Sunday, 15 May 2011

Out with the old name - WebSphere Portlet Factory - and in with the new - Web Experience Factory

I saw this on Raoul Munoz' Twitter stream.

IBM Web Experience Factory Next Beta provides new features and enhancements enabling faster and simpler creation of richer, more interactive and scalable applications including:
  • Mew mobile/multi channel builders
  • New CMIS (Microsoft Sharepoint and IBM Filenet) and IWCM builders for effective content integration
  • Leveraging latest and greatest including Web 2.0, Dojo, HTML5 and Offline Storage
  • Many new improvements making it faster and easier to develop
  • New samples making it quick and easy to learn
Up on the Wiki, Rob Flynn has also posted a PDF called What's New here.


Unknown said...

I just downloaded the latest beta. I really like the tool especially the new mobile features, but the new name? Really?!?


Dave Hay said...

@Brian - it's a tough call; WPF was always, in my view, mis-named, even before IBM acquired it, as it's a web application generator, rather than a web portlet generator.

Since then, IBM has added in support for Eclipse applications, iWidgets and much more, so the Portlet part of the name became somewhat irrelevant.


Note to self - Firefox and local connections

 Whilst trying to hit my NAS from Firefox on my Mac, I kept seeing errors such as:- Unable to connect Firefox can’t establish a connection t...