Monday, 3 March 2014

IBM PureApplication System backup and restore

This from IBM developerWorks via Twitter: -

IBM® PureApplication® System is a cloud computing system-in-a-box with integrated hardware and software for deploying and executing workloads in a cloud. As with other systems, administrators should maintain a current set of backups of the system and its workloads. While the system backup feature in PureApplication System captures the system's configuration, other backup techniques are needed if you need to recreate or restore cloud, workload, or data components at a more granular level. This series of articles look at different aspects of backup and restore on PureApplication System, and Part 1 begins with an overview of the recovery scenarios for which you should be prepared.

Part 2 in this series of articles that look at different aspects of backup and restore on IBM PureApplication System provides details for workload administrators on how to back up the workload catalog (patterns, and so on) and the data in applications running in the cloud.

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