteSAMLIdpPartner - This command removes the SAML TAI IdP partner from the security configuration. 
deleteSAMLTAISSO - This command removes the SAML TAI SSO from the security configuration.
deleteSCClientCacheConfigurationCustomProperties - Delete the Custom property
deleteSIBDestination - Delete bus destination.
deleteSIBDestinations - Delete bus destinations.
deleteSIBEngine - Delete the default engine or named engine from the target bus.
deleteSIBForeignBus - Delete a SIB foreign bus.
deleteSIBJMSActivationSpec - Delete given SIB JMS activation specification.
deleteSIBJMSConnectionFactory - Delete the supplied SIB JMS connection factory.
deleteSIBJMSQueue - Delete the supplied SIB JMS queue.
deleteSIBJMSTopic - Delete the supplied SIB JMS topic.
deleteSIBLink - Delete a SIB link.
deleteSIBMQLink - Delete an WebSphere MQ link.
deleteSIBMQLinkReceiverChannel - This command deletes the Receiver Channel associated with the SIB MQ Link passed in as a target object.
deleteSIBMQLinkSenderChannel - This command deletes the Sender Channel associated with the SIB MQ Link passed in as a target object.
deleteSIBMediation - Delete a mediation.
deleteSIBWMQServer - Delete a named WebSphere MQ server. Also, delete its membership of any buses, and cleanup all associated configuration.
deleteSIBWSEndpointListener - Delete an endpoint listener.
deleteSIBWSInboundService - Delete an inbound service.
deleteSIBWSOutboundService - Delete an outbound service.
deleteSIBus - Delete a named bus, including everything on it.
deleteSSLConfig - Delete an existing SSL configuration.
deleteSSLConfigGroup - Delete a SSLConfig group.
deleteSSLConfigProperty - Delete a SSLConfig Property.
deleteSTSProperty - Remove a configuration property under a configuration group.
deleteSTSTokenTypeConfigurationCustomProperties - Delete custom properties from the configuration of a token type.
deleteSecurityDomain - Deletes a domain object.
deleteServer - Delete a server configuration
deleteServerTemplate - A command that Deletes a Server Template
deleteServicePolicyWorkClass - Use this command to delete a Service Policy Workclass
deleteSignerCertificate - Delete a signer certificate from a keystore.
deleteSpnegoFilter - This command removes SPNEGO Web authentication Filter from the security configuration. If a host name is not specified, all the SPNEGO Web authentication Filters are removed.
deleteSpnegoTAIProperties - This command removes SPNEGO TAI properties from the security configuration. If an spnId is not specified, all the SPNEGO TAI properties are removed.
deleteTargetGroup - This command is used to delete a group of targets.
deleteTrustManager - Delete a trust manager.
deleteUser - Deletes a PersonAccount from the default realm.
deleteWMQActivationSpec - Deletes the WebSphere MQ Activation Specification object provided to the command.
deleteWMQConnectionFactory - Deletes the WebSphere MQ Connection Factory object provided to the command.
deleteWMQQueue - Deletes the WebSphere MQ Queue object provided to the command.
deleteWMQTopic - Deletes the WebSphere MQ Topic object provided to the command.
deleteWSCertExpMonitor - Specifies the certificate expiration monitor name.
deleteWSGWGatewayService - deleteWSGWGatewayService.description
deleteWSGWInstance - deleteWSGWInstance.description
deleteWSGWProxyService - deleteWSGWProxyService.description
deleteWSNAdministeredSubscriber - Remove an administered subscriber from a WS-Notification service point
deleteWSNService - Delete a WS-Notification service
deleteWSNServicePoint - Delete a WS-Notification service point
deleteWSNTopicDocument - Remove an instance document from a WS-Notification topic namespace
deleteWSNTopicNamespace - Delete a WS-Notification topic namespace
deleteWSNotifier - Delete an existing notifier.
deleteWSRRDefinition - Delete a WSRR definition
deleteWSSDistributedCacheConfigCustomProperties - Remove Web Services Security distributed cache custom properties
deleteWSSchedule - Delete an existing schedule.
deleteWXSDefinition - Delete a WebSphere eXtreme Scale definition
deleteWebModuleProxyConfig - Delete the proxy server configuration for a Web module
deleteWebServer - Delete a server configuration
deleteXSDomain - Deletes an existing eXtreme Scale domain.
deployEventService - The deployEventService command deploys and configures the event service on a server or cluster.
deployEventServiceMdb - The deployEventServiceMdb command deploys the event service MDB to a server or cluster.
deployMashupsEAR - deploy Lotus Mashups EAR files
deployWasCEApp - Use this command to deploy a WAS CE application onto a server.
detachServiceMap - Use the "detachServiceMap" command to detach a service map from a local mapping service.
disableAudit - Disables Security Auditing and resets the auditEnabled field in audit.xml.
disableAuditEncryption - Disables audit encryption.
disableAuditFilter - Disables the Audit Specification.
disableAuditSigning - Disables audit signing.
disableEventService - The disableEventService command disables the event service from starting after the next restart of the WebSphere server(s) designated by the nodeName, serverName or clusterName parameters.
disableIntelligentManagement - Command to disable Intelligent Management
disableLMServiceEventPoint - Use the "disableLMServiceEventPoint" command to disable a local mapping service event point, in order to stop generation of service mapping events.
disableProvisioning - Disable provisioning on a server. All components will be started.
disableServerPort - Disable all the transport chains associated with an endpoint on a server. Returns a list of all the disabled transport chains on successful execution of the command.
disableVerboseAudit - Disables the verbose gathering of audit data.
disconnectSIBWSEndpointListener - Disconnect an endpoint listener from a service integration bus.
displayJaspiProvider - Display configuration data for the given authentication provider(s).
displayJaspiProviderNames - Display the names of all authentication providers in the security configuration.
doesCoreGroupExist - Check to see if a core group exists.
dpAddAppliance - Use the dpAddAppliance command to add an appliance to the DataPower appliance manager.
dpAddFirmwareVersion - Use the dpAddFirmwareVersion command to add a firmware version to the DataPower appliance manager.
dpAddManagedSet - Use the dpAddManagedSet command to add a managed set to the DataPower appliance manager.
dpCopyMSDomainVersion - Use the dpCopyMSDomainVersion command to copy a DataPower appliance manager managed domain version to a new managed set.
dpCopyMSSettingsVersion - Use the dpCopyMSSettingsVersion command to copy a DataPower appliance manager managed settings version to a new managed set.
dpExport - Use the dpExport command to export the DataPower appliance manager configuration and versions.
dpGetAllApplianceIds - Use the dpGetAllApplianceIds command to get the IDs of each appliance in the DataPower appliance manager.
dpGetAllDomainNames - Use the dpGetAllDomainNames command to get the names of each of the domains on a DataPower appliance.
dpGetAllFirmwareIds - Use the dpGetAllFirmwareIds command to get the IDs of each DataPower appliance manager firmware in the configuration.
dpGetAllFirmwareVersionIds - Use the dpGetAllFirmwareVersionIds command to get the IDs of each DataPower appliance manager firmware version.
dpGetAllMSApplianceIds - Use the dpGetAllMSApplianceIds command to get the IDs of each appliance in a DataPower appliance manager managed set.
dpGetAllMSDomainIds - Use the dpGetAllMSDomainIds command to get the IDs of each domain in a DataPower appliance manager managed set.
dpGetAllMSDomainVersionIds - Use the dpGetAllMSDomainVersionIds command to get the IDs of each domain version in a DataPower appliance manager managed set.
dpGetAllMSIdsUsingFirmwareVersion - Use the dpGetAllMSIdsUsingFirmwareVersion command to get the IDs of the managed sets that use a firmware version.
dpGetAllMSSettingsVersionIds - Use the dpGetAllMSSettingsVersionIds command to get the IDs of each settings version in a DataPower appliance manager managed set.
dpGetAllManagedSetIds - Use the dpGetAllManagedSetIds command to get the IDs of each DataPower appliance manager managed set.
dpGetAllTaskIds - Use the dpGetAllTaskIDs command to get the IDs of each of the DataPower appliance manager tasks.
dpGetAppliance - Use the dpGetAppliance command to get a specific appliance in the DataPower appliance manager.
dpGetBestFirmware - Use the dpGetBestFirmware command to get the firmware that best matches the parameters.
dpGetFirmware - Use the dpGetFirmware command to get a specific DataPower appliance manager firmware.
dpGetFirmwareVersion - Use the dpGetFirmwareVersion command to get a specific DataPower appliance manager firmware version.
dpGetMSDomain - Use the dpGetMSDomain command to get a DataPower appliance manager managed domain.
dpGetMSDomainVersion - Use the dpGetMSDomainVersion command to get a DataPower appliance manager managed domain version.
dpGetMSSettings - Use the dpGetMSSettings command to get the DataPower appliance manager managed settings.
dpGetMSSettingsVersion - Use the dpGetMSSettingsVersion command to get a DataPower appliance manager managed settings version.
dpGetManagedSet - Use the dpGetManagedSet comand to get a DataPower appliance manager managed set.
dpGetManager - Use the dpGetManager command to get the properties of the DataPower appliance manager.
dpGetManagerStatus - Use the dpGetManagerStatus command to get the status of the DataPower appliance manager.
dpGetTask - Use the dpGetTask command to get a specific DataPower appliance manager task.
dpImport - Use the dpImport command to import the DataPower appliance manager configuration and versions.
dpManageAppliance - Use the dpManageAppliance command to add the appliance to a managed set and to start managing the appliance.
dpManageDomain - Use the dpManageDomain command to add the domain to a managed set, and to start managing the domain.
dpPurgeTask - Use the dpPurgeTask command to purge a DataPower appliance manager task.
dpRemoveAppliance - Use the dpRemoveAppliance command to remove an appliance from the DataPower appliance manager.
dpRemoveFirmwareVersion - Use the dpRemoveFirmwareVersion command to remove a firmware version from the DataPower appliance manager.
dpRemoveMSDomainVersion - Use the dpRemoveMSDomainVersion command to remove a managed domain version from the DataPower appliance manager.
dpRemoveMSSettingsVersion - Use the dpRemoveMSSettingsVersion command to remove a managed settings version from the DataPower appliance manager.
dpRemoveManagedSet - Use the dpRemoveManagedSet command to remove a managed set from the DataPower appliance manager.
dpSetAppliance - Use the dpSetAppliance command to modify an appliance in the DataPower appliance manager.
dpSetFirmwareVersion - Use the dpSetFirmwareVersion command to modify a DataPower appliance manager firmware version.
dpSetMSDomain - Use the dpSetMSDomain command to modify a DataPower appliance manager managed domain.
dpSetMSDomainVersion - Use the dpSetMSDomainVersion command to modify a DataPower appliance manager managed domain version.
dpSetMSSettings - Use the dpSetMSSettings command to modify the DataPower appliance manager managed settings.
dpSetMSSettingsVersion - Use the dpSetMSSettingsVersion command to modify a DataPower appliance manager managed settings version.
dpSetManagedSet - Use the dpSetManagedSet command to modify a DataPower appliance manager managed set.
dpSetManager - Use the dpSetManager command to modify the DataPower appliance manager.
dpStopManager - Use the dpStopManager command to stop the DataPower appliance manager.
dpSynchManagedSet - Use the dpSynchManagedSet command to manually synchronize a DataPower appliance manager managed set.
dpUnmanageAppliance - Use the dpUnmanageAppliance command to remove the appliance of interest from its managed set, and to stop managing the appliance.
dpUnmanageDomain - Use the dpUnmanageDomain command to remove the domain from the managed set, and to stop managing the domain.
duplicateMembershipOfGroup - Makes a group a member of the same groups as another group.
duplicateMembershipOfUser - Makes a user a member of the same groups as another user.
editAsset - Edit options specified when a specified asset was imported.
editBLA - Edit options for a specified business-level application.
editCompUnit - Edit options for a specified composition unit.
editRALClientConfiguration - Edit RAL client configuration at cell level.
editRALServerSecurity - Edit RAL server security setting for a WAS cell.
editSTSProperty - Edit a configuration property under a configuration group.
enableAudit - Enables Security Auditing and sets the auditEnabled field in audit.xml.
enableAuditEncryption - Enables audit encryption.
enableAuditFilter - Enables the Audit Specification.
enableAuditSigning - Enables audit signing.
enableEventService - The enableEventService command enables the event service to be started after the next restart of the WebSphere server(s) designated by the nodeName, serverName or clusterName parameters.
enableFips - Enables and disables a specified FIPS security level. 
enableIntelligentManagement - Command to enable Intelligent Management
enableLMServiceEventPoint - Use the "enableLMServiceEventPoint" command to enable a local mapping service event point, in order to generate service mapping events.
enableOAuthTAI - Enable OAuth TAI
enableProvisioning - Enable provisioning on a server. Some components will be started as they are needed.
enableVerboseAudit - Enables the verbose gathering of audit data.
enableWritableKeyrings - Modify keystore for writable SAF support.  This task is used during the migration process and will create additional writable keystore objects for the control region and servant region keyrings for SSL keystores.
