Saturday, 13 May 2017

macOS Sierra and Apple Mail - Tinkering with Mail Signatures

On behalf of a friend, I've been tinkering with the signatures in  Mail, as included with macOS Sierra 10.12.4.

Things have changed since last I tried this, most importantly that it's not easy to add a HTML signature ( with fonts, images, links etc. ).

Thankfully, this blog helped: -

There are plenty of tutorials online to create an HTML signature in Apple Mail with older versions of OS X, and you have probably already seen one of my own tutorials on how to add HTML Signatures in Lion, Mountain Lion, iOS 7, Mavericks or Yosemite, El Capitan, but the process has changed ever so slightly for the new OS X Sierra (10.12). Here is how to do it:

The most important thing to remember is that the signature HTML file is stored in a so-called "secret" or hidden location: -


although, apparently, it may also be held on iCloud Drive.

These are the three files that I have: -

ls -l

total 24
-rw-r--r--@ 1 davidhay  staff  1117 13 May 17:28 AAB3F8DA-A379-44E7-A399-E976B2BFB2D1.mailsignature
-rw-r--r--@ 1 davidhay  staff   430 13 May 16:20 AccountsMap.plist
-rw-r--r--@ 1 davidhay  staff   385 13 May 16:15 AllSignatures.plist

meaning that I "merely" needed to edit the .mailsignature file: -

atom /Users/davidhay/Library/Mail/V4/MailData/Signatures/AAB3F8DA-A379-44E7-A399-E976B2BFB2D1.mailsignature 

and modify the <body> section: -



inserting my custom HTML ( created using Eclipse ).

As per the other blog, I did need to leverage: -

chflags uchg AAB3F8DA-A379-44E7-A399-E976B2BFB2D1.mailsignature 

and: -

chflags nouchg AAB3F8DA-A379-44E7-A399-E976B2BFB2D1.mailsignature 

to lock and unlock the file.

Now to see whether my "customer" likes her signature ...

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