Monday, 1 February 2010

WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer 6.1.5 - The Icon ...

Whilst setting up my "new" Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 portlet development machine, I wanted to create a few desktop launchers for those occasional moments when I'm running X11.

For one of my launchers, for WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer, I was looking for, and failing to find, the appropriate "old skool" Bowstreet Portlet Factory Designer icon.

Thanks to my work colleague, and all round good bloke ( who does a LOT of good work for charity ), Mr Mike "@spradders" Spradbery, I found the icon path to be as follows: -


so my launcher looks as follows: -

[Desktop Entry]
Name=WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer
Name[en_US]=WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer

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