Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Playing with Veertu on the Mac

I heard about Veertu on a recent British Tech Network Mac podcast and have been tinkering with it on and off since.

From their website: -

• Run Windows and Linux on your Mac.
• Fast, light and secure.
• The only virtualization solution approved by Apple App Store.

The free-to-use version only allows one to create VMs by downloading the "raw" ISOs from the internet: -

Therefore, I chose to download/install CentOS Linux.

One thing that caught me out was that, having chosen a minimal installation, I found that when I logged in, I was unable to get access to the most basic commands, specifically ifconfig.

As ever, a quick Google search took me here: -

which had me use: -

yum install net-tools

to install the net-tools package, which includes ifconfig, from the public CentOS mirror.

Of course,  had my VM not had network connectivity ……


I'll continue to tinker and post back in due course ….

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