exchangeSigners - Exchange Signer Certificates
executeElasticityAction - Command to execute a elasticity action
executeHealthAction - Command to execute a health action
executeMiddlewareServerOperation - Use this command to execute an operation on a middleware server
exportAsset - Export an asset which has been imported into the product configuration repository.  Only the asset file itself is exported.  No import options for the asset are exported.
exportAuditCertToManagedKS - Exports a personal certificate from a managed key to another managed key store.
exportAuditCertificate - Export a certificate to another KeyStore.
exportBinding - The exportBinding command exports a binding as an archive that can be copied onto a client environment or imported onto a server environment.
exportCertToManagedKS - Export a personal certificate to a managed keystore in the configuration.
exportCertificate - Export a certificate to another KeyStore.
exportCompositeToDomain - Exports composites under specified domain
exportDeploymentManifest - Export the deployment manifest from an EBA asset.
exportLTPAKeys - Exports Lightweight Third Party Authentication keys to a file.
exportMiddlewareApp - Use this command to export a middleware application to a directory.
exportMiddlewareAppScript - Use this command to export middleware application scripts to a directory.
exportOAuthProps - Get OAuth Configuration to edit
exportPolicySet - The exportPolicySet command exports a policy set as an archive that can be copied onto a client environment or imported onto a server environment.
exportProxyProfile - export the configuration of a wsprofile to a config archive.
exportProxyServer - export the configuration of a server to a config archive.
exportSAMLSpMetadata - This command exports the security configuration SAML TAI SP metadata to a file.
exportSCDL - Export the SCA SCDL
exportServer - export the configuration of a server to a config archive.
exportTunnelTemplate - Export a tunnel template and its children into a simple properties file.
exportWSDLArtifacts - Export WSDL and XSD documents for a specific Composition Unit
exportWasprofile - export the configuration of a wsprofile to a config archive.
extractCertificate - extract a signer certificate to a file.
extractCertificateRequest - Extract a certificate request to a file.
extractConfigProperties - Extracts configuration of the object specified by ConfigId or ConfigData parameter to a specified properies file. Either ConfigId or ConfigData parameter should be specified, but not both. ConfigId parameter should be in the form that is returned by "AdminConfig list configType". Example of ConfigId is cellName(cells/cellName|cell.xml#Cell_1). ConfigData parameter should be in the form of configType=value[:configType=value]*. Examples of configData are Deployment=appName or Node=nodeName:Server=serverName.
extractRepositoryCheckpoint - Extract the repository checkpoint specified by the "checkpointName" to the file specified by the "extractToFile".
extractSignerCertificate - Extract a signer certificate from a keystore.
findOtherRAsToUpdate - Find other Resource Adapters that are copies of the entered Resource Adapter.  Since an update will replace binary files, these copies of the Resource Adapter should be updated after the current Resource Adapter is updated.
generateKeyForKeySet - Generate all the keys in a KeySet.
generateKeyForKeySetGroup - Generate new keys for all the keys within a keySet Group.
generateSecConfigReport - Generates the Security Configuration report.
generateTemplates - Generates new set of templates by combining WebSphere Application Server base product templates with feature pack and/or stack product templates
getAccessIdFromServerId - Returns the access ID for the registry server ID.
getActiveSecuritySettings - Gets the active security setting for global security or in a security domain.
getAllCoreGroupNames - Get the names of all core groups
getAuditCertificate - Get information about a personal certificate.
getAuditEmitter - Returns an audit emitter implementation object.
getAuditEmitterFilters - Returns a list of defined filters for the supplied emitter in shortened format.
getAuditEncryptionConfig - Returns the audit record encryption configuration.
getAuditEventFactory - Returns the object of the supplied event factory.
getAuditEventFactoryClass - Returns the class name for the supplied event factory.
getAuditEventFactoryFilters - Returns a list of defined filters for the supplied event factory in shortened format.
getAuditEventFactoryName - Returns the unique name for the supplied event factory.
getAuditEventFactoryProvider - Returns the configured audit service provider for the supplied event factory.
getAuditFilter - Returns an audit specification entry in the audit.xml that matches the reference Id.
getAuditKeyStoreInfo - Shows information about a particular key store.
getAuditNotification - Returns an audit notification.
getAuditNotificationMonitor - Returns the audit notification monitor specified by the reference id.
getAuditNotificationName - Returns the name of the configured audit notification.
getAuditNotificationRef - Returns the reference id of the configured audit notification.
getAuditOutcomes - Returns the audit outcomes defined for an event.
getAuditPolicy - Returns the audit policy attributes.
getAuditSigningConfig - Returns the audit record signing configuration.
getAuditSystemFailureAction - Returns the audit system failure policy.
getAuditorId - Gets the auditor identity defined in the audit.xml file.
getAuthDataEntry - Return information about an authentication data entry
getAuthzConfigInfo - Return information about an external JAAC authorization provider.
getAutoCheckpointDepth - Get the depth of the automatic checkpoints
getAutoCheckpointEnabled - Get the automatic checkpoints enabled attribute value
getAvailableSDKsOnNode - Returns a list of names for the SDKs on a given node.
getBLAStatus - Determine whether a business-level application or composition unit is running or stopped.
getBPMProperty - Get the value of a BPM custom property from the configuration repository.
getBinaryFileLocation - Returns the file location of the Binary audit log.
getBinaryFileSize - Returns the file size of the Binary audit log.
getBinding - The getBinding command returns the binding configuration for a specified policy type and scope.
getBusinessSpaceDeployStatus - CWMO1015I: This command checks whether Business Space is configured on a particular deployment target. If you do not designate any parameters, this command checks if Business Space is configured in the cell.
getCAClient - Gets information about a certificate authority (CA) client configurator object.
getCSIInboundInfo - Returns the CSI inbound information for global security or in a security domain.
getCSIOutboundInfo - Returns the CSI outbound information for global security or in a security domain.
getCertificate - Get information about a personal certificate.
getCertificateChain - Gets information about each certificate in a certificate chain.
getCertificateRequest - Get information about a certificate request
getCheckpointLocation - Get the directory path where the checkpoints are stored
getClientDynamicPolicyControl - The getClientDynamicPolicyControl command returns the WSPolicy client acquisition information for a specified application or resource.
getConfigRepositoryLocation - Get the directory path where the configuration repository is stored 
getContexts - getContextDesc
getCoreGroupNameForServer - Get the name of the core group the server is a member of.
getCurrentWizardSettings - Gets current security wizard settings from the workspace.
getDefaultBindings - The getDefaultBindings command returns the default binding names for a specified domain or server.
getDefaultCoreGroupName - Get the name of the default core group
getDefaultWSRRDefinition - Get the default WSRR definition
getDefaultWXSDefinition - Get the default WebSphere eXtreme Scale definition
getDefaultXSDomain - Returns the default eXtreme Scale domain.
getDescriptiveProp - Get information about a descriptive property under an object.
getDistributedCacheProperty - queryDistrbitedConfigCmdDesc
getDmgrProperties - Returns the properties of the deployment manager
getDocumentStoreStatus - This admin task returns information about the IBM BPM document store, such as the availability of the IBM BPM document store and the migration status of the IBM BPM documents.
getDynamicClusterIsolationProperties - Display Dynamic Cluster isolation properties
getDynamicClusterMaxInstances - Get dynamic cluster maximum number of cluster instances
getDynamicClusterMaxNodes - Get dynamic cluster maximum number of cluster nodes
getDynamicClusterMembers - Get members of specified dynamic cluster and node name.  If node name is not specified, all members of the dynamic cluster are returned.
getDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy - Get dynamic cluster membership policy
getDynamicClusterMinInstances - Get dynamic cluster minimum number of cluster instances
getDynamicClusterMinNodes - Get dynamic cluster minimum number of cluster nodes
getDynamicClusterOperationalMode - Get dynamic cluster operational mode
getDynamicClusterServerType - Get dynamic cluster server type
getDynamicClusterVerticalInstances - Get dynamic cluster vertical stacking of instances on node
getDynamicSSLConfigSelection - Get information about a Dynamic SSL configuration selection.
getEditionState - Provides the state of an application edition.
getEmailList - Returns the notification email list for the configured audit notification.
getEmitterClass - Returns the class name associated with the supplied emitter reference.
getEmitterUniqueId - Returns the unique ID associated with the supplied emitter reference.
getEncryptionKeyStore - Returns the keystore containing the certificate used to encrypt the audit records.
getEventFormatterClass - Returns the class name of the event formatter associated with the audit service provider reference.
getFipsInfo - Returns information about the FIPS settings in the current WebSphere configuration.  It will print out whether the FIPS is enabled or not and if it is, then what level FIPS setting is enabled. If suite B is enabled, the level of suite B is also returned. 
getGroup - Retrieves the attributes of a group.
getIdMgrDefaultRealm - Returns the name of the default realm.
getIdMgrEntityTypeSchema - Retrieves the schema of an entity type. If repository ID is not specified then it returns the default entity type schema supported by virtual member manager. If entity type names are not specified then it retrieves the entity type schema for all the entity types.
getIdMgrLDAPAttrCache - Returns the LDAP attribute cache configuration.
getIdMgrLDAPContextPool - Returns LDAP context pool configuration.
getIdMgrLDAPEntityType - Returns the LDAP entity type configuration data for the specified entity type in the LDAP repository.
getIdMgrLDAPEntityTypeRDNAttr - Returns the RDN attributes configuration of an LDAP entity type configuration.
getIdMgrLDAPGroupConfig - Returns the LDAP group configuration parameters.
getIdMgrLDAPGroupDynamicMemberAttrs - Returns the dynamic member attribute configuration from the LDAP group configuration.
getIdMgrLDAPGroupMemberAttrs - Returns the member attribute configuration from the LDAP group configuration.
getIdMgrLDAPSearchResultCache - Returns the LDAP search result cache configuration.
getIdMgrLDAPServer - Returns all the configured LDAP servers and their configurations.
getIdMgrPropertySchema - Retrieves the property schema of an entity type. If repository ID is not specified then it returns the default property schema supported by virtual member manager. If propertyNames is not specified it returns schema of all the properties. If entity type is not specified then it retrieves the property schema for all entity types. If propertyNames is specified then entityTypeName must be specified.
getIdMgrRealm - Returns the specified realm configuration.
getIdMgrRepositoriesForRealm - Returns repository specific details for the repositories configuration for the specified realm.
getIdMgrRepository - Returns the configuration of the specified repository.
getIdMgrSupportedDataTypes - Retrieves the supported data types. If repository ID is not specified then it returns the default data types supported by virtual member manager.
getIdMgrSupportedEntityType - Returns the configuration of the specified supported entity type.
getInheritedSSLConfig - Returns a string containing the alias of the SSL Configuration and the certificate alias for the specified scope.
getJAASLoginEntryInfo - Get information about a JAAS login entry.
getJVMMode - Get the current JVM mode. The command will return either 31-bit or 64-bit.
getJaspiInfo - Display information about the Jaspi configuration.
getJavaHome - Get the Java Home path.
getJobTargetHistory - This command is used to get the job target history for a job.
getJobTargetStatus - This command is used to get the latest job target status for a job.
getJobTargets - This command is used to get targets for a job.  The targets for the job may have been unregistered, or deleted.
getJobTypeMetadata - This command is used to get the metadata associated with a jobType.
getJobTypes - This command is used to get the supported job types for a managed node.
getKeyManager - Get information about a key manager.
getKeyReference - Get information about a Key Reference in a particular keySet.
getKeySet - Get information about a key set.
getKeySetGroup - Get information about a key set group.
getKeyStoreInfo - Returns information about a particular keystore.
getLTPATimeout - Return the LTPA authentication mechanism timeout from global security or a security domain.
getManagedNodeConnectorProperties - Get connector properties for the managed node
getManagedNodeGroupInfo - Information regarding a group of managed nodes. (deprecated)
getManagedNodeGroupMembers - This command is used to list members of a group of managed nodes. (deprecated)
getManagedNodeKeys - Get properties keys associated with a specific managed node. (deprecated)
getManagedNodeProperties - Get properties associated with a specific managed node. (deprecated)
getManagedNodesOnHostByInstallLoc - Returns all managed nodes in the current deployment manager cell from the specified host by install location. 
getManagedResourceProperties - Get properties associated with a specific managed resource.
getManagedResourcePropertyKeys - Get property keys associated with an specific managed resource.
getManagedResourceTypes - Retrieves managed resource types.
getManagementScope - Get information about a management scope.
getMaxNumBinaryLogs - Returns the configured maximum number of Binary audit logs.
getMembersOfGroup - Retrieves the members of a group.
getMembershipOfGroup - Retrieves the groups in which a group is a member.
getMembershipOfUser - Get the groups in which a PersonAccount is a member.
getMetadataProperties - Returns all managed object metadata properties for a given node.
getMetadataProperty - Returns the specified managed object metadata property for agiven node.
