Friday, 25 November 2016

Apple Calendar - Dealing with Spam invitations

So I keep receiving spam calendar invitations to my Apple Calendar, on iOS and macOS, which is a nuisance.

Thankfully, I found this: -

Log in to iCloud on the web, open your calendar, and go to ⚙ > Preferences. Under Advanced, you'll find an option to receive calendar invitations by email instead of straight into your calendar.

Ok so this works. Create a new calendar (Calendar/File/New Calendar) then open the bogus invite, you should see a drop down box; when you pull it down you'll see colour coded buttons for the original calendar/s and the new one - you can assign the invite to the new calendar by clicking on it (default name is 'new calendar'), then go to the sidebar (or click the top left button marked 'Calendars' if the sidebar isn't showing) and delete the new calendar. It takes a minute or two for the original calendar to update, but then it will be gone. And without replying to the invite! (I hammered all this out with an Apple online chat person, who at first told me to 'Decline' the invite, bad advice…)

Q: How do I block spam calendar invites

which allowed me to do this: -

Note that I did NOT click on the default button, but instead chose Delete and Don't Notify.

Nice :-)

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