Sunday, 4 January 2015

Your keys to success with IBM Business Monitor V8.5.5 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 - The Series

Learn how to ensure a successful installation of IBM® Business Monitor V8.5.5 (including IBM Cognos Business Integration Server) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux V6.5 and avoid some common pitfalls.

Your keys to success with IBM Business Monitor V8.5.5 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5, Part 1: Installing IBM Business Monitor

Learn how to configure a deployment environment for IBM® Business Monitor V8.5.5 and some tips and suggestions for good practices. Learn how to configure a three cluster topology, also known as the golden topology.

Your keys to success with IBM Business Monitor V8.5.5 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5, Part 2: Configuring a three-cluster topology

Learn how to install the Showcase model that is shipped with IBM® Business Monitor. In addition, learn how to verify that IBM Cognos is functional and how to publish IBM Cognos cube packages for an IBM Business Monitor model using the Showcase model.

Your keys to success with IBM Business Monitor V8.5.5 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5, Part 3: Installing the Showcase model and publishing IBM Cognos cube packages

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Note to self - Firefox and local connections

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