Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Securing IBM Business Process Manager

Thanks to Twitter for reminding me of this: -

IBM #BPM Good Practices Blog: How do you secure your IBM BPM environment? #bpmgp
12/03/2014 13:00

Good practice: Secure your IBM BPM environment

It is important to secure your IBM® Business Process Manager environment.

If you are on IBM BPM V8.0 or earlier, consult the IBM Redbooks® publication IBM Business Process Manager Security: Concepts and Guidance, which provides information about security that concerns an organization's business process management (BPM) program, common security holes that often occur in this field, and techniques for rectifying these holes. This book documents preferred practices and common security hardening exercises that will help you achieve a secured IBM BPM installation.

If you are on IBM BPM V8.5 or later, consult the Securing IBM Business Process Manager and applications.

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