Friday, 7 August 2009

Using the IBM Portlet for Google Gadgets behind a proxy server

During an engagement earlier this week, we had a requirement to deploy the Google Gadgets Portlet into a portal ( WebSphere Portal Express ) where internet access is made via a proxy server.

Now I was aware that the GG portlet had been updated back in late 2007 to support proxy servers, but had never had a need to try it out ..... until now.

I was pleased to find that (a) it worked and (b) that it wasn't totally difficult to configure, although I'd have preferred to do the proxy setup via the doConfigure() method ( e.g. via a portlet menu ), rather than having to hack properties files etc.

However, this developerWorks article: -

BM Portlet for Google Gadgets - Product documentation

was of great help.

In essence, you need to edit a property file - - which is located within the portlet WAR file, and set the following parameters: -

Configuration parameters

Parameter Value

http.proxyEnabled Set to true if the portal server is in a proxied environment, otherwise, false.
http.proxyHost The host name of the HTTP Proxy Server
http.proxyPort The relevant port number of the HTTP Proxy Server
http.proxyCredentialSlotName Name of the Credential Slot that contains the authentication details for the HTTP Proxy Server. The credential slot must be of the type UserPasswordPassive.

and then restart the portlet, via the WAS administration console.

Nice !

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