getMiddlewareServerType - Use this command to show the server type of a middleware server
getNamedTCPEndPoint - Returns the port associated with the specified bridge interface.  This is the port specified on the TCP inbound channel of transport channel chain for the specified bridge interface.
getNewRAObjectProperties - Returns a string containing all of the property values and step inputs for the updateRAR command.
getNodeBaseProductVersion - Returns the base version for a node, for example, "".
getNodeDefaultSDK - Query the node's default SDK name and location
getNodeMajorVersion - Returns the major version for a node, for example, "6" for v6.0.0.0.
getNodeMinorVersion - Returns the minor version for a node, for example, "0.0.0" for v6.0.0.0.
getNodePlatformOS - Returns the operating system platform for a given node.
getNodeSysplexName - Returns the operating system platform for a given node.  This valueapplies only to nodes running on the z/OS operating system.
getOSGiApplicationDeployedObject - Returns the deployedObject that represents the configuration of the OSGi application given the name of its composition unit.
getOverallJobStatus - This command is used to get overall status of a job.
getPolicySet - The getPolicySet command returns general attributes, such as description and default indicator, for the specified policy set.
getPolicySetAttachments - The getPolicySetAttachments command lists the properties for all attachments configured for a specified application or for the trust service.
getPolicyType - The getPolicyType command returns the attributes for a specified policy.
getPolicyTypeAttribute - The getPolicyTypeAttribute command returns the value for the specified policy attribute.
getPreferences - Command to get user preferences
getProfileKey - Get the profile key
getProviderPolicySharingInfo - The getProviderPolicySharingInfo command returns the WSPolicy provider sharing information for a specified application or resource.
getRSATokenAuthorization - Returns information in the admin RSA token authorization mechanism object.
getRequiredBindingVersion - The getRequiredBindingVersion command returns the binding version that is required for a specified asset.
getRuntimeRegistrationProperties - Get certain runtime properties pertaining to a device and its registered job manager
getSCAExportHttpBindingWebModule - Show the attributes of an SCA Export HTTP Web module binding
getSDKPropertiesOnNode - Returns properties for the SDKs. If the SDK name is not given, all properties for all avaiable SDKs are returned.  If the SDK attributes are specified, only properties for given SDK attributes are returned.
getSDKVersion - Query the SDK version number in use
getSSLConfig - Get information about a particular SSL configuration.
getSSLConfigGroup - Get information about a SSL configuration group.
getSSLConfigProperties - Get SSL Configuration Properties
getSecurityDomainForResource - Returns the security domain that a particular scope belongs to.
getSendEmail - Returns the state of the sendEmail audit notification.
getServerSDK - Query the server's SDK name and location
getServerSecurityLevel - Get the current security level of the secure proxy server.
getServerType - returns the server type of the specified server.
getSignerCertificate - Get information about a signer Certificate.
getSingleSignon - Returns information about the single signon settings for global security.
getSupportedAuditEvents - Returns all supported audit events.
getSupportedAuditOutcomes - Returns all supported audit outcomes.
getTCPEndPoint - Get the NamedEndPoint associated with either a TCPInboundChannel, or a chain that contains a TCPInboundChannel
getTargetGroupInfo - Information regarding a group of Targets.
getTargetGroupMembers - This command is used to list members of a target group.
getTargetKeys - Get properties keys associated with a specific Target.
getTargetProperties - Get properties associated with a specific Target.
getTransport - Specifies the configured transport, object request broker (ORB) or IBM eXtremeIO (XIO) for the specified domain or catalog server name.  The transport can only be determined for embedded WebSphere application servers.  Use the xscmd command, -c showTransport,  to determine the transport for remote catalog servers.
getTrustAssociationInfo - Get information about a trust association.
getTrustManager - Get information about a trust manager.
getUDPEndPoint - Get the NamedEndPoint endpoint that is associated with either a UDPInboundChannel, or a chain that contains a UDPInboundChannel
getUnusedSDKsOnNode - Query unused SDKs on the node
getUser - Retrieves the attributes of a PersonAccount.
getUserRegistryInfo - Returns information about a user registry from the administrative security configuration or an application security domain.
getWSCertExpMonitor - Get information about a certificate expiration monitor.
getWSN_SIBWSInboundPort - Retrieve one of the service integration bus inbound ports from a WS-Notification service point.
getWSN_SIBWSInboundService - Retrieve one of the service integration bus inbound services from a WS-Notification service
getWSNotifier - Get information about a notifier.
getWSSchedule - Get schedule information.
getWebService - Gets the attributes for a Web service in an enterprise application.
healthRestartAction - restarts the sick server
importApplicationsFromWasprofile - Import the applications from a configuration archive file to a sepcified application server target.
importAsset - Import an application file into the product configuration repository as an asset.
importAuditCertFromManagedKS - Imports a personal certificate from another managed key store.
importAuditCertificate - Import a Certificate from another keyStore to this KeyStore.
importBinding - The importBinding command imports a binding from a compressed archive onto a server environment.
importCertFromManagedKS - Import a personal certificate from managed keystore in the configuration.
importCertificate - port a Certificate from another keystore to this keystore.
importDeploymentManifest - Import the deployment manifest into the EBA asset. If the deployment manifest is resolved successfully, it will replace the existing deployment manifest in the asset.
importEncryptionCertificate - Import a Certificate from another keyStore to this KeyStore.
importLTPAKeys - Imports Lightweight Third Party Authentication keys into the configuration.
importOAuthProps - Import OAuth Configuration After Export
importPolicySet - The importPolicySet command imports a policy set from a compressed archive onto a server environment.
importProxyProfile - Import a Secure Proxy Profile into this cell.
importProxyServer - Import a Secure Proxy Server into a given Secure Proxy node.
importSAMLIdpMetadata - This command imports SAML IdP metadata to the security configuration SAML TAI.
importServer - Import a server configuration from a configuration archive. This command creates a new server based on the server configuration defined in the archive.
importTunnelTemplate - Import a tunnel template and its children into the cell-scoped config.
importWasprofile - Import the configuration of a wasprofile profile from a configuration archive. This command overwrites the configuration of the current wasprofile configuration.
inspectServiceMapLibrary - Use the "inspectServiceMapLibrary" command to display details about the service maps within a service map library.
installBusinessSpaceWidgets - CWMO1024I: This command installs, deploys, and registers designated widgets contained in a compressed file or an enterprise archive (EAR) file. If widgets are already deployed, the command refreshes the binary and registration information. The structure of the widget compressed file contains the following items: [ear\widgets_name.ear] one or more EAR files;  [catalog\catalog_name.xml] widget catalog; [endpoints\*.xml] widget endpoints; [spaces\*.zip] Spaces must be in a compressed file and follow IBM Lotus Mashups spaces format;  [templates\*.zip] Templates must be in a compressed file and follow IBM Lotus Mashups template format;  [help\eclipse\plugins\*] help files;  All folders are not required. Empty folders are valid.
installHumanTaskManagementWidgets - installHumanTaskManagementWidgets
installMaintenance - Installs specified maintenance on the target host.
installMashups - composite admin command, equals setSecurity + deployMashupsEAR + configDynaCache + updatePropertyConfig + updateBlobConfig
installPHPApp - Use this command to install a PHP application.
installProcessApplication - This command installs a BLA on an Advanced Process center Server or a Process Server. It is available only for snapshots that have Advanced Integration Services.
installResourceAdapter - Install a J2C resource adapter
installSSHPublicKeyOnHost - Installs an SSH public key on a remote host.  After installation, the specified administrator can connect using the corresponding private key. Currently, only remote targets running OpenSSH or SunSSH servers are supported. 
installServiceMap - Use the "installServiceMap" command to install a service map in a service map library.
installSoftware - Installs the specified software package on the target host.
installWASExtension - Installs the WebSphere Application Server extension on the specified host.
installWasCEApp - Use this command to install a WAS CE application.
installWithResponseFile - Installs the specified software package on the target host using parameters specified in a response file.
isAdminLockedOut - Checks to make sure that at least one admin user in the admin-authz.xml file exists in the input user registry.
isAppSecurityEnabled - Returns the current Application Security setting of true or false.
isAuditEnabled - Returns the state of Security Auditing.
isAuditEncryptionEnabled - Returns the state of audit encryption.
isAuditFilterEnabled - Determination of enablement state of an Audit Specification.
isAuditNotificationEnabled - Returns the enabled state of the audit notification policy.
isAuditSigningEnabled - Returns the state of audit signing.
isDefaultWSRRDefinition - Check if a WSRR definition is the default
isDefaultWXSDefinition - Check if a WebSphere eXtreme Scale definition is the default
isEditionExists - Use this command to check if the specified edition exists for the particular application.
isEventEnabled - Returns a Boolean indicating if the event has at least one audit outcome for which it has been enabled.
isFederated - Check if the server is a standalone server or the node of the given server is federated with a deployment manager. Returns "true" if the node of the server is federated, "false" otherwise.
isGlobalSecurityEnabled - Returns the current administrative security setting of true or false.
isIdMgrUseGlobalSchemaForModel - Returns a boolean to indicate whether the global schema option is enabled for the data model in a multiple security domain environment.
isInheritDefaultsForDestination - The command will return "true" if the destination specified inherits the default security permissions.
isInheritReceiverForTopic - Shows the inherit receiver defaults for a topic in a given topic space.  Returns "true" if the topic inherits from receiver default values.
isInheritSenderForTopic - Shows the inherit sender defaults for a topic for a specified topic space.  Returns "true" if the topic inherits from sender default values.
isJACCEnabled - Checks if the current run time is JACC enabled in the global security domain.
isNodeZOS - Determines whether or not a given node is a z/OS node. Returns "true" if node operating system is Z/OS, "false" otherwise. 
isPollingJobManager - Query whether a managed node is periodically polling a JobManager
isSAFVersionValidForIdentityMapping - Returns a Boolean indicating if the version of the SAF product supports distributed identity mapping.
isSendEmailEnabled - Returns the enabled state of sending audit notification emails.
isSingleSecurityDomain - Checks if the current run time is a single security domain.
isVerboseAuditEnabled - Returns the state of verbose gathering of audit data.
listAdminObjectInterfaces - List all of the defined administrative object interfaces on the specified J2C resource adapter.
listAllDestinationsWithRoles - Lists all destinations which have roles defined on them.
listAllForeignBusesWithRoles - Lists all foreign buses which have roles defined on them for the specified bus.
listAllRolesForGroup - Lists all the roles defined for a specified group.
listAllRolesForUser - Lists all the roles defined for a specified user.
listAllSIBBootstrapMembers - Lists all the servers or clusters that can be used for bootstrap into the specified bus.
listAllTopicsWithRoles - Lists all the topics with roles defined for the specified topic space.
listApplicationPorts - Displays a list of ports that is used to access the specified application, including the node name, server name, named endpoint, and host and port values.
listAssets - List assets which have been imported into the product configuration repository.
listAssetsAttachedToPolicySet - The listAssetsAttachedToPolicySet command lists the assets to which a specific policy set is attached.
listAttachmentsForPolicySet - The listAttachmentsForPolicySet command lists the applications to which a specific policy set is attached.
listAuditAuthorizationGroupsForGroupID - list all the AuthorizationGroups that a given group has access to
listAuditAuthorizationGroupsForUserID - list all the AuthorizationGroups that a given user has access to.
listAuditEmitters - Lists all the audit emitter implementation objects.
listAuditEncryptionKeyStores - Lists the audit record encryption keystores.
listAuditEventFactories - Returns a list of the defined audit event factory implementations.
listAuditFilters - Retrieves a list of all the audit specifications defined in the audit.xml.
listAuditFiltersByEvent - Returns a list of event and outcome types of the defined Audit Filters.
listAuditFiltersByRef - Returns the references to the defined Audit Filters.
listAuditGroupIDsOfAuthorizationGroup - list all the group IDs in an AuthorizationGroups
listAuditKeyStores - Lists Audit keystores
listAuditNotificationMonitors - Lists the audit notification monitors.
listAuditNotifications - Lists the audit notifications.
listAuditResourcesForGroupID - List all the objects that a given group has access to.
listAuditResourcesForUserID - List all the objects that a given user has access to.
listAuditUserIDsOfAuthorizationGroup - list all the users IDs in an AuthorizationGroups
listAuthDataEntries - List authentication data entries in the administrative security configuration or a in a security domain. 
listAuthorizationGroups - List existing Authorization Groups.
listAuthorizationGroupsForGroupID - list all the AuthorizationGroups that a given group has access to
listAuthorizationGroupsForUserID - list all the AuthorizationGroups that a given user has access to.
listAuthorizationGroupsOfResource - Get the authorization groups of a given Resource.
listAvailableOSGiExtensions - Shows the possible extensions available to be attached to the composition unit.
listBLAs - List business-level applications in the cell.
listBPMApiFederationDomains - List all federation domains.
listCAClients - Lists certificate authority (CA) client configurator objects.
listCertAliases - Lists the certificate aliases.
listCertStatusForSecurityStandard - Returns all the certificate used by SSL configuraiton and plugins. States if they comply with the requested security level. 
listCertificateRequests - The list of certificate request in a keystore.
