Saturday, 7 July 2018

IBM API Connect V2018.3.1 is available

This just in: -

IBM API Connect V2018.3.1 is now available. This update includes important internal development fixes and support for the API Designer as part of the toolkit.


IBM API Connect 2018.x delivers enhanced capabilities for the market-leading IBM API management solution. In addition to the ability to deploy in complex, multi-cloud topologies, this version provides enhanced experiences for developers and cloud administrators at organizations.

The API Connect 2018.3.1 update includes important internal development fixes. In addition, this release includes the API Designer within the toolkit. API developers use the API management functions in the API Designer or the CLI to create draft API definitions for REST and SOAP APIs, or for OAuth provider endpoints that are used for OAuth 2.0 authentication. The API definitions can be configured to add the API to a Product, add a policy assembly flow (to manipulate requests/responses), and to define security options and other settings. APIs can then be tested locally prior to publishing, to ensure they are defined and implemented correctly.

Upgrading to 2018.3.1 makes changes to the underlying data structure of API Connect.  It is highly recommended to have automatic backups configured in your environment and at least one successful backup complete prior to performing this upgrade.

We advise all users of IBM API Connect 2018.1.x and earlier versions of IBM API Connect 2018.2.x to install this update to take advantage of the fixes.

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