Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Deploy an IBM Operational Decision Manager topology with Docker Compose

To be competitive, companies must build, deploy, and scale applications faster than before. With adoption of the continuous build and DevOps approaches, application architecture trends shift from a monolithic model to an assembly of microservices working together, potentially developed and operated by different teams.

Docker® is a popular open source technology to develop and deploy microservices as micro-containers. Each micro-container runs your microservice in isolation with an accelerated deployment, compared to deploying directly on the operating system or on hypervisor software.

With IBM® Operational Decision Manager (ODM), all lines of business in an organization can capture and automate their decision expertise to be applied to a large volume of data. IT and business users alike can manage the business decision logic that is used by operational systems within an organization. IBM ODM Standard covers all the authoring, test, simulation, deployment and operation tasks for your business policies (implemented as decision services).

You might wonder, "Can we leverage Docker technology when deploying IBM ODM?" For example, you might be interested in deploying IBM ODM Decision Center and Decision Server as micro-containers to support your DevOps lifecycle in an agile and automated way. More precisely, you can benefit from a simplified and accelerated deployment for your team's development and test stages. If you reproduce your IBM ODM environment through simulation, pre-production, and production phases, you benefit with repeatability in your deployment orchestration.

This tutorial focuses on how to prepare Docker images, instantiate micro-containers, and compose them to build an IBM ODM Standard topology, including the Decision Center and Decision Server Rules (the Rule Execution Server) components

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