Monday 29 June 2009

SMTP task fails to start on Domino 8.5 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3

When trying to start the Domino SMTP task on my RHEL 5.3 box, I kept seeing: -

SMTP Server: Listener failure: 'bindsock' is missing, not executable, not owned by root, not setuid root or user needs net_privaddr privilege
Suspending listen task for 20 seconds due to network errors
Unable to bind to port = 6400 errono = 98 "Address already in use"

As usual, a quick Google search ( other search engines are available ) pointed me at this TechNote: -

which indicated a conflict with the sendmail task.

Being a command line junkie, I used the following command to check that sendmail was, indeed, the culprit: -

chkconfig --list | grep -i sendmail

which returned: -

sendmail       0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:off 6:off

e.g. that it was set to run whenever the server was at runlevel 3 or 4.

Now I generally run my servers at runlevel 3 ( multiuser without X11 ), so this made sense.

That being the case, I disabled the task as follows: -

chkconfig --level 34 sendmail off

and checked that it was definitely OFF using: -

chkconfig --list | grep -i sendmail

Having done this, I then forced the sendmail task to shut down ( I could have simply rebooted ) using the command: -

killall sendmail

which then allowed the SMTP task to start after it's 20 second delay ( on port 25 ).

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Visual Studio Code - Wow 🙀

Why did I not know that I can merely hit [cmd] [p]  to bring up a search box allowing me to search my project e.g. a repo cloned from GitHub...