Tuesday, 17 November 2015

IBM BPM Advanced 8.5.6 - Sorting out the JDBC Data Sources

Following on from a much earlier post: -

I had a requirement to sort out the JDBC data sources / variables that lead to this: -

with an IBM BPM Advanced 8.5.6 installation on Linux on IBM Z ( aka LinuxONE )

Here's the Jython script I used: -

cellID = AdminControl.getCell()

AdminConfig.create('VariableSubstitutionEntry', '(cells/'+cellID+'|variables.xml#VariableMap_1)', '[[symbolicName "DB2_JCC_DRIVER_PATH"] [description ""] [value "${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/jdbcdrivers/DB2"]]')

AdminConfig.create('VariableSubstitutionEntry', '(cells/'+cellID+'|variables.xml#VariableMap_1)', '[[symbolicName "WAS_INSTALL_ROOT"] [description ""] [value "/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer"]]')

AdminConfig.create('VariableSubstitutionEntry', '(cells/'+cellID+'|variables.xml#VariableMap_1)', '[[symbolicName "UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH"] [description ""] [value "${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/jdbcdrivers/DB2"]]')

AdminConfig.create('VariableSubstitutionEntry', '(cells/'+cellID+'|variables.xml#VariableMap_1)', '[[symbolicName "PUREQUERY_PATH"] [description ""] [value ""]]')


and here's the result: -

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