![]() | Hay, Dave \(IBM\) to: Dave Hay 18/05/2011 07:48 Hide Details From: "Hay, Dave \(IBM\)" <Dave.Hay@rbs.co.uk> To: Dave Hay/UK/IBM@IBMGB, Default custom expiration date: 17/05/2012 |
[wplc-add-property] Instance attributes (Set 1 of 1):
[wplc-add-property] attribute=[ *** NONE_SPECIFIED *** ]
[wplc-add-property] nsURI="http://www.ibm.com/websphere/wim"
[wplc-add-property] customproperty=[ *** NONE_SPECIFIED *** ]
[wplc-add-property] entityTypes="PersonAccount"
[wplc-add-property] repositoryId="TDSCollaboration"
[wplc-add-property] propertyName="ExchangeVersion"
[wplc-add-property] ignoreDuplicateIDs= *** NOT_SPECIFIED ***
[wplc-add-property] dataType="string"
[wplc-add-property] trimSpaces= *** NOT_SPECIFIED ***
[wplc-add-property] providerURL="corbaloc:iiop:dm.uk.ibm.comt:9809"
[wplc-add-property] multiValued="false"
[wplc-add-property] [05/18/11 07:47:18.613 BST] Looking up EJB: corbaloc:iiop:dm.uk.ibm.com.net:9809...
[wplc-add-property] [05/18/11 07:47:18.718 BST] security.LoadSCI
[wplc-add-property] [05/18/11 07:47:18.724 BST] security.GettingConfig
[wplc-add-property] [05/18/11 07:47:18.725 BST] security.AuthTarget
[wplc-add-property] [05/18/11 07:47:18.748 BST] Client code attempting to load security configuration
[wplc-add-property] [05/18/11 07:47:18.757 BST] security.ClientCSI
[wplc-add-property] Realm/Cell Name: CollaborationWorkBench
[wplc-add-property] User Identity:
[wplc-add-property] User Password:
[wplc-add-property] [05/18/11 07:48:12.711 BST] EJB ejb/com/ibm/websphere/wim/ejb/WIMServiceHome is found.
[wplc-add-property] [05/18/11 07:48:12.720 BST] Retrieving model schema...
[wplc-add-property] [05/18/11 07:48:12.762 BST] Model schema returned.
[wplc-add-property] [05/18/11 07:48:12.763 BST] Registering model schema...
[wplc-add-property] [05/18/11 07:48:12.797 BST] Model schema registered.
[wplc-add-property] [05/18/11 07:48:12.900 BST] Retrieving model schema...
[wplc-add-property] [05/18/11 07:48:12.939 BST] Model schema returned.
[wplc-add-property] [05/18/11 07:48:12.940 BST] Registering model schema...
[wplc-add-property] [05/18/11 07:48:12.962 BST] Model schema registered.
[wplc-add-property] Status = Complete
Hi, I have added a database user registry for WP7 and am trying to edit user profile with for e.g users email address, but it fails to do so.
Can you tell me is there any additional configuration to store attribute specific data in database registry?
Sorry, I've had no experience with database user registries. I suggest that you try the Wiki: -
or the older WP 6.1 Information Centre: -
Hey Dave.
If you add the admin credentials to the sas.client.properties, and set com.ibm.CORBA.loginSource=properties, it removes the prompt for these updates. I've been caught out with very slow X11 prompts and no idea why it appears to be hanging.
@Lee - cheers for this
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