Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Aide Memoire - F5 - Configuration Guide for BIG-IP Local Traffic Management

It's here: -

The BIG-IP® local traffic management system is specifically designed to manage your local network traffic. Local traffic management refers to the process of managing network traffic that comes into or goes out of a local area network (LAN), including an intranet.

This configuration guide applies to the set of local traffic management products that are part of the BIG-IP system family of products.

A commonly-used feature of the BIG-IP system is its ability to intercept and redirect incoming network traffic, for the purpose of intelligently tuning the load on network servers. However, tuning server load is not the only type of local traffic management. The BIG-IP system includes a variety of features that perform functions such as inspecting and transforming header and content data, managing SSL certificate-based authentication, and compressing HTTP responses. In so doing, the BIG-IP system not only directs traffic to the appropriate server resource, but also enhances network security and frees up server resources by performing tasks that web servers typically perform.

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