Monday, 17 August 2009

Downloading WebSphere Portal for Windows ...

Whilst trying to help a colleague download WebSphere Portal 6.1 for Windows, and realised that I hadn't written it down anywhere ( ! ), so here it is: -

Required CDs and downloadable images to install IBM WebSphere Portal Server v6.1.0.1

Windows (32- and 64-bit) CR7DVML Multilingual eAssembly

W-Setup C1TL1ML Setup CD - BM WebSphere Portal Server Install V6.1.0.1
W-1 C1TQ5ML BM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment for Windows x86-32
W-2 C1TR1ML IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment for Windows x86-64
W-3 C1U2UML IBM WebSphere Portal Server Server component (Disk 1 of 4)
W-4 C1U2XML IBM WebSphere Portal Server Server component (Disk 2 of 4)
W-5 C1U30ML IBM WebSphere Portal Server Server component (Disk 3 of 4)
W-5A C1U34ML IBM WebSphere Portal Server Server component (Disc 4 of 4)

Note that you don't necessarily need W-1 *AND* W-2, as they are 32/64-bit versions of WAS ND. Therefore, you can download one or t'other, depending upon your requirements.

Enjoy !

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