Saturday, 23 February 2008

Wow, what a week !

It started well with a combined demonstration of WebSphere Portal ( and
Portlet Factory, of course ) and Lotus Quickr - all went well, and it
reminded me how sweet this stuff is.

Following on from that, had another demonstration where I dug into WPF
in more depth, showing how Profiling can be used to allow business users
to change the way in which the portlet/application operates by making a
simple menu choice. Also dug back into Quickr and WCM, focusing on how
they form two parts of a comprehensive portal solution - Quickr for web
document management and WCM for ... well ... web content management.

I got stuck into a thorny little challenge - how to use WPF on a Windows
PC to automagically deploy portlets to a Portal Express server running
on a separate Linux box - this involved Samba, file permissions and a
bit of jiggery pokery - thankfully, I had a document from a colleague
confirming how it could be done - I'm going to spend a little time on
this tomorrow, and write up my own notes.

Finally, I had lots of fun with Notes 8.0.1, including adding in the
Symphony/Quickr Connectors: -!default.jspa?threadID=4051

as well as configuring the My Widgets sidebar to allow me to drop in
widgets, gadgets, Notes views, feeds etc.

Anything else ? Nope, think that mostly covers it :-)


Unknown said...


Have you been able to install the Symphony/Quickr Connectors to the Notes 8.01 client? If so how did you do it?


Dave Hay said...

Hi Randy

Yes, I was able to install the Symphony/Quickr Connectors, download from here: -!default.jspa?threadID=4051

by enabling Notes for application installation/management. This involves adding: -

to: -


as per this dW article: -

Once I'd done this, and restarted Notes, I was able to install the Connector without problems - in essence, you download a ZIP file which can be extracted to a temproary file location, and then used as the installation source ( Add Folder Location ).

Hope this helps. If needed, I can supply a set of screenshots.


Dave Hay

Unknown said...

Thanks Dave,

That worked great.


Note to self - Firefox and local connections

 Whilst trying to hit my NAS from Firefox on my Mac, I kept seeing errors such as:- Unable to connect Firefox can’t establish a connection t...