Wednesday, 6 February 2008

All Right Now !!

Well, I scratch installed my Thinkpad ( using a Ghost image ) and ran
the WebSphere Portal 6.1 Beta installation again, and all went well.

This time, I did RTFM, and stuck with the default admin user ID and
password - this is beta software, after all.

All worked as expected, so I'm pleased to be out in the tent again.


Jacques said...

Hi Dave

Thanks again for your other post. It is where I found out you could use only Default..
Anyway. now I have a nice portal installed and it even has 2 connections. One internal (to other things like Notes/Domino) and one to the net..
Now, all I have to do is figure out how to configure a portlet to connect to my Domino server......
You know where I can find that info?

Dave Hay said...

Hi Jacques

If you hook up Portal to Domino for Single Sign-On, then you can get to a happy situation where Domino databases can be automatically detected and displayed.

As an example, a user can use the Domino Web Access (DWA) portlet to view their mail/calendar/contacts without needing to authenticate.

If you're looking to use the Lotus Notes View portlet, which is found on the My Databases, you'll also need to update the Domino Server Document, and set "Allow HTTP clients to browse databases" **USE CAUTION**

There's a lot you can do - configuring aspects such as Single Sign-On etc. really helps.

The wizards available in later releases of WebSphere Portal 6.0, and now in 6.1 beta, make this much easier than it was in the past.



Note to self - Firefox and local connections

 Whilst trying to hit my NAS from Firefox on my Mac, I kept seeing errors such as:- Unable to connect Firefox can’t establish a connection t...