Wednesday, 4 February 2009

WCM Jumpstart - Updated for 6.1

Following an earlier blog post here discussing how the WCM Jumpstart sites can be deployed, Erik reminded me that I never found a 6.1 equivalent.

Well, I checked again - and my colleague, TheresaS, kindly directed me to the command: -

ConfigEngine.bat configure-express

command, which allows one to deploy the sample WCM content and templates on a non-Express environment.

This is documented here in the Information Center here -> Installing WebSphere Portal on Windows

Caveat - I haven't tried this ! Remember, your mileage may vary ....

1 comment:

Erik Sorensen said...

this worked pretty good Dave - thank you!

only thing I'd add to this is that it looks like you need to add the user "uid=xyzadmin,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm" to WAS before running the task

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