Friday, 19 August 2016

IBM on Docker - My Next Thing

I'm looking at a new piece of discovery and self-development, so I'll be digging into Chef, Puppet, UrbanCode Deploy *AND* Docker 

So this will be required reading: -

TL;DR You can now take your Docker images for WebSphere Application Server Full and Liberty Profile into production and get support. We've provided some resources to build production Liberty images and made them available on WASdev GitHub.

IBM® Operational Decision Manager (ODM) application developers who are new to Docker might consider adding Docker to their development process. This tutorial shows how to build a Docker image for an IBM ODM Rule Execution Server and Decision Center that run on a WebSphere Liberty server. You also learn how to run the Rule Execution Server and Decision Center in a container from the Docker image. This content is part of the IBM Business Process Management Journal.

Watch this space

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Reminder - installing podman and skopeo on Ubuntu 22.04

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