Friday, 28 September 2012

New month, new job - leaving Lotus, working with WebSphere

So, after precisely 3.5 years in IBM Software Services for Collaboration (ISSC), focused on portal, web content and collaboration solutions delivered by the IBM Collaboration Solutions ( formerly Lotus ) brand, I've now switched jobs, roles and brands to IBM WebSphere, and start as a consultant within the IBM Software Services for WebSphere (ISSW) team.

From an historical perspective, I'm going back to my roots - when I first joined IBM Software Group in 2000, I spent four years helping Business Partners and Independent Software Vendors port to, and test, their applications on WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Portal  covering a number of different OS platforms, including OS/400, AIX, Linux and Windows.

It wasn't until 2004-5, that I joined the Lotus brand, along with WebSphere Portal, and started to acquire a familiarity, understanding and interest in collaboration software - IBM Workplace, IBM Sametime, IBM QuickPlace ( now Quickr ), IBM Web Content Management etc.

More recently, in 2007, when IBM started to develop it's social software strategy, I acquired experience with, and a passion for, social software such as IBM Connections.

Interestingly, throughout this period, I continued to maintain a proficiency with WebSphere Application Server (WAS), mainly because it formed, and continues to form, a core component of a number of products within the Lotus brand. Of course, this didn't stop me acquiring an interest in other non-WAS-based products such as Lotus Notes / Domino.

So, after ten years focused on WebSphere Portal and eight years in Lotus, I'm returning to my roots.

Obviously, it's early days, but I expect to be focused on a number of new (to me) solution areas, including mobile ( IBM Worklight ), security and integration ( IBM DataPowerIBM Cast Iron etc. ), I'll also continue to focus on application server infrastructure, hopefully including IBM PureSystems and IBM Workload Deployer.

Right out of the gate, I expect to be learning more about the newest member of the WAS family, WebSphere Application Server V8.5, and it's Liberty Profile, starting on Monday 1 October.

During my time in Lotus, I have been privileged to work with the best, most passionate and intelligent people, both inside AND outside IBM, including my peers and colleagues in the UK team, my world-wide colleagues, the IBM Business Partner community and, perhaps most importantly, our customers.

Those who know me, and who have followed my exploits here on the blog and elsewhere, will know that I'll dedicate an equal amount of passion to my new job, brand and team, and will continue to share my acquired knowledge and experience whenever and wherever possible.

Keep in touch ...


Chris Whisonant said...


Keith Brooks said...

An endless circle but it makes sense and it's the world you love. Congrats!

Mat Newman said...

Congratulations Dave.

Stuart Keeble said...

Congrats and best wishes!

Andy Piper said...

Good choice - I spent 7 years in ISSW and they were some of the most varied, enjoyable, and challenging of my career. Great folks over there. Good luck and enjoy! said...

also my best wishes for your future, Dave. I decided to quit IBM after 15 years starting, most of them with Lotus. Take care, bernhard

Dave Hay said...

@Chris - thanks, it's going to be great

Dave Hay said...

@Keith - well, a (Web)Sphere is definitely a circle :-)

Dave Hay said...

@Mat - thanks mate :-)

Dave Hay said...

@Stuart - cheers, much obliged

Dave Hay said...

@Andy - yes, those ISSW folk DO definitely rock, lots to which to look forward

Dave Hay said...

@Bernhard - ah, likewise, good luck for the future, hope to cross paths again in the future - thanks for all your help with IBM Connections over the past three years or so

mcalleran said...

All thw best Dave, hope to still see you around.

Ben Williams said...

Congratulations Dave and good luck.

Dave Hay said...

@Mark - many thanks, will definitely see you and the gang at some point, even if it won't be at Lotusphere 2013 :-(

Dave Hay said...

@Ben - cheers, matey, keep in touch, and let me know if/how I can help with all your WAS needs

Reminder - installing podman and skopeo on Ubuntu 22.04

This follows on from: - Lest I forget - how to install pip on Ubuntu I had reason to install podman  and skopeo  on an Ubuntu box: - lsb_rel...