Friday, 6 February 2009

Error "Database specified does not exist or cannot be accessed" received when attempting to synchronise Notes and BlackBerry

Using the most recent BlackBerry Desktop Manager v4.7.0.32, I was receiving: -

Database specified does not exist or cannot be accessed

when I tried to synchronise my BlackBerry 7130v with Lotus Notes 8.5.

This error was occuring regardless of whether I tried to synchronise address book, contacts or to-do lists.

As always, Google had the answer ( and Google is my friend ) - my Notes location document had my mailfile name/location incorrectly specified: -

Once I changed the document, synchronisation just simply worked ... and it seems much smoother than earlier versions. In theory, I can use Bluetooth ... w00t

1 comment:

Michael said...

You rock, thanks for the quick fix!

Note to self - Firefox and local connections

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