listChainTemplates - Displays a list of templates that can be used to create chains in this configuration. All templates have a certain type of transport channel as the last transport channel in the chain.
listChains - List all chains configured under a particular instance of TransportChannelService.
listCheckpointDocuments - List the existing checkpoint documents specified by the "checkpointName"
listCheckpoints - List the existing checkpoints 
listClusterMemberTemplates - No description available
listCompUnits - List composition units belonging to a specified business-level application.
listConnectionFactoryInterfaces - List all of the defined connection factory interfaces on the specified J2C resource adapter.
listControlOps - Lists control operations defined for a business-level application and its composition units.
listCoreGroupServers - Returns a list of core group servers.
listCoreGroups - Return a collection of core groups that are related to the specified core group. 
listDatasources - List the datasources that are contained in the specified scope.
listDescriptiveProps - List descriptive properties under an object.
listDisabledSessionCookie - Lists the sets of cookie configurations that will not be able to be programmatically modified
listDynamicClusterIsolationGroupMembers - List Dynamic Cluster isolation group members
listDynamicClusterIsolationGroups - List Dynamic Cluster isolation groups
listDynamicClusters - List all dynamic clusters in the cell
listDynamicSSLConfigSelections - List all Dynamic SSL configuration selections.
listEditions - Use this command to list all the editions for a particular application.
listElasticityActions - Command to list all elasticity actions
listEligibleBridgeInterfaces - Returns a collection of node, server and transport channel chain combinations that are eligible to become bridge interfaces for the specified core group access point.
listExternalBundleRepositories - Lists the external bundle repositories in the configuration.
listFeaturesForInstall - Lists all features from the specified software package that are selectable for centralized installation. 
listForeignServerTypes - Use this command to show all of the middleware server types
listGroupIDsOfAuthorizationGroup - list all the group IDs in an AuthorizationGroup
listGroupsForNamingRoles - List the groups and special subjects from all naming roles.
listGroupsInBusConnectorRole - List the groups in the bus connector role
listGroupsInDefaultRole - List the groups in the default role.
listGroupsInDestinationRole - List the groups in the specified role in the destination security space role for the given destination.
listGroupsInForeignBusRole - List the groups in the specified role in the foreign bus security space role for the given bus.
listGroupsInTopicRole - Lists the groups in the specified topic role for the specified topic space.
listGroupsInTopicSpaceRootRole - Lists the groups in the specified topic space role for the specified topic space.
listHealthActions - Command to list all health actions
listHealthPolicies - Command to list all health policies
listIdMgrCustomProperties - Returns custom properties of specified repository configuration.
listIdMgrGroupsForRoles - Lists the uniqueName of groups for each role.
listIdMgrLDAPAttrs - Lists the name of all configured attributes for the specified LDAP repository.
listIdMgrLDAPAttrsNotSupported - Lists the details of all virtual member manager properties not supported by the specified LDAP repository.
listIdMgrLDAPBackupServers - Lists the backup LDAP servers.
listIdMgrLDAPEntityTypes - Lists the name of all configured entity types for the specified LDAP repository.
listIdMgrLDAPExternalIdAttrs - Lists the details of all LDAP attributes used as an external ID.
listIdMgrLDAPServers - Lists all the configured primary LDAP servers.
listIdMgrPropertyExtensions - Lists the properties that have been extended for one or more entity types.
listIdMgrRealmBaseEntries - Lists all base entries of the specified realm.
listIdMgrRealmDefaultParents - Lists the mapping of default parent uniqueName for all entity types in a specified realm. If realm name is not specified, default realm is used.
listIdMgrRealmURAttrMappings - Returns mappings between user and group attributes of user registry to virtual member manager properties for a realm.
listIdMgrRealms - Lists the name of configured realms.
listIdMgrRepositories - Lists names, types, and hostnames of all the configured repositories.
listIdMgrRepositoryBaseEntries - Returns base entries for a specified repository.
listIdMgrSupportedDBTypes - Returns a list of supported database types.
listIdMgrSupportedEntityTypes - Lists all the configured supported entity types.
listIdMgrSupportedLDAPServerTypes - Returns list of supported LDAP server types.
listIdMgrSupportedMessageDigestAlgorithms - Returns a list of supported message digest algorithms.
listIdMgrUsersForRoles - Lists the uniqueName of users for each role.
listInProgressRequests - Lists install or uninstall requests that have started but not yet completed.
listInheritDefaultsForDestination - List inherit defaults for destination (deprecated - use isInheritDefaultsForDestination instead)
listInheritReceiverForTopic - List Inherit Receiver For topic (deprecated - use isInheritReceiverForTopic instead)
listInheritSenderForTopic - List Inherit Sender For topic (deprecated - use isInheritSenderForTopic instead)
listInterceptors - List interceptors from the global security configuration or from a security domain.
listJ2CActivationSpecs - List the J2C activation specifications that have a specified message listener type defined in the specified J2C resource adapter.
listJ2CAdminObjects - List the J2C administrative objects that have a specified administrative object interface defined in the specified J2C resource adapter.
listJ2CConnectionFactories - List J2C connection factories that have a specified connection factory interface defined in the specified J2C resource adapter.
listJAASLoginEntries - List JAAS login entries from the administrative security configuration or from an application security domain.
listJAXWSHandlerLists - List the JAX-WS Handler Lists at a given cell scope
listJAXWSHandlers - List the JAX-WS Handlers at a given cell scope
listJDBCProviders - List the JDBC providers that are contained in the specified scope.
listJSFImplementation - Lists the JavaServer Faces implementation used by the WebSphere runtime for an application
listJSFImplementations - Lists the JavaServer Faces implementations allowed by the WebSphere runtime for an application
listJobManagers - List all JobManagers which a given managed node is registered with
listJobSchedulerProperties - list properties of the job scheduler
listKeyFileAliases - List personal certificate aliases in a keystore file
listKeyInstallationRecords - Lists the SSH public key installation records
listKeyManagers - List key managers within a give scope.
listKeyReferences - Lists key references for the keys in a keySet.
listKeySetGroups - List key set groups within a scope.
listKeySets - List key sets within a scope.
listKeySizes - Displays a list of certificate key sizes.
listKeyStoreTypes - List the supported keystore types.
listKeyStoreUsages - Returns a list of valid keystore usage types.  A usage is a way to identify how the keystore is intended to be used.
listKeyStores - List keystore objects in a particular scope.
listKrbAuthMechanism - The KRB5 authentication mechanism security object field in the security configuration file is displayed. 
listLMServices - Use the "listLMServices" command to list the created local mapping services.
listLocalRepositoryBundles - Lists all bundles in the internal bundle repository.
listLoginConfigs - Lists the login module configuration aliases.
listLoginModules - List all login modules for a JAAS login entry.
listLongRunningSchedulerProperties - (Deprecated) list properties of the long-running scheduler. Use listJobSchedulerProperties.
listManagedNodes - Use this command to list all registered managed nodes in the admin agent, or to list all federated nodes in the deployment manager.
listManagedNodesOnHost - Returns all managed nodes in the current deployment manager cell from the specified host regardless of install location. 
listManagementScopeOptions - Returns a list of all cell, node, server, cluster, and nodegroups management scopes in the configuration.
listManagementScopes - List all management scopes.
listMessageListenerTypes - List all of the defined message listener types on the specified J2C resource adapter.
listMiddlewareAppEditions - Use this command to list all editions for a middleware application.
listMiddlewareAppWebModules - Use this command to list the web modules for a middleware application.
listMiddlewareApps - Use this command to list all middleware applications.
listMiddlewareDescriptorVersions - Use this command to list which versions have specific information provided in the middleware descriptor.  
listMiddlewareDescriptors - Use this command to list the names of all installed middleware descriptors
listMiddlewareServerTypes - Use this command to show all of the middleware server types
listMiddlewareServers - Use this command to show all of the servers of the specified server type.  If no server type is specified, then all servers are shown
listMiddlewareTargets - Use this command to list the deployment targets for a middleware application.
listNodeGroupProperties - list properties of a node group
listNodeGroups - list node groups containing given node, or list all node groups if no target node is given
listNodes - list all the nodes in the cell or on a specified nodeGroup.
listOSGiExtensions - Shows the current extensions attached to the composition unit.
listPHPServers - Use this command to list PHP Servers.
listPackagesForInstall - Lists all software packages available for centralized installation.
listPendingRequests - Lists install or uninstall requests that have been queued and awaiting processing.
listPersonalCertificates - The list of personal certificates in a given keystore.
listPolicySets - The listPolicySets command returns a list of all existing policy sets.
listPolicyTypes - The listPolicyTypes command returns a list of the names of the policies configured in the system, in a policy set, or in a binding.
listPureQueryBindFiles - List the pureQuery bind files in an installed application.
listRegistryGroups - Returns a list of groups in a security realm, security domain, or resource.
listRegistryUsers - Returns a list of users in the specified security realm, security domain, or resource.
listRemoteCellsFromIntelligentManagement - Command to list remote cells from Intelligent Management
listReplicationDomainReferences - List search object that participates in a specific data replication domain.  An object participates in a data replication domain if the object references the provided data replication domain name.  The command returns the objects that reference the data replication domain name regardless of whether replication is enabled or disabled for that object.
listRequestsForTarget - Lists all install or uninstall requests that have been submitted for a particular target host. 
listResourcesForGroupID - List all the objects that a given group has access to.
listResourcesForUserID - List all the objects that a given user has access to.
listResourcesInSecurityDomain - List all resources mapped to the specified security domain.
listResourcesOfAuthorizationGroup - List all the resources within the given Authorization Group.
listRoutingRules - Use this command to list routing policy rules.
listRuleset - Use this command to list a ruleset.
listSAMLIssuerConfig - List SAML Issuer Configuration data
listSCAExports - List the exports of an SCA module
listSCAImports - List the imports of an SCA module
listSCAModules - List the SCA modules deployed to the cell
listSCMConnectivityProviders - Returns a list of all the Service Connectivity Management (SCM) connectivity providers that exist in the cell.
listSIBDestinations - List destinations belonging to a bus.
listSIBEngines - List messaging engines.
listSIBForeignBuses - List the SIB foreign buses.
listSIBJMSActivationSpecs - List activation specifications on the SIB JMS resource adapter in given scope.
listSIBJMSConnectionFactories - List all SIB JMS connection factories of the specified type at the specified scope.
listSIBJMSQueues - List all SIB JMS queues at the specified scope.
listSIBJMSTopics - List all SIB JMS topics at the specified scope.
listSIBLinks - List the SIB links.
listSIBMQLinks - List the WebSphere MQ links.
listSIBMediations - List the mediations on a bus.
listSIBNominatedBootstrapMembers - Lists all the servers or clusters that have been nominated for bootstrap into the specified bus.
listSIBPermittedChains - Lists the permitted chains for the specified bus.
listSIBWMQServerBusMembers - List all WebSphere MQ servers.
listSIBWMQServers - List all WebSphere MQ servers.
listSIBusMembers - List the members on a bus.
listSIBuses - List all buses in the cell.
listSSLCiphers - List of ciphers.
listSSLConfigGroups - List all SSL configuration groups.
listSSLConfigProperties - List the properties for a given SSL configuration.
listSSLConfigs - List SSL configurations for a specific management scope.
listSSLProtocolTypes - Lists the SSL protocols valid for the current FIPS configuration. If FIPS is not enabled, then the full list of valid SSL protocols are returned. 
listSSLRepertoires - List all SSLConfig instances that can be associated with an SSLInboundChannel
listSTSAssignedEndpoints - Query the STS for a list of assigned endpoints.
listSTSConfigurationProperties - List the configuration properties under a configuration group.
listSTSConfiguredTokenTypes - Query the STS for a list of configured token types.
listSTSEndpointTokenTypes - List assigned token types for an endpoint.
listSTSProperties - List the configuration properties under a configuration group.
listSecurityDomains - Lists all security domains.
listSecurityDomainsForResources - Returns a list of resources and their associated domain for each resource provided.
listSecurityRealms - List all security realms in the configuration from global security and the security domains.
listServerPorts - Displays a list of ports that is used by a particular server, including the node name, server name, named endpoint, and host and port values.
listServerTemplates - Lists the available Server Templates
listServerTypes - Lists the available serverTypes that have a template.
listServers - list servers of specified server type and node name. If node name is not specified, whole cell will be searched. If the server type is not specified servers of all types are returned.
listServiceMaps - Use the "listServiceMaps" command to list the installed service maps.
listServiceRules - Use this command to list service policy rules.
listServices - Lists the services based on a generic query properties. It provides more generic query functions than listWebServices, listWebServiceEndpoints, listWebServiceOperations, and getWebService commands.
listSignatureAlgorithms - List signature algorithms available for the current FIPS configuration. If FIPS is not enabled, then the full list of valid Signature Algorithms are returned. 
listSignerCertificates - The list of signer certificates in a keystore.
listSqljProfiles - List the serialized SQLJ profiles that are in an installed application.
