Monday, 23 November 2020

Tinkering with Spotlight disk indexing in macOS 11 Big Sur

 Having upgraded to Big Sur last week, I'd noticed that Spotlight still hadn't completed disk indexing after ~7 days.

I was digging in further using Terminal: -

sudo mdutil -E /

Error: Index is already changing state.  Please try again in a moment.

sudo mdutil -i on /

Indexing enabled. 

sudo mdutil -i off /

Error: Index is already changing state.  Please try again in a moment.

sudo mdutil -s /

Error: unexpected indexing state.  kMDConfigSearchLevelTransitioning

None of this looked particularly good ....

Thankfully, a colleague showed me how to turn indexing off: -

sudo mdutil -a -i off

2020-11-23 11:12:08.988 mdutil[75847:1674629] mdutil disabling Spotlight: / -> kMDConfigSearchLevelFSSearchOnly
Indexing disabled.
2020-11-23 11:12:09.061 mdutil[75847:1674629] mdutil disabling Spotlight: /System/Volumes/Data -> kMDConfigSearchLevelFSSearchOnly
Indexing disabled.
/Volumes/Backups of Dave’s MacBook Pro:
2020-11-23 11:12:10.963 mdutil[75847:1674629] mdutil disabling Spotlight: /Volumes/Backups of Dave’s MacBook Pro -> kMDConfigSearchLevelFSSearchOnly
Indexing enabled. 

and on again: -

sudo mdutil -a -i on

Indexing enabled. 
Indexing enabled. 
/Volumes/Backups of Dave’s MacBook Pro:
Indexing enabled. 

and, now, things are looking better ....

sudo mdutil -s /

Indexing enabled. 

Spotlight is still eating battery : -

but .... we'll see ....

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