Friday, 27 July 2012

Following the script - installing IBM Lotus Domino using a response file ( silent installation )

This follows on from the series of posts that I started last month, which include:-

Following the script - installing IBM HTTP Server using a response file ( silent installation )

Following the script - installing and using IBM WebSphere Update Installer using a response file ( silent installation )

Following the script - installing IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator using a response file ( silent installation )

Following the script - installing IBM DB2 UDB using a response file ( silent installation )

More on automation - this time it's the DB2 UDB fixpack ....

I wanted  to include IBM Lotus Domino, as I needed an LDAP server for my IBM Connections 3.0.1 installation.

So here goes ...

Firstly, I'm using Domino 8.5.3 Fixpack 1, which I downloaded as: -


*UPDATE* I've also since used Fixpack 2 as well: -

As before, I am using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 for the installation, which I performed as root.

Before installing Domino, it's necessary to set two of the ulimits: -

open files                      (-n)
stack size              (kbytes, -s)

This is done via a change to the file /etc/security/limits.conf to which I add: -

* hard nofile 20000
* soft nofile 20000

to the end of the file.

These are the recommended values for Domino 8.

Right, onto the installation itself ...

First, I expanded the Domino code into my /tmp directory: -

$ cd /tmp
$ tar xvf /root/lotus_domino853_xlinux_en.tar

I then created a response file: -

$ vi ~/unix_response.dat

-G licenseAccepted=true
-W InstallDataOnlyOptionPanel.InstallDataOnly=false
-P installLocation="/opt/ibm/lotus"
-W normalData.installLocationData="/local/notesdata"
-W NameUserGroupPanel.UserName="notes"
-W NameUserGroupPanel.GroupName="notes"
-W SetupTypePanel.selectedSetupTypeId=EnterpriseServer
-W ServerSetupPanel.ServerSetupType="Manual"

I then created the required Domino user and group: -

groupadd notes
useradd -g notes notes
passwd notes

I then started the installation: 

$ cd /tmp/domino/linux/domino
$ ./install -options ~/unix_response.dat -silent

This initially failed with: -

Lotus Domino for Unix Install Program

The following OS patches or higher are missing. Please update all patches before starting the Domino Server.

which I overcame by installing the required libraries: -

$ yum install -y libXmu-1.0.5-1.el6.i686
$ yum install -y libXp-1.0.0-15.1.el6.i686

Second time around, the installation completed OK.

Once the installation had finished, I attempted to start the Domino server ( X11 was already running ): -

$ su notes
$ cd /local/notesdata
$ /opt/ibm/lotus/bin/server

Sadly this failed with: -

WARNING: the maximum number of file handles (ulimit -n)
           allowed for Domino is 1024.
         See Lotus Tech Note 1221870 and set the allowable maximum to 20000.
./java -ss512k -Xoss5M -cp jhall.jar:cfgdomserver.jar:./ndext/ibmdirectoryservices.jar lotus.domino.setup.WizardManagerDomino -data /local/notesdata
Please edit your shell's DISPLAY environment variable to reflect an unlocked terminal that you would like to launch the Domino Setup Program on.
*Warning all runtime debug info will be logged to /local/notesdata/setuplog.txt
Now I have seen this problem before, and immediately looked at the following IBM Technotes: -

Setting up a Domino server on a UNIX-based system

Error: "Please edit your shell's DISPLAY environment variable..." when launching Domino remote server setup

including running the command ( as root ): -
$ xhost +

but nothing was helped.

I then found this Technote: -

Red Hat 6 Linux OS: Domino will not install

which said, in part, that I was missing a bunch of required libraries: -

Domino requires the following packages to be installed. They can be located on the RHEL6 distribution disks or installed via RPM.


The packages listed above are sufficient to install Domino in silent and console modes.

To run GUI Domino installer, you will need additional xWindows packages:



To run GUI setup you will need two more packages:


In the end, this is what I ended up installing: -

$ yum install -y libXtst-
$ yum install -y libXmu-1.0.5-1.el6.i686
$ yum install -y libXp-1.0.0-15.1.el6.i686
$ yum install -y libXft-2.1.13-4.1.el6.i686
$ yum install -y --skip-broken libXft-2.1.13-4.1.el6.i686
$ yum install -y libXi-1.3-3.el6.i686

Note that libXft didn't go on - this became a real PITA.

The solution, as with many other things, was to hook up my RHEL VM to my company's network, from where I can connect to a Red Hat Enterprise Network mirror, and run: -

$ yum update

as root.

Once I updated my system to the latest and greatest RHEL 6.2, I was able to successfully install libXft and then start my Domino server.

The moral of the story ?

Ensure that your RHEL boxen is up-to-date before you start installing Domino.

Other than that, all is good.

Finally, I then updated Domino to 8.5.3 FP2 as follows: -

$ cd /tmp
$ rm -Rf linux             ( to clear down the original Domino installation code )
$ tar xvf /mnt/hgfs/Software/LD853/lotus_domino853FP2_linux_x86.tar
$ cd linux/domino
$ ./install -script script.dat

This uses the supplied response file to update Domino to 8.5.3 FP2.

Job done :-)

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