Sunday, 27 March 2011

#LotusKnows the plugins that I need for Lotus Connections into Lotus Notes

Having recently switched back to using my Macbook Pro as my primary laptop ( it's so much lighter than the Thinkpad, but I do miss the Ubuntu goodness ! ), there's three particular Notes plugins that I really really missed from the other laptop: -

This plug-in allows you to generate a newsletter for any given Lotus Connections community directly from your Lotus Notes / Sametime / Symphony client.

Eclipse plugin for Notes/Sametime that alerts you of the content your colleagues are reading/creating in Lotus Connections.

WildFire is a Lotus Notes 8.5 Sidebar Application to Update Status's across a wide range of Social Networks including Sametime, Connections, Facebook, GTalk, PingFm, Plurk, Tumblr, Twitter, Wordpress and more!

I've now rectified the situation for the first two plugins, but I seem to be having a problem with WildFire, which seems to cause a few issues on the Mac, even though it works perfectly with Ubuntu.

I'm waiting on the genii, Matt Newman and Adam Brown, at ISW to help resolve it for me :-)


NotesSensei said...

Ubuntu runs just fine on Mac hardware
:-) stw

Dave Hay said...

Good point :-)

Note to self - Firefox and local connections

 Whilst trying to hit my NAS from Firefox on my Mac, I kept seeing errors such as:- Unable to connect Firefox can’t establish a connection t...