Thursday, 24 July 2014

How to automate IBM Integration Bus deployments using IBM UrbanCode Deploy and Chef

 How to automate IBM Integration Bus deployments using IBM UrbanCode Deploy and Chef 

IBM UrbanCode Deploy orchestrates and automates the deployment of applications, middleware configurations, and database changes into development, test, and production environments. You can use IBM UrbanCode Deploy with IBM Integration Bus to automate the deployment of integration applications and configure the resources they depend on. You can also use IBM UrbanCode Deploy to automate the installation and configuration of the IBM Integration Bus runtime.


Unknown said...

Link to the article is broken, can you please update it.

Dave Hay said...

Hmmm, alas, the article appears to have been removed, either accidentally or by design.

However, there is another version of the same article here: -

How to automate IBM Integration Bus deployments using IBM UrbanCode Deploy and Chef

plus this: -

Continuous build and deploy automation with IBM® Integration Bus V10 using Ant, Git, and Jenkins

Cheers, Dave

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