Friday, 29 May 2009

IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5 Upgrade Workshop - IBM Staines - 18 June and 2 July

Following on from the most excellent set of Lotus TechJam events earlier in the year, those clever yellow Lotus technical people are running another pair of similar events at IBM Staines in June and July.

I've posted the agenda here and would encourage you to ensure that your Domino developers, administrations and practitioners to attend, as it's sure to be awesome.

Please contact Nick Davis on 01256 344689 for further details, registration etc.

As a final sweetener, I know that they are planning to cover Domino on System i ( aka iSeries or AS/400 ) as well, which brings a lump to my throat, given that AS/400 was one of the first IBM platforms that I worked on ( apart from the humble IBM PC, XT, AT and PS/2, of course ).

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