Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Error "ERROR: Invalid bundled JVM. Missing 'jvm' file" when attempting to install Domino 8.5 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Haven't yet cracked this, but I will .......

Am getting: -

ERROR: Invalid bundled JVM. Missing 'jvm' file.

when I attempt to install Domino 8.5 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 7).

Initially, this presented at a simple fail when I ran /tmp/linux/domino/install ( having extracted the Domino 8.5 installation package ).

Following: -

I added the switch -is:log /tmp/foobar.txt to the command e.g.: -

/tmp/linux/domino/install -is:log /tmp/foobar.txt

which then gave me the "Missing 'jvm' file" error.

As I say, I've not yet cracked it but ......


Charles Robinson said...

Please post when you do. :-) I'm helping someone with a Domino 7.0.2 to 8.[something] migration and we're doing testing with various releases to figure out which one is the best fit. We keep running into all sorts of strange issues. Once I get them written up I'll post about the experience.

Mike said...

Hi there, got the same problem with Domino 8.5 on Ubuntu 8.04 amd64. Please post when you find a solution :)

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