listSupportedPolicySets - listSupportedPolicySetsCmdDesc
listTAMSettings - This command lists the current embedded Tivoli Access Manager configuration settings.
listTCPEndPoints - Lists all NamedEndPoints that can be associated with a TCPInboundChannel
listTCPThreadPools - Lists all ThreadPools that can be associated with a TCPInboundChannel or TCPOutboundChannel
listTraceRulesForIntelligentManagement - List trace rules for Intelligent Management
listTrustManagers - List trust managers.
listTrustedRealms - List trusted realms trusted by a security realm, resource, or security domain.
listUDPEndPoints - Lists all the NamedEndPoints endpoints that can be associated with a UDPInboundChannel
listUnmanagedNodes - Use this command to list all unmanaged nodes in the cell.
listUserIDsOfAuthorizationGroup - list all the users IDs in an AuthorizationGroup
listUsersForNamingRoles - List the users from all naming roles.
listUsersInBusConnectorRole - List the users in the Bus Connector Role
listUsersInDefaultRole - List the users in a default role.
listUsersInDestinationRole - List the users in the specified role in the destination security space role for the given destination.
listUsersInForeignBusRole - List the users in the specified role in the foreign bus security space role for the given bus.
listUsersInTopicRole - Lists the users in the specified topic role for the specified topic space.
listUsersInTopicSpaceRootRole - Lists the users in the specified topic space role for the specified topic space.
listWASServerTypes - Use this command to show all of the middleware server types
listWMQActivationSpecs - Lists the WebSphere MQ Activation Specification defined at the scope provided to the command.
listWMQConnectionFactories - Lists the WebSphere MQ Connection Factories defined at the scope provided to the command.
listWMQQueues - Lists the WebSphere MQ Queues defined at the scope provided to the command.
listWMQTopics - Lists the WebSphere MQ Topics defined at the scope provided to the command.
listWSCertExpMonitor - List all certificate expiration monitors.
listWSNAdministeredSubscribers - Lists all the WSNAdministeredSubscriber objects in the configuration of the target WSNServicePoint that match the specified input parameters.
listWSNServicePoints - Lists all the WSNServicePoint objects in the configuration of the target WSNService that match the specified input parameters.
listWSNServices - Lists all the WSNService objects in the configuration that match the specified input parameters.
listWSNTopicDocuments - Lists all the WSNTopicDocument objects in the configuration of the target WSNTopicNamespace that match the specified input parameters.
listWSNTopicNamespaces - Lists all the WSNTopicNamespace objects in the configuration of the target WSNService that match the specified input parameters.
listWSNotifiers - List all notifiers.
listWSRRDefinitions - List all WSRR definitions
listWSSchedules - List all schedules.
listWXSDefinitions - List all WebSphere eXtreme Scale definitions
listWebServiceEndpoints - Lists the Web service endpoints that are port names defined in a Web service in an enterprise application.
listWebServiceOperations - Lists the Web service operations defined in a logical endpoint.
listWebServices - Lists the deployed Web services in enterprise applications. If there is no application name supplied, then all the Web services in the enterprise applications will are be listed. 
listXSDomains - Returns a list of the known eXtreme Scale domains.
maintainDocumentStoreAuthorization - This admin task permits technical users and groups to be granted or denied access to the IBM BPM document store.
maintainDocumentStoreTrace - This admin task enables or disables tracing for specific components of the IBM BPM document store.
makeNonSystemTemplate - makeNonSystemTemplate
manageWMQ - Provides the ability to manage the settings associated with the WebSphere MQ resource adapter installed at a particular scope.
mapAuditGroupIDsOfAuthorizationGroup - Maps the special subjects to actual users in the registry.
mapGroupsToAdminRole - Map groupids to one or more admin role in the authorization group.
mapGroupsToAuditRole - Map groupids to one or more audit role in the authorization group.
mapGroupsToNamingRole - Map groups or special subjects or both to the naming roles
mapIdMgrGroupToRole - Maps the group to the specified role of virtual member manager.
mapIdMgrUserToRole - Maps the user to the specified role of virtual member manager.
mapResourceToSecurityDomain - Map a resource to a security domain.
mapUsersToAdminRole - Map userids to one or more admin role in the authorization group.
mapUsersToAuditRole - Map userids to one or more audit role in the authorization group.
mapUsersToNamingRole - Map users to the naming roles
mashupsDeployedStatus - Lotus Mashups deployed status
mediateSIBDestination - Mediate a destination.
migCreateDatasource - create datasource for Lotus Mashups migration
migrate2002Database - Migrate 2002 database for Mashups
migrateBPMSchedulers - No description available
migrateServerMEtoCluster - This command will migrate a server messaging engine to a cluster messaging engine. It will not modify the messaging engine message store. Please ensure that the message store is suitable for the new clustered environment. If it is not, the migrated engine must be re-configured with a suitable message store before it is started, or the engine may fail to start.
migrateWMQMLP - Migrates a WebSphere MQ message listener port definition to an activation specification definition.
modifyAuditEmitter - Modifies an audit service provider implementation in the audit.xml file
modifyAuditEncryptionConfig - Modifies the audit record encryption configuration.
modifyAuditEventFactory - Modifies an entry in the audit.xml to reference the configuration of an audit event factory implementation of the Audit Event Factory interface.
modifyAuditFilter - Modifies an audit specification entry in the audit.xml that matches the reference Id.
modifyAuditKeyStore - Modifies a Keystore object.
modifyAuditNotification - Modifies an audit notification.
modifyAuditNotificationMonitor - Modifies the audit notification monitor specified by the reference id.
modifyAuditPolicy - Modifies the audit policy attributes.
modifyAuditSigningConfig - Modifies the audit record signing configuration.
modifyAuthDataEntry - Modify an authentication data entry
modifyBPMApiFederationDomain - Add or remove targets from a federation domain using the addTarget and deleteTarget steps. The steps can be performed more than once to add or delete multiple deployment targets.
modifyCAClient - Modifies a certificate authority (CA) client configurator object.
modifyDescriptiveProp - Modify a descriptive property under an object.
modifyDisabledSessionCookie - Modifies an existing cookie configuration
modifyDynamicClusterIsolationProperties - Modify Dynamic Cluster isolation properties
modifyElasticityAction - Command to modify a elasticity action
modifyExternalBundleRepository - Modifies the named external bundle repository with the given parameters. Unspecified parameters keep their existing values. To remove an existing value, specify an empty string for the parameter.
modifyForeignServerProperty - Use this command to modify a property on a middleware server
modifyHealthAction - Command to modify a health action
modifyHealthPolicy - Command to modify a health policy
modifyIntelligentManagement - Command to modify Intelligent Management properties
modifyJAXWSHandler - Modify a JAX-WS Handler
modifyJAXWSHandlerList - Modify a JAX-WS Handler List
modifyJSFImplementation - Modifies the JavaServer Faces implementation used by the WebSphere runtime for an application
modifyJaspiProvider - Modify configuration data for a given authentication provider.
modifyJobSchedulerAttribute - modify a job scheduler attribute
modifyJobSchedulerProperty - modify the property of the job scheduler 
modifyKeyManager - Modify a key manager.
modifyKeySet - Modify a Key Sets attributes.
modifyKeySetGroup - Modify the a key set group.
modifyKeyStore - Modifies a Keystore object.
modifyKrbAuthMechanism - The KRB5 authentication mechanism security object field in the security configuration file is modified based on the user input.
modifyLongRunningSchedulerAttribute - (Deprecated) modify a long-running scheduler attribute. Use modifyJobSchedulerAttribute.
modifyLongRunningSchedulerProperty - (Deprecated) modify the property of the long-running scheduler. Use modifyJobSchedulerProperty.
modifyManagedNodeGroupInfo - Update information for a group of managed nodes. (deprecated)
modifyManagedNodeProperties - Modify properties associated with a specific managed node. (deprecated)
modifyMiddlewareAppWebModule - Use this command to modify the web module of a middleware application.
modifyMiddlewareDescriptorDiscoveryInterval - Use this command to modify the discovery interval of the specified middleware descriptor
modifyMiddlewareDescriptorProperty - Use this command to modify a property of a specific version of the middleware platform that the descriptor represents.  If no version is specified, the "default" version will be updated.
modifyNodeGroup - modify a node group configuration
modifyNodeGroupProperty - modify the property of a node group
modifyPHPApp - Use this command to modify a PHP application.
modifyPolicy - Modify a policy that matches the provided policy name.
modifyRemoteCellForIntelligentManagement - Command to modify remote cell connectors for Intelligent Management
modifySCAExportHttpBinding - Modify the attributes of an SCA Export HTTP binding
modifySCAExportJMSBinding - Modify the attributes of an SCA Export JMS binding
modifySCAExportMQBinding - Modify the attributes of an SCA Export MQ binding
modifySCAImportEJBBinding - Modify the attributes of an SCA Import Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) binding
modifySCAImportHttpBinding - Modify the attributes of an SCA Import HTTP binding
modifySCAImportJMSBinding - Modify the attributes of an SCA Import JMS binding
modifySCAImportMQBinding - Modify the attributes of an SCA Import MQ binding
modifySCAImportSCABinding - Modify the current binding of a named SCA Import
modifySCAImportWSBinding - Modify the current Web Service binding of a named SCA Import
modifySCAModuleProperty - Modify the module property values for a specified module
modifySCMConnectivityProvider - Changes the details of a connectivity provider, given its name or target object. An exception will be thrown if the target object does not represent a Service Connectivity Management (SCM) connectivity provider, or a connectivity provider does not exist with the given name.
modifySIBDestination - Modify bus destination.
modifySIBEngine - Modify a messaging engine.
modifySIBForeignBus - Modify a SIB foreign bus.
modifySIBJMSActivationSpec - Modify the attributes of the given SIB JMS activation specification.
modifySIBJMSConnectionFactory - Modify the attributes of the supplied SIB JMS connection factory using the supplied attribute values.
modifySIBJMSQueue - Modify the attributes of the supplied SIB JMS queue using the supplied attribute values.
modifySIBJMSTopic - Modify the attributes of the supplied SIB JMS topic using the supplied attribute values.
modifySIBLink - Modify an existing SIB link.
modifySIBMQLink - Modify an existing WebSphere MQ link.
modifySIBMediation - Modify a mediation.
modifySIBWMQServer - Modify a named WebSphere MQ server's attributes.
modifySIBWMQServerBusMember - Modify a named WebSphere MQ server bus member.
modifySIBus - Modify a bus.
modifySIBusMemberPolicy - Modify a cluster bus members messaging engine policy assistance settings.
modifySSLConfig - Modify a SSL configuration.
modifySSLConfigGroup - Modify a SSL configuration group.
modifySecurityDomain - Modifies a security domain's description.
modifyServerPort - Modifies the host or port of the named endpoint that is used by the specified server.
modifySpnegoFilter - This command modifies SPNEGO Web authentication Filter attributes in the security configuration.
modifySpnegoTAIProperties - This command modifies SPNEGO TAI properties in the security configuration.
modifyTAM - This command modifies the configuration for embedded Tivoli Access Manager on the WebSphere Application Server node or nodes specified.
modifyTargetGroupInfo - Update information for a group of Targets.
modifyTargetProperties - Modify properties associated with a specific Target.
modifyTrustManager - Modify a trust manager.
modifyUnmanagedWebApp - Use this command to modify an unmanaged web application.
modifyWMQActivationSpec - Modifies the properties of the WebSphere MQ Activation Specification provided to the command.
modifyWMQConnectionFactory - Modifies the properties of the WebSphere MQ Connection Factory provided to the command.
modifyWMQQueue - Modifies the properties of the WebSphere MQ Queue provided to the command.
modifyWMQTopic - Modifies the properties of the WebSphere MQ Topic provided to the command.
modifyWSCertExpMonitor - Modify a certificate expiration monitor.
modifyWSNotifier - Modify a notifier.
modifyWSRRDefinition - Modify a WSRR definition
modifyWSSchedule - Modify a schedule.
modifyWXSDefinition - Modify a WebSphere eXtreme Scale definition
modifyWasCEApp - Use this command to modify a WAS CE application.
modifyXSDomain - Modifies an existing eXtreme Scale domain.
moveClusterToCoreGroup - Move all servers in a cluster from one core group to another.
moveServerToCoreGroup - Move a server from one core group to another.
populateEventNames - Populate event names for Mashups wires
populateUniqueNames - Attempt to populate any missing unique name entries in the authorization model for the specified bus using its user repository.
prepareKeysForCellProfile - Prepare keys and keystores for Cell profile creation.
prepareKeysForSingleProfile - Prepare keys and keystores for a profile creation.
processPureQueryBindFiles - Process the pureQuery bind files that are in an installed application.  Bind static SQL packages in a database.  Refer to the information center documentation for the pureQuery bind utility.
processSqljProfiles - Process the serialized SQLJ profiles that are in an installed application.  Customize the profiles with information for run time and bind static SQL packages in a database.  Refer to the DB2 information center documentation for the commands db2sqljcustomize and db2sqljbind.
propagatePolicyToJACCProvider - Propagate the security policies of the applications to the JACC provider.
