Saturday, 27 January 2007

Lotusphere 2007 - what was it all about ( apart from beer, fun, beer, beer, fun, blogs ) ??

Lotus Connections

It's all about .... Social Networking

Lotus Notes and Domino 8

It's all about .... World class collaboration gets even better with new features and capabilities.

Lotus Quickr ( fka Lotus QuickPlace )

It's all about .... The fastest way to share everyday content across connected teams

Lotus Sametime 7.5.1

It's all about .... More than a product; a platform for unified communications and collaboration

IBM WebSphere Portal Express Version 6.0

It's all about .... Productivity for small & medium business

Lotus Component Designer ( fka Workplace Designer )

It's all about .... Lotus software for composite application development

Lotus ActiveInsight ( fka Workplace for Business Strategy Execution )

It's all about .... Sharpen business focus for better performance

Lotus Workforce Management

It's all about .... Help employees, managers and human resources be more productive

Enjoy !

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