Monday, 10 September 2012

Lotus Notes 8.5.4 on Mac OS X - Killing me hardly (sic) ...

On occasion, I feel the need, the need to .... force Lotus Notes to quit, normally as a result of my living on the bleeding edge, and choosing to run the beta version of Lotus Notes 8.5.4 CD4.

Whilst there's a perfectly usable pair of applications to do this: -

located here: -

/Applications/Lotus\ Application\ Support/Collect\ Lotus\ Notes\ hang\ data\ and\ exit\
/Applications/Lotus\ Application\ Support/Collect\ Lotus\ Notes\ hang\ data\ and\ leave\ client\

this doesn't always work, especially for this beta version.

In that case, it's back to the old favourite, NSD.

***WARNING: This *could* result in lost data - use with caution, you have been warned: WARNING ***

On the Mac, this can be invoked as follows ( via Terminal, of course ): -

$ cd /Users/david_hay/Library/Application Support/Lotus Notes Data
sudo /Applications/ 

This typically takes a minute or so to complete, at least it does on my shiny new MacBook Pro with Retina Display, partially down to the super-fast Flash ( SSD ) drive.

Once completed, you have a nice set of log files located here: -

~/Library/Application\ Support/Lotus\ Notes\ Data/IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT/

which you could choose to send off to IBM Support, by way of a PMR.

***WARNING: This *could* result in lost data - use with caution, you have been warned: WARNING ***


Unknown said...

Where can one get the 8.5.4 beta for Linux?

Dave Hay said...

Hi Michael

You can register for, and download, the beta here: -

In addition, Ed Brill has just announced the Notes 9 beta, which is due to start later this week. You can register for that particular beta here: -



Reminder - installing podman and skopeo on Ubuntu 22.04

This follows on from: - Lest I forget - how to install pip on Ubuntu I had reason to install podman  and skopeo  on an Ubuntu box: - lsb_rel...