publishSIBWSInboundService - Publish an inbound service to a UDDI registry.
purgeUserFromAuthCache - Purges a user from the auth cache for a security domain; if no security domain is specified, the user will be purged from the admin security domain
queryCACertificate - Queries a certificate authority (CA) to see if a certificate is complete.
queryJobs - Query for previously submitted jobs.
queryManagedNodeGroups - This command is used to query groups of Managed Nodes. (deprecated)
queryManagedNodes - Queries for all the managed nodes registered with the job manager. (deprecated)
queryManagedResources - Queries for all managed resources.
querySCClientCacheConfiguration - List the SC cache configuration
querySCClientCacheCustomConfiguration - List the SC custom properties
querySTSDefaultTokenType - Query the STS for the default token type.
querySTSTokenTypeConfigurationCustomProperties - Query the STS for the values of the custom properties for a given token type.
querySTSTokenTypeConfigurationDefaultProperties - Query the STS for the values of the default properties for a given token type.
queryServerAvailability - checks the UCF server availability indicator on specified server
queryTargetGroups - This command is used to query groups of targets.
queryTargets - Queries for all the Targets registered with the job manager.
queryWSSDistributedCacheConfig - List the Web Services Security distributed cache configuration properties
queryWSSDistributedCacheCustomConfig - List Web Services Security distributed cache configuration custom properties
receiveCertificate - Receive a certificate from a file.
reconfigureTAM - This command configures embedded Tivoli Access Manager on the WebSphere Application Server node or nodes specified.
recoverMEConfig - Use this command if there is no configuration data of crashed ME and user needs to recover persistent SBus ME data from message store.
refreshCellForIntelligentManagement - Command to refresh cell connectors for Intelligent Management
refreshSIBWSInboundServiceWSDL - Refresh the WSDL definition for an inbound service.
refreshSIBWSOutboundServiceWSDL - Refresh the WSDL definition for an outbound service.
refreshSTS - Reload the STS configuration dynamically.
registerApp - Use this command to register a middleware application already installed on a server.
registerHost - Registers a host with the job manager.
registerWithJobManager - Register a managed node with a JobManager
removeActionFromRule - Use this command to remove an action from a rule.
removeAutomaticEJBTimers - This command removes automatically created persistent EJBTimers for a specific application or module on a specific server.  Refer to the product InfoCenter for scenarios where this command might be used.
removeBPMSystem - Removes an BPM (BPEL or BPD engine) system from the local BPM federated API.
removeClientSecurityProperties - Test connection to an eXtreme Scale domain.  If a connection can be made, returns 'true', otherwise, connection error information is returned.
removeConditionalTraceRuleForIntelligentManagement - Remove conditional trace for Intelligent Management
removeCoreGroupBridgeInterface - Delete bridge interfaces associated with a specified core group, node and server.
removeDefaultAction - Use this command to remove a default action from a ruleset.
removeDefaultRoles - Remove all default roles
removeDestinationRoles - Removes all destination roles defined for the specified destination in the specified bus.
removeDisabledSessionCookie - Removes a cookie configuration so that applications will be able to programmatically modify
removeEventService - The removeEventService command removes the event service from a server or cluster.
removeEventServiceDB2DB - The removeEventServiceDB2DB command removes the Event Service database and data sources for DB2 from a server or cluster.
removeEventServiceDB2ZOSDB - The removeEventServiceDB2ZOSDB command removes the Event Service database and data sources for DB2 z/OS from a server or cluster.
removeEventServiceDB2iSeriesDB - The removeEventServiceDB2iSeriesDB command removes the DB2 for iSeries data sources from a server or cluster. User must remove the database manually.
removeEventServiceDerbyDB - The removeEventServiceDerbyDB command removes the Event Service database and data source for Derby from a server or cluster.
removeEventServiceInformixDB - The removeEventServiceInformixDB command removes the Event Service database and data sources for Informix from a server or cluster.
removeEventServiceMdb - The removeEventServiceMdb command removes the event service MDB from a server or cluster.
removeEventServiceOracleDB - The removeEventServiceOracleDB command removes the Event Service tables and data sources for Oracle from a server or cluster. The command does not remove the database.
removeEventServiceSQLServerDB - The removeEventServiceSQLServerDB command removes the Event Service database and data sources for SQL Server from a server or cluster.
removeEventServiceSybaseDB - The removeEventServiceSybaseDB command removes the Event Service database and data sources for Sybase from a server or cluster.
removeExternalBundleRepository - Removes the named external bundle repository from the configuration.
removeFeaturesFromServer - Remove feature pack or stack product features from existing server
removeForeignBusRoles - Remove all foreign bus roles defined for the specified bus
removeForeignServersFromDynamicCluster - Remove foreign servers from dynamic cluster
removeFromPolicySetAttachment - The removeFromPolicySetAttachment command removes resources that apply to a policy set attachment.
removeGroupFromAllRoles - Removes a group from all roles defined.
removeGroupFromBusConnectorRole - Remove a group's permission to connect to the specified bus.
removeGroupFromDefaultRole - Removes a group from the specified role in the default security space role.
removeGroupFromDestinationRole - Removes a group from the specified destination role for the specified destination.
removeGroupFromForeignBusRole - Removes a group from the specified foreign bus role for the bus specified
removeGroupFromTopicRole - Removes a groups permission to access the topic for the specified role.
removeGroupFromTopicSpaceRootRole - Removes a groups permission to access the topic space for the specified role.
removeGroupsFromAdminRole - Remove groupids from one or more admin role in the AuthorizationGroup.
removeGroupsFromAuditRole - Remove groupids from one or more audit role in the AuthorizationGroup.
removeGroupsFromNamingRole - Remove groups or special subjects or both from a naming role
removeIdMgrGroupsFromRole - Removes the groups from the specified virtual member manager role. If value for groupId parameter is specified as "*" all groups mapped for the role are removed.
removeIdMgrLDAPBackupServer - Removes a backup LDAP server.
removeIdMgrUsersFromRole - Removes the users from the specified virtual member manager role. If value for userId parameter is specified as "*" all users mapped for the role are removed.
removeJaspiProvider - Remove the given authentication provider(s) from the security configuration.
removeJobSchedulerProperty - remove a property from the job scheduler
removeLocalRepositoryBundle - Removes a bundle from the internal bundle repository.
removeLocalRepositoryBundles - Removes one or more bundles from the internal bundle repository in a single operation.
removeLongRunningSchedulerProperty - (Deprecated) remove a property from the long-running scheduler. Use removeJobSchedulerProperty.
removeMemberFromGroup - Removes a member (user or group) from a group.
removeMiddlewareAppWebModule - Use this command to remove a web module from a middleware application.
removeMiddlewareTarget - Use this command to remove a deployment target from a middleware application.
removeNodeFromNodeGroups - remove a given node from node groups
removeNodeGroup - remove a node group from the configuration.
removeNodeGroupMember - remove a member from the node group.
removeNodeGroupProperty - remove a property from a node group
removeOSGiExtension - Removes an extension from the composition unit.
removeOSGiExtensions - Removes multiple extensions from the composition unit.
removePluginPropertyForIntelligentManagement - Remove plug-in property for Intelligent Management
removeProductInfo - Remove feature pack or stack product information from product info.
removeRALClientConfiguration - Remove RAL client configuration at cell level.
removeResourceFromAuthorizationGroup - Remove resources from an existing authorization group.
removeResourceFromSecurityDomain - Remove a resource from a security domain.
removeRoutingPolicyRoutingRule - Use this command to remove a routing rule from an existing workclass
removeRoutingRule - Use this command to remove a routing policy rule.
removeRuleFromRuleset - Use this command to remove a rule from a ruleset.
removeSCMConnectivityProvider - Removes a Service Connectivity Management (SCM) connectivity provider that has been named or supplied as a target object. An exception will be thrown if there are still proxy gateway modules deployed to the target server or cluster representing group proxies created on this connectivity provider. The group proxies should be deleted via the Service Federation Management console or, if the connectivity provider is no longer managed by the console, the proxy gateway modules should be manually removed by the WebSphere ESB administrator.
removeSIBBootstrapMember - Removes a nominated bootstrap server or cluster from the list of nominated bootstrap members for the bus.
removeSIBPermittedChain - Removes the specified chain from the list of permitted chains for the specified bus.
removeSIBWSInboundPort - Remove an inbound port.
removeSIBWSOutboundPort - Remove an outbound port.
removeSIBusMember - Remove a member from a bus.
removeServicePolicyRoutingRule - Use this command to remove a routing rule from an existing workclass
removeServiceRule - Use this command to remove a service policy rule.
removeTemplates - Removes set of templates that are not required anymore when a feature pack or stack product is removed.
removeTrustedRealms - Remove realms from the trusted realm list
removeUnmanagedNode - Use this command to remove an unmanaged node from a cell.
removeUserFromAllRoles - Removes a user from all roles defined.
removeUserFromBusConnectorRole - Remove a user's permission to connect to the specified bus.
removeUserFromDefaultRole - Removes a user from the specified role in the default security space role.
removeUserFromDestinationRole - Removes a user from the specified destination role for the specified destination.
removeUserFromForeignBusRole - Removes a user from the specified foreign bus role for the bus specified
removeUserFromTopicRole - Removes a users permission to access the topic for the specified role.
removeUserFromTopicSpaceRootRole - Removes a users permission to access the topic space for the specified role.
removeUsersFromAdminRole - Remove userids from one or more admin role in the AuthorizationGroup.
removeUsersFromAuditRole - Remove userids from one or more audit role in the AuthorizationGroup.
removeUsersFromNamingRole - Remove users from a naming role.
removeVariable - Remove a variable definition from the system. A variable is a configuration property that can be used to provide a parameter for some values in the system.
removeWSGWTargetService - removeWSGWTargetService.description
renameIdMgrRealm - Renames the specified realm configuration.
renameNode - renameNode
renewAuditCertificate - The task will renew a certificate as a self-signed based off the previous certificates attributes such as the common name, key size and validity.
renewCertificate - Renew a Certificate with a newly generated certificate.
replaceCertificate - Replace a Certificate with a different certificate.
reportConfigInconsistencies - Checks the configuation repository and reports any structural inconsistencies
reportConfiguredPorts - Generates a report of the ports configured in the cell
requestCACertificate - Sends a request to a certificate authority to create a certificate authority (CA) personal certificate.
resetAuditSystemFailureAction - Resets the audit system failure policy to the default, NOWARN.
resetIdMgrConfig - Reloads the virtual member manager configuration from the virtual member manager configuration file.
restoreCheckpoint - Restore the named checkpoint specified by the "checkpointName"
resumeJob - Resumes a previously submitted job.
retrieveSignerFromPort - Retrieve a signer certificate from a port and add it to the KeyStore.
retrieveSignerInfoFromPort - Retrieve signer information from a port.
revokeCACertificate - Sends a request to a certificate authority (CA) to revoke the certificate.
rolloutEdition - Roll-out an edition.
searchGroups - Searches groups.
searchUsers - Searches PersonAccounts.
setActiveAuthMechanism - This command sets the active authentication mechanism attribute in the security configuration. 
setAdminActiveSecuritySettings - Sets the security attributes on the global administrative security configuration.
setAdminProtocol - Allows the user to set Administrative Protocol for a server or cell
setAdminProtocolEnabled - Sets an Admin Protocol enabled for a server or cell
setAppActiveSecuritySettings - Sets the application level security active settings.
setAuditEmitterFilters - Sets a list of references to defined filters for the supplied audit service provider.
setAuditEventFactoryFilters - Sets a list of references to defined filters for the supplied event factory.
setAuditSystemFailureAction - Returns the state of Security Auditing.
setAuditorId - Sets the auditor identity in the audit.xml file.
setAuditorPwd - Sets the auditor password in the audit.xml file.
setAutoCheckpointDepth - Set the automatic checkpoints depth value
setAutoCheckpointEnabled - Enable or disable the automatic checkpoints  
setBPMProperty - Set the value of a BPM custom property from the configuration repository.
setBinding - The setBinding command updates the binding configuration for a specified policy type and scope. Use this command to add a server-specific binding, update an attachment to use a custom binding, edit binding attributes, or remove a binding.
setCheckpointLocation - Set the directory path where the checkpoints are stored
setClientDynamicPolicyControl - The setClientDynamicPolicyControl command sets the WSPolicy client acquisition information for a specified resource within an application.
setCompUnitTargetAutoStart - Enable or disable "autostart"
setDefaultBindings - The setDefaultBindings command updates the default binding names for a specified domain or server.
setDefaultSIBWSOutboundPort - Set the default outbound port for an outbound service.
setDefaultTraceRuleForIntelligentManagement - Set default trace for Intelligent Management
setDynamicClusterMaxInstances - Set dynamic cluster maximum number of cluster instances
setDynamicClusterMaxNodes - Set dynamic cluster maximum number of cluster nodes
setDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy - Set dynamic cluster membership policy
setDynamicClusterMinInstances - Set dynamic cluster minimum number of cluster instances
setDynamicClusterMinNodes - Set dynamic cluster minimum number of cluster nodes
setDynamicClusterOperationalMode - Set dynamic cluster operational mode
setDynamicClusterVerticalInstances - Set dynamic cluster vertical stacking of instances on node
setEmailList - Sets the notification email list for the configured audit notification.
