Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Customizing IBM Lotus Connections 3.0 email digests and notifications

For my current project, I was looking at a mechanism to customise the look, feel and content of IBM Connections email notifications.

Summary:  One of the primary new features of IBM Lotus Connections 3.0 is the email digest capability, which provides personalized daily and weekly newsletters that are generated based on the activities and updates in the user's social network. This white paper describes how to customize the daily and weekly digests emails, ranging from changing the look and feel of emails to more complex customizations such as adding your company-specific content to the email digests. In addition, this paper also covers customizing individual notification emails sent by the Lotus Connections services.

written by Vincent Burckhardt and Lorenzo Notarfonzo looks to be just the ticket.

Definitely worth a peek ….


HAITX said...

I deploy WebSphere Portal on cluster environment model. Why I can not create portal user use portal administrator? I just create portal user when i connect to Deployment manager console.

Here is log when i create user on portal administrator:

"EJPSG0015E: Data Backend Problem CWWIM4508E Virtual member manager failed to write to the 'F:WebSpherewp_profileconfigcellsIntranetCell ileRegistry.xml' file: 'CWWIM6009E All updates must be performed at the deployment manager and not at a managed node.'. EJPSG0015E: Data Backend Problem CWWIM4508E Virtual member manager failed to write to the 'F:WebSpherewp_profileconfigcellsIntranetCell ileRegistry.xml' file: 'CWWIM6009E All updates must be performed at the deployment manager and not at a managed node.'.
EJPSG0015E: Data Backend Problem CWWIM4508E Virtual member manager failed to write to the 'F:WebSpherewp_profileconfigcellsIntranetCell ileRegistry.xml' file: 'CWWIM6009E All updates must be performed at the deployment manager and not at a managed node.'.
CWWIM4508E Virtual member manager failed to write to the 'F:WebSpherewp_profileconfigcellsIntranetCell ileRegistry.xml' file: 'CWWIM6009E All updates must be performed at the deployment manager and not at a managed node.'.
CWWIM6009E All updates must be performed at the deployment manager and not at a managed node."

Dave Hay said...

@HAITX - I'm not really sure what you're trying to achieve, but it looks like you're trying to create a new WebSphere user ? It also appears that you're not securing portal against an LDAP directory, but against the local WIM file system registry ?

The error messages suggest that you need to create the user via the WAS Deployment Manager, rather than trying to create it within WebSphere Portal itself.

I'd also ask why you're choosing to use the file system registry, rather than an LDAP server such as Lotus Domino or Tivoli Directory Server ?

HAITX said...

Thanks Dave Hay!
Yes, I am trying to create a new WebSphere user and my system is cluster using default security (no ldap). My problem looks like:

I(portal Administrator) can create websphere user and Group use WAS Deployment Manager but WAS DMGR console link does not public on internet. How my customer can register through websphere portal?

Dave Hay said...

@HAITX - I suspect your best route forward is to use a LDAP user registry. Personally, I wouldn't recommend the WIM file registry for a production internet-facing environment, especially if you wish to provide a secure and robust environment.

WebSphere Portal supports a number of LDAP solutions, and incldues an entitlement to Tivoli Directory Server, if your budget is limited.

Note to self - Firefox and local connections

 Whilst trying to hit my NAS from Firefox on my Mac, I kept seeing errors such as:- Unable to connect Firefox can’t establish a connection t...