Friday, 16 October 2020

Tinkering with Tekton - A useful read

As one of my many side-projects, I have been tinkering with Tekton Pipelines on the IBM Z ( s390x ) platform, and am currently looking at at an issue we've been seeing with Tasks and Ubuntu containers.

I found this to be a useful set of readings: -

Jenkins X Pipelines Internals

Jenkins X Pipelines Internals Part 1 — From GitHub WebHook Event to Tekton Pipeline

Jenkins X Pipelines Internals Part 2 — Meta Pipeline

Jenkins X Pipelines Internals Part 3 — Stages

Jenkins X Pipelines Internals Part 4— Steps

For reference, here's one of my earlier posts on Tekton from May: -

Build and deploy a Docker image on Kubernetes using Tekton Pipelines

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