setEventServiceJmsAuthAlias - The setEventServiceJmsAuthAlias updates the authentication alias used by the event service JMS objects on a server or cluster. If the JMS authentication alias does not exist, it is created
setGenericJVMArguments - Set Java virtual machine (JVM) Generic JVM Arguments Size
setGlobalSecurity - The administrative security field in the security.xml file is updated based on the user input of true or false.
setIdMgrCustomProperty - Sets/adds/deletes custom property to a repository configuration. If value is not specified or an empty string then the property will be deleted from the repository configuration. If name does not exist then it will be added, if a value is specified. If name is "*" then all the custom properties will be deleted.
setIdMgrDefaultRealm - Sets the name of the default realm.
setIdMgrEntryMappingRepository - Sets or updates an entry mapping repository configuration.
setIdMgrLDAPAttrCache - Sets up the LDAP attribute cache configuration.
setIdMgrLDAPContextPool - Sets up the LDAP context pool configuration.
setIdMgrLDAPGroupConfig - Sets up the LDAP group configuration.
setIdMgrLDAPSearchResultCache - Sets up the LDAP search result cache configuration.
setIdMgrPropertyExtensionRepository - Sets or updates the property mapping repository configuration.
setIdMgrRealmDefaultParent - Sets the default parent of an entity type in a specified realm. If mapping does not exist it is added, else the mapping is updated. If realm name is not specified, default realm is used. 
setIdMgrRealmURAttrMapping - Sets the user registry user or group attribute mapping for a realm. 
setIdMgrUseGlobalSchemaForModel - Sets the global schema option for the data model in a multiple security domain environment, where global schema refers to the schema of the admin domain.
setInheritDefaultsForDestination - Allows the override for inheritance for an individual destination.  Setting the "inherit" value to true will allow the destination to inherit from the default values.
setInheritReceiverForTopic - Allows the override for receiver inheritance for an individual topic on a specified topic space.  Setting the "inherit" value to true will allow the topic to inherit from the default values.
setInheritSenderForTopic - Allows the override for sender inheritance for an individual topic on a specified topic space.  Setting the "inherit" value to true will allow the topic to inherit from the default values.
setJVMDebugMode - Set Java virtual machine (JVM) Debug Mode
setJVMInitialHeapSize - Set Java virtual machine (JVM) Initial Heap Size
setJVMMaxHeapSize - Set Java virtual machine (JVM) Maximum Heap Size
setJVMMode - Set the JVM mode to either 64-bit or 31-bit. If 64-bit is set, $JAVA_HOME will be set to $WAS_HOME/java64. The default JVM mode is 31-bit.
setJVMProperties - Set Java virtual machine (JVM) configuration for the application server.
setJVMSystemProperties - set Java virtual machine (JVM) system property for the application server's process.
setLTPATimeout - Set the LTPA authentication mechanism timeout from global security or an application security domain.
setMaintenanceMode - sets maintenance mode indicator on specified server
setNodeDefaultSDK - Set the default SDK by name or by location for the node
setPolicyType - The setPolicyType command updates the attributes of a specified policy.
setPolicyTypeAttribute - The setPolicyTypeAttribute command sets an attribute for a specific policy.
setPreference - Command to set a user preference
setProcessDefinition - Set the process definition of an application server.
setProviderPolicySharingInfo - The setProviderPolicySharingInfo command sets the WSPolicy provider sharing information for a specified resource within an application.
setResourceProperty - This command sets the value of a specified property defined on a resource provider such as JDBCProvider or a connection factory such as DataSource or JMSConnectionFactory. If the property with specified key is defined already, then this command overrides the value. If none property with specified key is defined yet, then this command will add the property with specified key and value.
setRuntimeRegistrationProperties - Set certain runtime properties for devices and job managers. Caution: a null ID implies each and everyone
setSAMLIssuerConfigInBinding - Set SAML Issuer Configuration in the specified bindings as custom properties
setSecurity - setup security setting for Lotus Mashups
setSecurityTAI - Enables a trust association for Mashups
setSendEmail - Sets the option to send an audit notification email.
setServerInstance - Set Server Instance configuration. This command only applies to the z/OS platform.
setServerSDK - Set server SDK by name or by location
setServerSecurityLevel - Configure the security level for a secure proxy or management server.
setTemplateProperty - Set a property in server template's metadata. Use this command with caution. Changing a template metadata property incorrectly will result in new server creation failure.
setTraceSpecification - Set the trace specification for the server. If the server is running new trace specification takes effect immediately. This command also saves the trace specification in configuration.
setUseRegistryServerId - The useRegistryServerId security field in userRegistry object in the security.xml file is updated based on the user input of true or false.
setVariable - Set the value for a variable. A variable is a configuration property that can be used to provide a parameter for some values in the system.
setWSRRDefinitionAsDefault - Set a WSRR definition to be the default
setWXSDefinitionAsDefault - Set a WebSphere eXtreme Scale definition to be the default
setupIdMgrDBTables - Creates and populates tables for database in virtual member manager.
setupIdMgrEntryMappingRepositoryTables - Creates and populates tables for entry mapping database in virtual member manager.
setupIdMgrPropertyExtensionRepositoryTables - Creates and populates tables for a property extension database in virtual member manager.
showAuditLogEncryptionInfo - Displays information about the keystore used during Audit Record encryption
showBPMApiFederationDomain - Display details about a federation domain.
showEventServiceStatus - The showEventServiceStatus command returns the status of the event service in a server or cluster. If the task is executed with no parameters, the status of all event services is displayed. To filter the list of event services to be displayed, provide nodeName, serverName or clusterName.
showExternalBundleRepository - Shows the configured parameters of the named external bundle repository.
showIdMgrConfig - Shows the current configuration with unsaved changes.
showJAXWSHandler - Show the attributes of a JAX-WS Handler
showJAXWSHandlerList - Show the attributes of a JAX-WS Handler List
showJVMProperties - List Java virtual machine (JVM) configuration for the application server's process.
showJVMSystemProperties - Show Java virtual machine (JVM) system properties for the application server.'s process.
showJobSchedulerAttributes - list all job scheduler attributes
showLMService - Use the "showLMService" command to show the attributes of a local mapping service.
showLatestInstallStatus - Shows latest install status for the specified target.
showLatestUninstallStatus - Shows latest uninstall status for the specified target.
showLicenseAgreement - Shows the license agreement and license information associated with the specified install package.
showLocalRepositoryBundle - Shows the information about a bundle in the internal bundle repository.
showLongRunningSchedulerAttributes - (Deprecated) list all long-running scheduler attributes. Use showJobSchedulerAttributes.
showMiddlewareApp - Use this command to show the attributes of a middleware application.
showMiddlewareDescriptorInformation - Use this command to display the contents of the specified middleware descriptor
showMiddlewareServerInfo - Use this command to show information on the middleware server
showPackageInfo - Shows information on the specified software package.
showProcessDefinition - Show the process definition of the server
showRALClientConfiguration - Show RAL client configurations at cell level.
showRALServerSecurity - Show RAL server security for the cell.
showResourceProperties - This command list all the property values defined on a resource provider such as JDBCProvider or a connection factory such as DataSource or JMSConnectionFactory.
showSAMLIdpPartner - This command displays the SAML TAI IdP partner in the security configuration. If an idpId is not specified, all the SAML TAI IdP partners are displayed.
showSAMLTAISSO - This command displays the SAML TAI SSO in the security configuration. If an ssoId is not specified, all the SAML TAI SSO service providers are displayed.
showSCAAsyncConfig - This command will show sca configuration information on system bus for specified server or cluster
showSCAExport - Show the attributes of an SCA Export
showSCAExportBinding - Show the attributes of an SCA Export Binding
showSCAExportEJBBinding - Show the attributes of an SCA Export Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) binding
showSCAExportHttpBinding - Show the attributes of an SCA Export HTTP binding
showSCAExportJMSBinding - Show the attributes of an SCA Export JMS binding
showSCAExportMQBinding - Show the attributes of an SCA Export MQ binding
showSCAExportWSBinding - Show the attributes of an SCA Export Web Service binding
showSCAImport - Show the attributes of an SCA Import
showSCAImportBinding - Show the attributes of an SCA Import Binding
showSCAImportEJBBinding - Show the attributes of an SCA Import Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) binding
showSCAImportHttpBinding - Show the attributes of an SCA Import HTTP binding
showSCAImportJMSBinding - Show the attributes of an SCA Import JMS binding
showSCAImportMQBinding - Show the attributes of an SCA Import MQ binding
showSCAImportWSBinding - Show the attributes of an SCA Import Web Service binding
showSCAJMSConfig - This command will show sca configuration information on application for specified server of cluster
showSCAModule - Show the attributes of an SCA module
showSCAModuleProperties - Show the module properties for a specified module
showSCMConnectivityProvider - Returns a list of all the parameters for a Service Connectivity Management (SCM) connectivity provider, given its name or a target object. An exception will be thrown if the target object does not represent a Service Connectivity Management (SCM) connectivity provider, or a connectivity provider does not exist with the given name.
showSIBDestination - Show a bus destination's attributes.
showSIBEngine - Show a messaging engine's attributes.
showSIBForeignBus - Show detail for a SIB foreign bus.
showSIBJMSActivationSpec - Show the attributes of target SIB JMS activation specification.
showSIBJMSConnectionFactory - Return a list containing the SIB JMS connection factory's attribute names and values.
showSIBJMSQueue - Return a list containing the SIB JMS queue's attribute names and values.
showSIBJMSTopic - Return a list containing the SIB JMS topic's attribute names and values.
showSIBLink - Show detail for a SIB link.
showSIBMQLink - Show detail for a WebSphere MQ link.
showSIBMediation - Show the attributes of a mediation.
showSIBWMQServer - Display a named WebSphere MQ server's attributes.
showSIBWMQServerBusMember - Display a named WebSphere MQ server bus members attributes.
showSIBus - Show the attributes of a bus.
showSIBusMember - Show a member from a bus.
showServerInfo - show detailed information of a specified server.
showServerInstance - Show Server Instance configuration. This command only applies to the z/OS platform.
showServerTypeInfo - Show server type information.
showServiceMap - Use the "showServiceMap" command to show the attributes of a service map.
showSpnego - This command displays the SPNEGO Web authentication in the security configuration. 
showSpnegoFilter - This command displays the SPNEGO Web authentication Filter in the security configuration. If a host name is not specified, all the SPNEGO Web authentication Filters are displayed.
showSpnegoTAIProperties - This command displays the SPNEGO TAI properties in the security configuration. If an spnId is not specified, all the SPNEGO TAI properties are displayed.
showTemplateInfo - A command that displays all the Metadata about a given template.
showVariables - List variable values under a scope.
showWMQ - Shows all WebSphere MQ resource adapter and WebSphere MQ messaging provider settings which can be set by the manageWMQ command.
showWMQActivationSpec - Shows the attributes of the WebSphere MQ Activation Specification provided to the command.
showWMQConnectionFactory - Shows the attributes of the WebSphere MQ Connection Factory provided to the command.
showWMQQueue - Shows the attributes of the WebSphere MQ Queue provided to the command.
showWMQTopic - Shows the attributes of the WebSphere MQ Topic provided to the command.
showWSNAdministeredSubscriber - Show the properties of a WSNAdministeredSubscriber object in a human readable form.
showWSNService - Show the properties of a WSNService object in a human readable form.
showWSNServicePoint - Show the properties of a WSNServicePoint object in a human readable form.
showWSNTopicDocument - Show the properties of a WSNTopicDocument in a human readable form.
showWSNTopicNamespace - Show the properties of a WSNTopicNamespace object in a human readable form.
showWSRRDefinition - Show a WSRR definition
showWXSDefinition - Show a WebSphere eXtreme Scale definition
startBLA - Start all composition units of a specified business-level application.
startCertificateExpMonitor - Start the Certificate Expiration Monitor.
startDocumentStoreMigration - This admin task starts the migration of IBM BPM documents from the database to the CMIS-enabled IBM BPM document store.
startLMService - Use the "startLMService" command to start a stopped local mapping service.
startMiddlewareServer - Use this command to start a middleware server
startPollingJobManager - Start a managed node's polling against a JobManager, possibly after a certain delay
startWasCEApp - Use this command to start a WAS CE application.
stopBLA - Stop all composition units of a specified business-level application.
stopLMService - Use the "stopLMService" command to stop a started local mapping service.
stopMiddlewareServer - Use this command to stop a middleware server
stopPollingJobManager - Stop a managed node's polling against a JobManager
stopProcessApplication - This command stops a BLA on an Advances Process Center Server or Process Server
stopWasCEApp - Use this command to stop a WAS CE application.
submitJob - Submits a new job for execution.
suspendJob - Suspends a previously submitted job.
