Friday, 8 July 2016

F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager ( LTM ) - Scripting It, Baby

Following on from my earlier posts: -

I've made yet more headway with this fascinating product.

I'd referenced this excellent post: -

which, in part, included the necessary F5 commands, using the tmsh utility, to set up a pair of network interfaces, some IP addresses and a default route: -


tmsh create net vlan external interfaces add { 1.1 { untagged } }

tmsh create net vlan internal interfaces add { 1.2 { untagged } }

tmsh create net self address vlan external
tmsh create net self address vlan internal

tmsh create net route Default_Gateway network gw

tmsh save sys config


However, I wanted to go further - I wanted to script the configuration of the necessary components: -

HTTPS Health Monitor
Virtual Server

to allow the F5 to do its job of (a) monitoring a downstream instance of IBM HTTP Server and (b) allow me to have IHS listening on port 8443 whilst the F5 receives traffic on port 443.

This is my IHS configuration, for the record: -

/opt/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl -DDUMP_SSL_CONFIG -f /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf

SSL configuration:
Default server
Server name:
SSL enabled: NO

SSL server defined at: /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf:852
Server name:
SSL enabled: YES
FIPS enabled: 0
Keyfile: /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/ssl/keystore.kdb
Protocols enabled: TLSv10,TLSv11,TLSv12
Ciphers for SSLV2: (protocol disabled)
Ciphers for SSLV3: (protocol disabled)

Syntax OK
and this is what I did on the F5 LTM: -

Create a HTTPS Monitor

This is the component that monitors the downstream IHS, so needs to "know" the HTTPS ciphers being used and the port. Note that, in Unix-land, port 8443 is "known" as pcsync-https ( just check /etc/services ) which is an alias for port 8443.

The Monitor also needs to send a well-formed HTTP/1.1 request, and wait for a proper HTTP response code e.g. 200 OK.

tmsh create ltm monitor https davehttps { cipherlist DEFAULT:+SHA:+3DES:+kEDH compatibility enabled defaults-from https destination *:pcsync-https interval 5 recv 200 send "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\\r\\nHost:\\r\\nConnection: Close\\r\\n\\r\\n" time-until-up 0 timeout 16 }

Create a Node

The node ( we typically have more than one ) refers to the downstream IHS box, specifically in terms of it's IP address or hostname

tmsh create ltm node { address }

Create a Pool

This is where the Monitor and the Node are brought together

tmsh create ltm pool members add { { monitor davehttps }}

Create a Virtual Server

This represents the service that the LTM offers to the client, which is where the magic "mapping" between the IHS port of 8443 and the exposed port of 443 happens

tmsh create ltm virtual IHS destination ip-protocol tcp mask pool profiles add { clientssl { context clientside } http{} serverssl{context serverside } tcp{} } source source-address-translation { type automap } vlans add { external internal } vlans-enabled 

Save the Configuration

I think this is implicit, but it never hurts to do it :-)

tmsh save sys config

Having run all of that, which takes about 5 seconds, I have a nice network map: -

an active pool: -

a working node: -

and a happy virtual server: -

More importantly, I can hit IHS directly: -

*AND* via the LTM: -

Note that, in the latter case, the connection is on port 443, which the browser automatically hides :-)

So I've still got some SSL certificate stuff to do, especially if I want to have the F5 use Mutual Authentication ( aka Client Authentication ) to the IHS box, but that's for another day ….

Update - 8 September 2016 - a smart F5 guru did advise me NOT to use the same IP address for BOTH the external interface AND the Virtual Server. Therefore, I've updated this post to show the external interface listen on but the Virtual Server listen on, as per this example: -


Max said...

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your valuable articles. I’ve received quite a few requests from clients requesting to secure their F5 BIG-IP published services to score an A+ on Qualys SSL Labs.

Test Results :

SSL 3 enabled
No support for TLS 1.2
Server accepts RC4 cipher, but only with older protocol versions
Server does not support Forward Secrecy with the reference browsers
prevent the Location HTTP header from exposing internal IP addresses

My first question is : How can we securing F5 BIG-IP LB to score A+ rating on SSL Labs ?
My Second question is : We want to publish on F5 BIG-IP LB like IBM Unica and/or TM1 as you know. URL : or BTW we have two IBM HTTP Server.

how can we write script to publish all of them on F5-BIG LB? Could you please provide me sample script for system with two IBM HTTP Server ?

HTTPS Health Monitor
Virtual Server

thanks and regards,

Dave Hay said...


Thanks for your comment. To be quite honest, I'd direct your client to F5 Networks directly, from whom they can purchase support and consultancy.

The scripts that I've shared on this blog are those that worked for me, using the F5 BIG-IP Virtual Edition 11.3, and may/not work on other versions of the software.

Similarly, I know that the 11.3 version that I'm using does not support TLS 1.2, whereas later versions e.g. 11.5 most certainly do.

Again, I'd strongly advocate your client to engage with F5 directly for support, consultancy etc.

Cheers, Dave

Max said...


many thanks for your feedback. Just suggestion could you please add F5 BIG-IP GUI config screenshots instead of F5 BIG-IP commands into this article? thanks again

Dave Hay said...

Hi, thanks for the comment. When time allows, I'll have a go. Cheers, Dave

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