Tuesday, 11 March 2014

CWSIS1535E The messaging engine's unique id (ME_UUID) does not match that found in the data store

This is something that I have seen with IBM Business Process Manager and IBM Business Monitor implementations: -


When trying to start a WebSphere Application Server Messaging Engine, it fails to start and in the SystemOut.log you see this error: CWSIS1535E: The messaging engine's unique id does not
match that found in the data store.


The symptoms of this problem are that the WebSphere Application Server Messaging Engine will not start and the following messages appear in SystemOut.log:

CWSIS1538I: The messaging engine, ME_UUID=ME2_UUID, INC_UUID=INC1, is attempting to obtain an exclusive lock on the data store.
CWSIS1545I: A single previous owner was found in the messaging engine's data store, ME_UUID=ME1_UUID, INC_UUID=INC1
CWSIS1535E: The messaging engine's unique id does not match that found in the data store.  ME_UUID=ME2_UUID,ME_UUID(DB)=ME1_UUID


This problem occurs when the messaging engine detects it does not have exclusive ownership of the data store because the identifiers in the SIBOWNER table do not match those of the messaging engine. Messaging engine ME2 is trying to take exclusive locks on tables that are owned by ME1. This will never succeed.

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