testConnectionToHost - Tests if a connection could be established using ID and password with the remote host for the purpose of centralized install.
testConnectionToHostUsingSSHKey - Tests if a connection could be established using SSH private key with the remote host for the purpose of centralized install.  
testDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy - Test the dynamic cluster membership policy to see what nodes will be returned
testXSDomainConnection - Test connection to an eXtreme Scale domain.  If a connection can be made, returns 'true', otherwise, connection error information is returned.
testXSServerConnection - Tests the connection to a eXtreme Scale catalog server.  Works for stand-alone servers as well as servers that are part of an eXtreme Scale domain.
transferAttachmentsForPolicySet - The transferAttachmentsForPolicySet command transfers all attachments from one policy set to another policy set.
unassignSTSEndpointTokenType - Disassociate an endpoint from its token type.
unconfigureAuthzConfig - Removes the external JAAC authorization provider
unconfigureCSIInbound - Removes CSI inbound information from an application security domain.
unconfigureCSIOutbound - Removes CSI outbound information from an application security domain.
unconfigureInterceptor - Removes an interceptor from global security configuration or from a security domain.
unconfigureJAASLogin - Unconfigures a JAAS login in an application security domain.  This removes the JAAS login object and all it's entries.
unconfigureJAASLoginEntry - Unconfigures a JAAS login entry in the administrative security configuration or in an application security domain.  Note: note all JAAS login entries can be removed.
unconfigureJaspi - Removes the Jaspi configuration from a security domain.
unconfigureLoginModule - Unconfigures a login module from a login entry in the administrative security configuration or in an application security domain.
unconfigureSpnego - This command unconfigures SPNEGO Web authentication in the security configuration.
unconfigureTAM - This command unconfigures embedded Tivoli Access Manager on the WebSphere Application Server node or nodes specified.
unconfigureTAMTAI - This command unconfigures the embedded Tivoli Access Manager Trust Association Interceptor with classname TAMTrustAsociationInterceptorPlus. This task does not include removing any custom properties from the security configuration
unconfigureTAMTAIPdjrte - This command performs the tasks necessary to unconfigure the Tivoli Access Manager Runtime for Java. The specific tasks run are PDJrteCfg and SvrSslCfg.
unconfigureTAMTAIProperties - This command removes the custom properties from the security configuration for the embedded Tivoli Access Manager Trust Association Interceptor with classname TAMTrustAsociationInterceptorPlus.
unconfigureTrustAssociation - Removes the trust association object from a security domain.
unconfigureTrustedRealms - Unconfigures an inbound or outbound trusted realms by removing the realm object from the configuration.
unconfigureUserRegistry - Unconfigure a user registry in the administrative security configuration or an application security domain.
undeployWasCEApp - Use this command to undeploy a WAS CE application from a server.
uninstallBusinessSpaceWidgets - CWMO1069I: This command uninstalls and deregisters designated widgets contained in a compressed file or an enterprise archive (EAR) file. If widgets are already deployed, the command refreshes the binary and registration information. The structure of the widget compressed file contains the following items: [ear\widgets_name.ear] one or more EAR files;  [catalog\catalog_name.xml] widget catalog; [endpoints\*.xml] widget endpoints; [spaces\*.zip] Spaces must be in a compressed file and follow IBM Lotus Mashups spaces format;  [templates\*.zip] Templates must be in a compressed file and follow IBM Lotus Mashups template format;  [help\eclipse\plugins\*] help files;  All folders are not required. Empty folders are valid.
uninstallMaintenance - Uninstalls specified maintenance on the target host.
uninstallMiddlewareApp - Use this command to uninstall a middleware application.
uninstallProcessApplication - This command uninstalls a BLA from an Advanced Process center Server or a Process Server.
uninstallServiceMap - Use the "uninstallServiceMap" command to uninstall a service map.
uninstallSoftware - Uninstalls the specified software package from the target host.
unmediateSIBDestination - Mediate a destination.
unpublishSIBWSInboundService - Unpublish an inbound service from a UDDI registry.
unregisterApp - Use this command to unregister a middleware application.
unregisterHost - Unregister a host from the job manager.
unregisterWithJobManager - Unregister a managed node from a JobManager
unsetAppActiveSecuritySettings - Unsets active security settings on a security domain.  The attribute is removed from the security domain configuration.
unsetMaintenanceMode - unsets maintenance mode indicator on specified server
updateARSConfig - Updates the installation/deployment of the Asynchronous Response Servlet which is used when JAX-WS client applications use the JAX-WS asynchronous API
updateAppOnCluster - Updates all cluster members about the application config changes.
updateAsset - Update an imported asset file.
updateBPMAliasesAndRunAsRolesPasswords - No description available
updateBPMConfig - AdminTask for updating BPM configuration values.
updateBlobConfig - update Lotus Mashups blob property in WCCM
updateBusinessSpaceRuntimeForMigration - BCSB2003I: Command to Update Business Space runtime for Migration
updateBusinessSpaceWidgets - CWMO1026I: This command updates widget binary files, catalog files, endpoint files, spaces, templates, and help plug-ins for widgets that have been previously installed and configured for Business Space.  This command updates widget files in a designated compressed file or an enterprise archive (EAR) file. The structure of the widget compressed file contains the following items: [ear\widgets_name.ear] one or more EAR files;  [catalog\catalog_name.xml] widget catalog; [endpoints\*.xml] widget endpoints; [spaces\*.zip] Spaces must be in a compressed file and follow IBM Lotus Mashups spaces format;  [templates\*.zip] Templates must be in a compressed file and follow IBM Lotus Mashups template format;  [help\eclipse\plugins\*] help files;  All folders are not required. Empty folders are valid.
updateCOMMConfig - Updates the install/targetting of the COMMSVC Servlet
updateCluster - Updates the configuration of an application server cluster.
updateClusterMemberWeights - Updates the weights of the specified cluster members.
updateContextRootPrefix - updates the prefix of the required context roots
updateDistributedCacheProperty - updateSeveralWSSDistributedCacheConfigCmdDesc
updateDocumentStoreApplication - This admin task updates the installed application IBM_BPM_DocumentStore in a deployment target.
updateEndpointBinding - update Lotus Mashups endpoint binding data in WCCM
updateEndpointBindingsOnPortal - update remote endpoints on Portal. REP name WP Mashup Endpoints 
updateExtendedRoot - add web resource of plug-ins to extended root of Lotus Mashups
updateGroup - Updates the attributes of a group.
updateIdMgrDBRepository - Updates a database repository configuration.
updateIdMgrFileRepository - Updates a file repository configuration.
updateIdMgrLDAPAttrCache - Updates the LDAP attribute cache configuration.
updateIdMgrLDAPBindInfo - Dynamically updates the LDAP server bind information. If bindDN is specified bindPassword must be specified. If only id is specified then LDAP server information is refreshed.
updateIdMgrLDAPContextPool - Updates the LDAP context pool configuration.
updateIdMgrLDAPEntityType - Updates an existing LDAP entity type definition to an LDAP repository configuration. This command can be used to add more values to multivalued parameters. 
updateIdMgrLDAPGroupDynamicMemberAttr - Updates a dynamic member attribute configuration of an LDAP group configuration.
updateIdMgrLDAPGroupMemberAttr - Updates a member attribute configuration of an LDAP group configuration.
updateIdMgrLDAPRepository - Updates an LDAP repository configuration.
updateIdMgrLDAPSearchResultCache - Updates the LDAP search result cache configuration.
updateIdMgrLDAPServer - Updates an LDAP server configuration of the LDAP repository configuration.
updateIdMgrRealm - Updates the configuration of the specified realm.
updateIdMgrRepository - Updates the configuration of the specified repository. To add multiple values to a multivalued parameter, call this command repeatedly.
updateIdMgrRepositoryBaseEntry - Updates a base entry for the specified repository. 
updateIdMgrSupportedEntityType - Updates a supported entity type configuration.
updateKeyInstallationRecords - Updates the SSH public key installation records for specified targets. Use this command to update the key installation records if keys were added or removed using methods unknown to the centralized installation manager. 
updateLMService - Use the "updateLMService" command to update details about an existing local mapping service.
updatePolicySet - The updatePolicySet command enables you to input an attribute list to update the policy set. You can use this command to update all attributes for the policy set, or a subset of attributes.
updatePolicySetAttachment - The updatePolicySetAttachment command updates the resources that apply to a policy set attachment.
updatePropertyConfig - update Lotus Mashups string property in WCCM
updateRAR - Update an existing resource adapter with the supplied RAR file and configure any new properties that exist on deployed objects within the resource adapter to be updated.
Before using the updateRAR command, use the compareResourceAdapterToRAR command to verify the RAR is compatible for upgrading the resource adapter, and use the findOtherRAsToUpdate command to determine the set of resources adapters that need be updated using the supplied RAR.
updateRESTEndpoint - updates a REST endpoint
updateRESTGatewayService - Updates a REST Gateway service
updateSAMLIssuerConfig - Update SAML Issuer Configuration data
updateSCClientCacheConfiguration - Update the SC cache configuration
updateSCClientCacheCustomConfiguration - Update the SC custom config
updateSTSEndpointTokenType - Update the assigned token type for an endpoint. If the local name parameter is omitted, the default token type is assumed.
updateSTSTokenTypeConfiguration - Update the configuration for an existing token type. Token type URIs must be unique.
updateSpace - update Lotus Mashups out of box Business Spaces in WCCM
updateSpaceTemplate - update Lotus Mashups out of box Business Space templates in WCCM
updateUser - Updates the attributes of a user.
updateWSSDistributedCacheConfig - Update Web Services Security Distrubuted Cache configuration properties
updateWSSDistributedCacheCustomConfig - Update Web Services Security distributed cache configuration custom properties
updateWelcomeSpace - update Lotus Mashups welcome space for fixpack upgrade
upgradeBindings - The upgradeBindings command upgrades bindings of an older version to the current version.
upgradeBusinessSpaceSchemaForMigration - BCSB2012I: Command to update the Business Space database schema for migration
upgradeMashupsDB - Upgrade 30 database for Mashups
validateAdminName - Validates the existence of the administrator name in the input user registry.
validateConfigProperties - Validate configuration properties in properites file
validateEdition - Prepares an edition for VALIDATION.
validateKrbConfig - Validates the Kerberos configuration data either in the global security configuration file security.xml or specified as an input parameters. 
validateLDAPConnection - Validates the connection to the specified LDAP server.
validatePolicySet - The validatePolicySet command validates the policies in the policy set.
validateSCAImportExportInformation - Validate the SCA import and export information in the specified application EAR file
validateSpnegoConfig - Validates the SPNEGO Web authentication configuration. 
viewAsset - View options for a specified asset.
viewBLA - View options for a specified business-level application.
viewCompUnit - View options for specified a composition unit of a business-level application.
wbmConfigureEventEmitterFactory - Configure the IBM Business Monitor event emitter factory for sending events
wbmConfigureQueueBasedSource - Create the SI bus and foreign bus needed to enable queue-based communication between this CEI event source and the IBM Business Monitor server
wbmConfigureQueueBypassDatasource - Create the data source that enables the remote CEI event service to route events to the IBM Business Monitor database. The data source will be named Monitor_<MonitorCellName>_Routing_Database
wbmDeployActionServices - Install and configure the IBM Business Monitor action services application
wbmDeployBPMEmitterService - Deploy the IBM Business Process Manager event emitter service for sending events
wbmDeployCEIEventService - Deploy a CEI event service, optionally specifying where to create the messaging engine
wbmDeployDashboardsForMobileDevices - Install and configure the IBM Business Monitor dashboards for mobile devices
wbmDeployDefAsync - Install and configure the Dynamic Event Framework asynchronous application
wbmDeployEventEmitterServices - Deploy the IBM Business Monitor event emitter services for sending events
wbmDeployMessagingEngine - Install and configure the IBM Business Monitor messaging engine and bus
wbmDeployScheduledServices - Install and configure the IBM Business Monitor scheduled services application
wbmGetCeiEventSource - Retrieves the properties of a CEI event source
wbmGetDefEventSource - Retrieves the properties of a Dynamic Event Framework event source
wbmListCeiEventSources - Displays a list of CEI event sources that have been registered
wbmListDefEventSources - Displays a list of Dynamic Event Framework event sources that have been registered
wbmListMmEventSources - Displays a list of all event sources that are associated with a specified monitor model version
wbmMigrateWebDashboardService - Migrate the Web Dashboard of Monitor v6.1 to Business Space v7 service
wbmRegisterEventSourceToMm - Configures a specified monitor model version to listen for events from a specified event source
wbmRegisterRemoteEventSources - Creates event source configuration information for all event sources that are available in the remote cell
wbmUnregisterEventSource - Removes the event source registration from the server
wbmUnregisterEventSourceFromMm - Removes the monitor model version subscriptions from the event source
wbmUpdateEventSource - Updates event source information

Note to self - use kubectl to query images in a pod or deployment

In both cases, we use JSON ... For a deployment, we can do this: - kubectl get deployment foobar --namespace snafu --output jsonpath="{...